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How to Change WordPress Dashboard Access Details

How to Change WordPress Dashboard Access Details

From this tutorial, you will find out how to change the login and password you use to log in to the WordPress Dashboard.

For that reason, it’s important to know how to change the admin panel details in order to defend your data.

First, log in to your server’s cPanel where you usually manage your website.

server’s cPanel

After that, open the PHPMyAdmin and look for your database title (this should be the database connected with your WordPress installation).

Then, open the wp-users table and click Edit option.

Afterward, locate the user whose password and login you want to change. Click Edit again in order to access the details.

PHPMyAdmin settings

Change the username in the user_login and the password in the user_pass fields. Then save the changes.

username in the user_login and the password in the user_pass fields

Now you can easily change the login credentials to your Dashboard if there’s a need.

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