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How to Set Price per Hours and Minutes

How to Set Price per Hours and Minutes

Discover how to implement an hour/minute payment step by step with the JetAppointment plugin.

JetAppointment presents a feature that allows you to set the price not only for the slot but also for an hour or minute. Find out how to define the desirable price more conveniently than ever.

Set a Service Price

Begin with JetAppointment Settings if you haven’t modified them yet. Once the Services and optional Provider(s) Post Types are chosen, navigate to the post type you have selected in the corresponding drop-down menu.

Open the post to adjust the Price per field. 

The first option is the default “Slot.” It defines the price for the entire service.

price per slot

The next one defines setting a price for an hour. Choose this option to trigger the Price per hour field and complete it.

Things to know

The price will be rounded when the user picks not just hours but minutes. For instance, if the user makes an appointment for one hour and fifteen minutes, the price will be counted as two hours.

price per hour

One more available option is “Minute.” It is responsible for the Price per minute field that appears once “Minute” is chosen.

Type the needed price in the newly appeared field to set the price for one minute of service.

price per minute

Update/Publish” the post as soon as the price is set.

Things to know

The provider post also includes the “Inherit Service Price” option that will take the service price as the basis if picked.


Display Price in the Form

Proceed to the form created by default while setting up the JetAppointment plugin. It can be form built either with JetEngine or JetFormBuilder.

Create the Calculated field and add the following value:


where the “appointment_date” is the field containing the appointment calendar. Completing this value is obligatory for the correct work of the form.

calculated field in the form

Don’t forget to click on the “Apply Changes” and “Update” buttons.

The next step is placing a form on the page. For instance, add the form to the listing item.

form in the listing

Customize the form and save the changes by pushing the “Update” button. Check the results on the front end.

service on the front end

Now you know how to set the desired price per hour and minute for an appointment.

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