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JetProductGallery Dashboard Overview

JetProductGallery Dashboard Overview

In this tutorial, you will find information about the process of enabling and disabling JetProductGallery widgets.

In case you want to increase the loading speed of your WordPress website, the best option is to disable some unused widgets. Also, at any time, you can enable the needed the JetProductGallery widgets, which will be available in the Elementor and Gutenberg editors.

Enabling and disabling JetProductGallery widgets

In the WP Dashboard, go to Crocoblock > JetPlugins Settings > JetWooProductGallery > Widgets section, and there you will see the Available Widgets block with Gallery Anchor Navigation, Gallery Grid, Gallery Modern, and Gallery Slider widgets.

jetwooproductgallery widgets

Tick widgets in the Elementor or Gutenberg panel

Tick the appropriate widgets, and they will appear in the Elementor panel.

jetgallery widgets elementor

That is how they will look in the Gutenberg editor.

jetgallery widjets gutenberg

Disable JetProductGallery widgets

If you want to disable any JetProductGallery widget, remove the check near it. The setting will be saved automatically.

jetwooproductgallery widgets disabling

That’s all. You know now how to enable and disable JetProductGallery widgets.

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