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Using the Posts Meta Field to Display Related Posts from WordPress Dashboard

Using the Posts Meta Field to Display Related Posts from WordPress Dashboard

Output the related post types from the WordPress dashboard added via the JetEngine Posts custom field on the front end by the Dynamic field widget.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version) or Block editor (Gutenberg)

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated

    with the Custom Post Type and the Listing item for posts created.

Create a New Meta Field

Go to JetEngine > Post Types and click to edit the generic post type. Add a new meta field type Posts to it, as shown below. If you want to display multiple posts, enable the Multiple toggle.

adding and setting new meta field

Proceed to the Posts Editing

Click to edit the post type you want other posts to be attached. Scroll down to the meta field you’ve added and assign the related posts.

selecting related posts

Open the Listing in Elementor. Drag and drop the Dynamic Field widget to it. Then select Meta Data as the “Source” and pick the meta field you’ve created previously in the “Meta Field” select. Activate the Filter field output toggle and enter the proper callback – Related posts list.

setting related posts in elementor

Update the changes and check the front end via outputting the listing item to a needed page with the Listing Grid.

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