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How to Install Crocoblock Dashboard with Crocoblock Wizard

How to Install Crocoblock Dashboard with Crocoblock Wizard

Check out how to complete the installation of JetPlugins, themes, skins, etc., with the help of the Crocoblock Wizard.

Download the Crocoblock Wizard

After purchasing the Crocoblock subscription, you get your account created on our website.


Crocoblock Wizard is available only to users with All-Inclusive access. This feature is not supported in the Custom Subscription Plan.

The Downloads section of your account contains a catalog of plugins, which you can download separately.

Also, in the Installation section of the Extras block, you can find Crocoblock Wizard.

Click the “Download” button on the right to download the Crocoblock Wizard archive.

Or, press the namesake button on the corresponding banner below.

crocoblock wizard in the account

Make sure that the file you choose to upload is in .zip format. Otherwise, the installation will not be successful.

Proceed to the WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New. Here, click the “Upload Plugin” button at the top.

upload plugin button

Afterward, choose the Crocoblock Wizard archive and click the “Install Now” button.

install now button

Activate the Wizard

Once the installation is complete, you should activate the plugins by clicking the “Activate Plugin” button.

installing plugins page

Then, you’ll see the installation options. You can choose the installation itself, Export skin, Import skin, or Interactive Popup Library.

Let’s review the Installation option. To do so, click on the central “Let’s Go” button.

installation wizard start page

In the screen below, you will see the field for entering your license key. Fill it in and press the “Get Started” button.

license key field

If you purchased any All-Inclusive subscription plans, you will be asked to choose between the Full Crocoblock installation and Jet Plugins installation.


If after entering the license key, you see the Internal Error! message, it means that a server connection issue occurred. After the message appears, you will see the Download Report guide. It contains some specific information about an error. Download it and send this report to our Support team. It will be fixed as soon as possible.

select installation type radio

Now, we will choose the “Full Crocoblock installation.” Afterward, click the “Select installation type” button.

Things to know

If you do not want to go through the complete installation, select the "Jet Plugins installation" option. In this case, move to the Choose the Necessary Plugins part of the article.

Go Through Full Crocoblock Installation

Сhoose the theme you would like to use with Crocoblock: “Kava,” “Blocksy,” “OceanWP,” “Astra,” “GeneralPress,” or “Hello Theme.” If you already have a preferred template, click the “Continue with your current theme” button.

We are going to select the “Kava” theme.

theme selector

You can continue with either the parent or child theme. Both options are available in the Use child theme? page. Keep in mind the developers recommend using the child theme to ensure the safety of changes in your code. 

We will pick the “Use the child theme” option. Next, click the “Continue” button.

use child theme page

After the theme has been successfully installed, you can select the skin and start the installation. Two tabs are presented here.

The first tab is Dynamic templates. These can be set once and filled automatically further.

dynamic templates tab

The next tab is called Design templates. Here, you will find many skin designs suitable for all the themes Crocoblock offers. Choose any you like and click the “Start Installation” button. 

If you’d like a quick view of the available skins, hit the “View Demo” button under each and choose the suitable one.

design templates tab

After making your decision, click the “Start Installation” button.

Choose the Necessary Plugins

Now, you can see the Configure plugins page. It will consist of two sections for the All-Inclusive clients and one – for all the others.

The first section is Required Plugins, which is common for the All-Inclusive package and all other subscription plans. You can turn off some plugins if you don’t need them in your work.

The second section, Extra Plugins, is available only for All-Inclusive plan owners and exhibits a list of optional plugins available for installation. If you want to add functionality to your website, just tick the boxes on the left.

select plugins page

At the bottom of this block, click the “Continue” button. Or, if you don’t want to install plugins, hit the “Skip” button.

It will take a few minutes to install all the needed settings. You can watch the progress on your screen.

install plugins page

Decide on a Content

After the installation is complete, you will see the Demo Content Import page, where you should select what to do with your existing content.

If you need to add content to your existing one, please choose the “Append demo content to my existing content” option.

To install new content instead of the existing one, choose the “Replace my existing content with demo content” option.


Everything created before selecting the “Replace my existing content with demo content” option will be deleted, so ensure there is nothing vital for you on the website.

Alternatively, you can “Skip the demo content installation. After you’ve made your choice, click the “Continue” button.

demo content import page

After that, you will see a progress bar that showcases the Importing sample data progress.

importing sample data process

The next to be shown is Regenerating thumbnails progress.

regenerating thumbnails page

Finally, after completing all the steps, you will be redirected to the Congratulations! You’re all set! page, which provides access to your site, editing pages, or Crocoblock Dashboard.

congratulations you are all set page

Also, check how to export or import any preferable skin.

That’s all; now you can start exploring opportunities that you have just obtained with the Crocoblock Wizard and JetPlugins on your WordPress website.

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