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Data Store Button Widget Overview

Data Store Button Widget Overview

In this tutorial, we will closely look into the features of the Data Store Button widget by JetEngine.

From this tutorial, you’ll find out everything about the Data Store Button widget functionality and how to use it.

With the help of JetEngine’s Data Store Button widget, you will be able to add and remove items from the Data Store in a few clicks.

Features Overview

Go to the admin control panel and open JetEngine > JetEngine dashboard. Enable the Data Stores module by ticking the box and pressing the “Save” button.

enabled data stores in jetengine modules

After that, go to the admin dashboard and open the listing you’ve created for your Data Store. In case you need a hint on how to create a Data Store, please check this tutorial

Then, add all the needed data with the help of the dynamic widgets. In the Elements tab, find the Data Store Button widget and add it to the page.

data store button widget

Now let’s have a closer look at all the features.

Select Store

Here you can choose the store you’ve created before in the Data Store module. In our case, it will be “favorite agents.” 

selecting source for data store button


In this bar, you can name your button. This is how users will see it on the front end.

setting a label for data store button


You can choose an icon for your button from the Library or upload a custom SVG icon. There’s also an opportunity to leave it without an icon. It’s up to you.

adding an icon for data store button in Elementor

Reload Listing Grid on Success

Enable this option to reload the listing grid with current Store posts on success.

enabled reload listing grid on success option

Open Popup on Success

With this option, you can choose the pop-up from JetPopup after the Post is successfully added to the store. The pop-up should be selected in the Advanced Tab > JetPopup section, and Trigger Type must be set to “None.”

enabled open pop-up on success option

Action After an Item Added to the Store

This option allows you to choose an action to execute after adding an item to your store. Let’s check all three actions.

  • Remove from the store button. If you choose this action, then such a button will appear, and you’ll be able to remove the product you’ve already added. You can add a Label to it, for example, “Remove.” Also, there’s an opportunity to add an icon. This is a handy option because the Dynamic Link widget implies adding one widget for the “Add to store” button and one for the “Remove.” Now it’s available within one widget.
remove from store button option
  • Switch button status. This option allows you to switch the status of the button, add a label and icon to it. What is more, you can add the URL where you will be redirected after adding an item to the store. There’s also an option to open the link in a new window and add certain attributes.
selected switch button status option in the data store button settings
  • Hide button. After you’ve enabled this option, the button won’t be visible on the front end once you add a product to the store.
hide data store button


It defines what ID to assign to the stored item based on the selected context:

  • Default Object. Current page or listing item;
  • Current User (global). User for whom the page was created;
  • Current User (for current scope). User, who is currently proceeding, not the logged-in user;
  • Queried User. Currently logged-in user or the user mentioned in the URL (the user ID is in the URL);
  • Current Post Author. User who is the author of the currently opened post;
  • Default WordPress Object (for current page). Current global object for the current page is defined by WordPress. For instance, on a single page/single post, it will always be the current post, even if you go to the listing added to this page;
  • Current CCT item author. User who is the author of the currently opened CCT item.
context options in the data store button widget

After you’re done with the features, open the Style tab and customize the widget’s look using the available options. 

Now you know how to add and customize the Data Store Button widget from the JetEngine plugin easily.

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