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How to Create Appointment Booking Forms

How to Create Appointment Booking Forms

Learn how to create appointment booking forms, manage their settings, and add to CPTs, posts, pages, and/or archive pages using JetPlugins.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version) or Block editor (Gutenberg)

  • WooCommerce plugin (Free version) installed and activated

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated with Provider and Service CPTs created. If you have not done this yet, please follow this tutorial

  • JetFormBuilder plugin installed and activated

  • JetAppointment plugin installed and activated

  • JetThemCore plugin installed and activated

The JetFormBuilder plugin creates forms with 18+ standard field blocks and arranges them in multi-column layouts. If the JetAppointment plugin is activated, the JetFormBuilder plugin adds special appointment blocks with different post-submit actions. With the JetEngine plugin, the JetFormBuilder plugin builds various appointment systems.

The JetAppointment plugin creates two types of appointments:

  • single services only (is the primary appointment system without particular block usage and managing their settings). The tutorial Creating Forms with JetFormBuilder: Overview details the form building;
  • single services and their providers (for example, one doctor can provide some different services) with the application of the Appointment Provider and  Appointment Provider blocks.

JetAppointment Settings for the Service-Provider system

Navigate to WP Dashboard > Crocoblock > JetPlugins Settings > JetAppointments > General Settings tab. Unroll the Service post type and Provider post type drop-down menus and select the appropriate CPTs (here, the Doctor CPT is the provider, and the Services CPT is the services with one-to-many relation set).

service and provider post type settings
Things to know

To use the JetFormBuilder plugin for appointment forms, choose JetFormBuilder from the Create a form in the drop-down menu while setting the JetAppointment plugin. The tutorial JetAppointment: Wizard Plugin Installation details this process.

Creating Forms

Navigate to WP Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Add New to create a new form.

jetformbuilder settings

The JetFormBuilder plugin creates forms in the Gutenberg editor by default. 

default jetformbuilder form

Type the form name (here, Appointment Form). The hidden field is added by default: type the field name in the Form Field Name field (here, service_id), and select the Current Post Id option from the Field value drop-down menu.
Press the “+” button, unroll the menu with blocks and patterns, and drag-n-drop the necessary fields (here, the text field block to add the user’s data).

jetformbuilder blocks and patterns

The JetFormBuilder Plugin: Looking Through General Settings Section  details the JetFormBuilder block settings and how to manage them.

To create a service-provider appointment form, find the Appointment Provider block and add it to the form.

appointment provider block adding

Type the form name (here, Appointment Form) and select the Current Post Id option from the Field value drop-down menu.

provider field block settings

Find the Appointment Date block and drop it into the form.

appointment date block added

Add the following settings to this block:

appointment date block settings
  • select the Current Post ID option from the Get Service ID from the drop-down menu;
  • select the Form Field option from the Get Provider ID From the drop-down menu. This option turns on the Select Provider Field drop-down menu ー select the Appointment Provider’s Field Label (here, provider_id).

Appointment Settings

The form has the Action button added by default with the Submit default text. Navigate to the settings of the Action button block and type the necessary text (here, Make an Appointment).

Select the Submit Form option from the Field Setting drop-down menu.

appointment setting customization

WooCommerce integration

Apply the post-submit actions for the form. Select the Make an appointment option from the drop-down menu and press the pencil icon to edit this action.

make an appointment option settings

If the JetAppointment > Settings > General > WooCommerce integration toggle is enabled, the Make an Appointment option pop-up displays the settings integrated with WooCommerce.

Adding Post Submit actions

Add another post-submit action if necessary by pressing the “+ New Action” button (here, Send Email to confirm the appointment).

post submit action settings

Adding the appointment form data to CPTs

The JetAppointment plugin collects appointment data to manage appointments via its dashboard.
Users can specify CPTs to collect the submitted appointment data by selecting the Insert/Update Post option from the Post Submit Actions tab.

adding the booking form data to cpts

Choose the necessary CPT from the drop-down menu and other options to specify meta-fields to save the appointment data. 

Press the “Update” button to save changes.

Press the “Publish” button to publish the form.

Appointment Appearance

If the JetAppointment plugin is enabled, users can set different time schedules: Slots, Time Picker, and Recurring. The JetFormBuilder plugin, in its turn, will take into account these settings and display the Appointment Date block according to the JetAppointment plugin settings.

Adding the Form to Single Pages

Users can add the built form to single pages in Elementor or Gutenberg.

Create a single page to display the Service CPT (here, Services CPT).

single page settings

Find the JetForm widget and drag-n-drop it where needed. Select the built form from the Choose Form drop-down menu. Add the built form (here, Appointment Form).

etformbuilder widget for the single services page

The image below shows the front-end view of the added single services-providers form.

 front-end view of the single services page

That’s all about how to create appointment booking forms.

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