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Asking for Refund

Asking for Refund

Read about asking for a refund.

Crocoblock pays a lot of attention to the satisfaction of clients. If the products do not meet the expectations or any other reason for not staying a Crocoblock customer, you can ask for a refund according to the Terms of Use.

Refund Terms and Conditions

Crocoblock proposes a 30-day money-back guarantee. Therefore you can ask for the refund within 30 days from your purchase date for any subscription. Besides, you can ask for the refund in the case of auto-renewal within 30 days from the auto-renewal date. 

Refunds do not cover: 

  • your bank fees;
  • exchange rates difference;
  • tax fees.

Read more about what refunds cover from the FAQ page.

Keep in mind that you can ask for the refund of a custom purchase as a whole but not for part of the purchase. For example, if you have bought two plugins as the same custom purchase, you would not get the refund for one of them.

You can send a refund request from your Personal Account or contact the support team (chat or ticket). After the refund request, you will receive a letter informing you a refund has been made. Usually,  it takes 1-2 business days to get the money back, but it depends on your bank. Otherwise, contact support.

How to Ask for Refund?

Log in to your Personal Account, and scroll down the Purchase Details block by clicking the “View details” link.

view details link window data-lazy-src=

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