WPML Multilingual plugin
Yoast Seo plugin
Rank Math SEO
Custom content type by analogy with post and page. Manage the website’s content and make it structured.
Create the database tables storing CCT metadata. Query and export data faster to save server resources.
Custom fields
text widget
date widget
time widget
datetime widget
textarea widget
wysiwyg widget
switcher widget
checkboxes widget
iconpicker widget
media widget
gallery widget
radio widget
select widget
colorpicker widget
posts widget
number widget
advanced map widget
posts relationship widget
autocomplete widget
Multiply content for the post, product, single page to add one more guest, team member, social icons.
Group the custom meta fields to add extra information to posts, taxonomies, CPTs, WP user.
Сategorize the Posts Types, products and pages according to any clasification characteristics.
Create and manage any global website data in one place like company address, or phone number.
Interrelate posts from CPT and CCT, users and taxonomy terms choosing the relevant type of relations.
posts only
posts and terms only
A personal data repository for every end-user. Store any post collections such as wishlists, favorites, likes.
Listing / Loop
grid layout example
slider layout example
carousel layout example
list layout example
masonry layout example
listing injection layout example
map listing layout example
calendar listing layout example
Listing / Loop Additional functionality
Hide one part of the listing under a corresponding button/widget and showcase it on demand.
Adjust the per-page navigation to switch between the different pages of the listing fast and freely.
Used to make the next set of posts come into sight automatically, as soon as the user reaches the bottom of the page.
Content Visibility
Set content visibility for the elements on a page, based on meta fields’ values, user data, and other rules.
Configure the visibility of certain meta fields, according to the dynamic rules you set.
Set the dynamic calculations to your listings to showcase the avarage or min/max, summed, count field values.
Display the post count, average reviews rating, or price per day/night from the meta fields to the widgets.
Show the child-related posts or exclude category term in the listing grid, map listings, advanced calendar.
Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.
Display posts, products, users, comments, terms CCT and REST API data in a dynamic tables.
Add dynamic charts to your site with all the neccessary numeric data from posts, products, users, comments, CCT.
Profile Builder / Membership
Registered users get an account page from where they can access all his/her posts, payments, comments etc.
Adds menu items: User Posts, Add New Post, User Settings, or custom ones to navigate the Account page.
Build a custom Single User page with all the contact info, own listings and favorite posts.
Make default WordPress admin area accessible only for selected user roles.
Get all required fields to build a complete registration form with only one click.
Submit and edit the post with any type of the content by different user roles with or without being logged in.
Sets maximum allowed posts count to insert by user roles and adds "posts limit reached" custom message.
Built custom permalinks of user’s public pages: by username, nickname, or user ID to get the dynamic URL.
Import presets: user profile with editable content and editable user settings page for user profile.
Form Builder / Front-end Forms
Set and customize forms with the help of various field types that can work with any kinds of requests.
Allows to add the groups of fields to the front-end form and count the value for every row.
Specify the visibility for every field in the form for different users: all, only logged in, or not-logged in.
Apply one or multiple rules for every form field: show or hide the field, or fill it with pre-set data.
Counts CPT or form meta field values with the help of the different math formulas based on macros.
Pre-set form field value is an option to add the autofill according to the settings you apply.
Allows filling the information in several small steps in the form and helps to organize the form better.
Make the submission messages fully custom. For cases when the form is successfully or failed to submit etc.
Pick and set the needed Post-Submit Actions and Notifications Settings after the user submits a form.
Allows enabling the PayPal Payment Gateway and customize its settings: notifications queues, messages etc.
Automate repetitive tasks and the processes you’ve had to handle manually.
Boost your e-mail marketing by integrating the forms with MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, or GetResponse.
Activates/Deactivates JSON REST API endpoints for CCT. Allows to add, edit, delete CCT items with the REST API.
Allows pulling out the data from third-party sources to the Listing Grid widget with the help of the JSON API.
Configure authorization parameters: custom body of API request in JSON format, dynamic part of URL request.
Additional Features
Generate shortcode to output JetEngine-related data anywhere in content
Import and export the previously created CPTs, meta fields, terms, user info from one website to another.
Ability to create a set of Meta data and use it as a source for options in any CPT, form and filter.
No info
No info
No info
Updated 01/09/2021

Building a fully functional dynamic website in WordPress is not too challenging anymore, thanks to plugins designed to do all the most demanding work. Advanced Custom Fields, Toolset, and Meta Box are probably the top-of-mind tools here. Let’s compare these plugins between each other and the Crocoblock JetEngine.

Dynamic Website Structure

The more complex the website is, the more advanced features it requires from plugins for its development. However, no site structure can be created without features like Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, Repeater Custom Field, Custom Meta Boxes, Custom Taxonomies & Terms, Posts Relations, and Options Page.

All the considered plugins generally cover these functions, but to varying degrees. For example, only Crocoblock has such a custom field type as Iсopiсker. Also, Crocoblock JetEngine is the only solution that allows you to create a personal data repository for every user to store any post collections.

Custom Content Types is a neat feature that allows storing all CCT metadata in separate database tables, allowing you to query and export data twice faster and save server resources. Crocoblock is the only provider that offers such an option at no additional cost.

Dynamic Content Output

Extract the user data, data from the custom post types, meta fields, taxonomies, option pages, and display it dynamically on the website. Each provider from the list offers unique widgets and listings for displaying dynamic fields.

Dynamic Visibility

It is a module that allows users to adjust the dynamic visibility parameters for every content element on the page depending on user data, meta fields’ values, and other conditions.

Such an option exists only within the Crocoblock and Toolset.

Advanced Dynamic Options

To create simple websites such as a portfolio or a news site, the functionality we discussed above will be more than enough. However, if you need to develop something more complicated like a Multivendor marketplace, you will need functionality as Front-end Forms, Profile Builder, Membership, and Rest API. This is a unique set of tools that only Crocoblock provides.