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JetBooking + JetEngine
+ JetSmartFilters
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Manage Bookings
Build a booking form to get the details needed for the order. Add a calendar to showcase the available dates.
Determine additional services or specials coming optionally, which can raise the service’s initial price.
Allows attaching as many people as wanted to a single booking form and provide their personal details.
Set the automatic price calculator and add the total price field to the booking form.
Sync the schedule and automate the processes by integration with iCal, Google Calendar, Integromat, Zapier.
Establish the periods that are meant to be booked. Allows booking a stay on a weekly or daily basis.
The opportunity to set different booking rates for the same property depending on a number of guests.
Set the price variation according to a number of booked days: the longer the stay, the lower the per-night rate.
Calculate the booking period depending on the last booked date: whether it is included or not.
Numbers of possible bookings for same type of room on the same dates.
Booking Forms
Build a booking form and customize it top to bottom: fields, layout, style settings, etc. Get all user details you need and process the orders from the backend.
Allows filling the information in several small steps in the form and helps to organize the form better.
Make the submission messages fully custom. For cases when the form is successfully or failed to submit etc.
Pick and set the needed Post-Submit Actions and Notifications Settings after the user submits a form.
Google Calendar
A step-by-step Wizard functionality allows to readily manage the booking settings.
Dynamic Website Structure
Custom content type by analogy with post and page. Manage the website’s content and make it structured.
Expand the custom post types with the 18 meta field types. Add them to the CPTs to display attributes.
Сategorize the Posts Types, products and pages according to any clasification characteristics.
A personal data repository for every end-user. Store any post collections such as wishlists, favorites, likes.
Listing / Loop
grid layout example
slider layout example
carousel layout example
list layout example
masonry layout example
listing injection layout example
map listing layout example
calendar listing layout example
Hide one part of the listing under a corresponding button/widget and showcase it on demand.
Booking Filters
search filter widget
date range widget
range filter widget
select filter widget
checkboxes filter widget
pagination option
Indexer (Auto Count / Dynamic Count)
Gets the search results right away after the filtration applied without reloading the page.
Filter several widgets of different providers like Map Listing and Listing Grid placed to the same page.
Obtain the needed filter URL structure in the adress bar by picking Plain or Permalink options.
Use several meta field keys to filter the posts according to several meta fields' data. Use several meta field keys to filter the posts according to several meta fields' data.
More Features inside JetEngine Plugin
Create the database tables storing CCT metadata. Query and export data faster to save server resources.
Create and manage any global website data in one place like company address, or phone number.
Interrelate posts from CPT and CCT, users and taxonomy terms choosing the relevant type of relations.
Dynamic Visibility, Conditional Logic, Dynamic Function, Dynamic Tag, Macros and Queries
Account Pages, Registration & Login Form, Profile Page, Restrict Admin Area Access, Front-End Post Submission, Post Publishing Rules by Roles, Permalinks Structure, Sample Profile Pages
Rest API Endpoint Management for CCT, Rest API Listings, Rest API Notifications/Actions for Forms
Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.
Ability to create a set of Meta data and use it as a source for options in any CPT, form and filter.
Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.
Display posts, products, users, comments, terms CCT and REST API data in a dynamic tables.
Add dynamic charts to your site with all the neccessary numeric data from posts, products, users, comments, CCT.
ACF, Toolset Integration
Yoast Seo plugin
Math Rank Seo plugin
More Features inside JetSmartFilters Plugin
visual filter widget
radio filter widget
alphabet filter widget
Display the already chosen filters, deactivating each tag, or all at once by clicking Remove filters button.
Allows users to apply multiple filters and add the redirect path to the already filtered results page.
Updated 01/09/2021

What is the topmost functionality to build a booking website? Let's figure it out by comparing three standalone booking solutions – WooCommerce Booking, MotoPress Hotel Booking, and Booking Solution by Crocoblock.

Manage bookings

Crocoblock's Booking Solution incorporates three plugins. JetBooking is the actual booking plugin that covers availability calendar, booking forms, manageable rates, payment system integrations, automatic confirmation, booking periods, 4 third-party services to sync, booking Wizard, and a lot more. The remaining two plugins are JetEngine and JetSmartFilters. This solution is priced at $69 for 1 website and $142 for unlimited websites.

WooCommerce Booking comes at $249 yet offers a decent range of booking features. In addition to those mentioned above, this solution adds up the pre-booking and cancellation policy. On the flip side, it lacks the flexibility in calculating booking periods (per nights/per days) and can be synced to Google Calendar and Zapier only.

As to MotoPress Hotel Booking, it comes at a fixed price – $89 and $199 for 1 and unlimited websites accordingly. Its booking feature set does not supersede the two previously reviewed solutions. Unlike Crocoblock, it offers a pre-booking and cancellation policy and supports 4 different payment system integrations. However, there's no hourly booking option, it's hard to say whether the per nights/per days booking period calculation is possible, it has no booking Wizard, and can be synced with Google Calendar and iCal only.

Dynamic website structure

A booking website is impossible without property pages and dynamic content blocks. Crocoblock Booking Solution embraces everything one can need to build a dynamic booking architecture: custom post types and meta fields, taxonomies, listings, as well as various layouts (slider, masonry, grid, and custom templates).

WooCommerce Booking boasts the same range of key dynamic features whilst being not so flexible in terms of listing items' layouts (only custom templates supported).

MotoPress Hotel Booking offers as much functionality as Crocoblock except for masonry grid layout.

Booking filters

All three booking solutions support availability search and can be used to create filtering structures.

Added value

Crocoblock Booking Solution lets you boost the booking site building efforts. It incorporates additional functionalities, which you can use to build user profiles (Profile Builder), create data repositories for user content (Data Stores), set more Advanced Filtering, build Frontend Forms other than booking, and add extra dynamics to your website.

The benefits enumerated in the first three paragraphs allow you to build feature-packed booking websites of any complexity. But only thanks to added value, you will manage to create a multi-vendor hotel booking site like a vacation rental.

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