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Form Fields
select widget
radio widget
checkboxes widget
text widget
textarea widget
number widget
date widget
datetime widget
time widget
media widget
Select Image
wysiwyg widget
range filter widget
Pulls out the form fields to the front end via Gutenber or Elementor page builders in an organized way.
No Elementor widget
No Elementor widget
Use the form's shortcode to add it via any page builder to the front-end.
Customize your form the way you want: style up every form field or apply the style settings to the whole form.
CSS only
CSS only
Organizes multiple form fields into several columns to make the long-form structured and more compact.
Allows filling the information in several small steps in the form and helps to organize the form better.
Allows users to submit media, images, documents, audio, and video files through the form.
Creates first level of data validation and guides the user through the data format shown as the masked input.
Edit the fields' labels and descriptions in the Gutenberg page editor area directly.
Generates the numbers range via Checkbox, Select, and Radio field types dynamically.
Form Patterns
Global Form Macros Allows adding the form values into another form fields labels, description, etc.
Smart features
Apply one or multiple rules for every form field: show or hide the field, or fill it with pre-set data.
Pre-set form field value is an option to add the autofill according to the settings you apply on the backend.
Specify the visibility for every field in the form for different users: all, only logged in, or not-logged in.
no info
for everyone or admin only
Counts CPT or form meta field values with the help of the different math formulas based on macros.
Saves all forms' entries into a separate database and outputs them into a WordPress dashboard.
Adds advanced settings to a built-in Color Picker field: HEX or RGB data saving format and color opacity option.
Hierarchical Select Outputs hierarchical terms in a multilevel select field
Lets the auto-loading of the field values via AJAX in the Select field input.
Supports Geocode, Address, Establishment, Region, Cities and multiple countries restrictions.
Plan when you need to display or hide the form: day, time, or to make it visible within a certain timeframe.
Anti-double booking feature. Enables the date check up during the form submission and before rendering.
no info
no info
Restrain the users' form submissions by IP address, Cookie value, Session value, and the “logged-in” status.
no info
Control the number of the form submissions by indicating the desired responses quantity.
Enables storing the form calculations, triggered fields conditions, active steps on multi-step in Local storage.
Form Validation
Adds Required Mark to any form field to make it obligatory for user to be filled in.
Make the submission messages fully custom. For cases when the form is successfully or failed to submit etc.
Allows to customize the error notifications, restriction messages by adding shortcodes or/and macros.
Enables the spam-prevention for your site starting from your form.
Post Submit Action
Get all required fields to build a complete user registration or update form with only one click.
Allows redirecting user after the form was submitted to any static page, custom URL or current page.
no info
Once the form is submitted the user receive custom or admin email, or email from submitted form field.
Submit and edit the post with any type of the content by different user roles with or without being logged in.
Allows adding Login User form to a site with 3 basic fields: login, password and checkbox field "Remember me"
Email Marketing & Automation Integration
Active Campaign
CRM & Sales Integration
Payments Integration
Provides the PayPal recurring payments option. Allows creating payment forms for the subscriptions.
no info
WooCommerce Cart & Checkout Action Adds one product to a cart and skips redirect to cart option, while it redirects to checkout directly.
Developer friendly features
Allows to submit the form without a page refresh for better user experience.
Webhook links a form to 3rd party apps. Form action provides WP action and WP filter to perform a hook.
Advanced HTML
Updated: 04/05/2022