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How to Build WooCommerce Products Listings with the Dynamic Tag

How to Build WooCommerce Products Listings with the Dynamic Tag

This tutorial explains how to build a full-featured product listing using only dynamic tags and JetEngine tools to get WooCommerce data.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version)

  • WooCommerce plugin installed and activated

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated with CPT for WooCommerce products created

The tutorial describes how to build listings with the WooCommerce Product Field, WooCommerce Product Image, WooCommerce Product Gallery, button URLs, and a custom class with custom CSS to style the regular and discounted price appearance. The listing uses the WooCommerce dynamic tags with a WooCommerce Product Query.

Building a WooCommerce Query

Navigate to the JetEngine > Query Builder tab. Press the “Add New Query” button.

Set the following settings of the query:

  • type the Name of the query (here, Products);
  • select the WC Products Query option from the Query Type drop-down menu;
  • select the Any option from the Products Status drop-down menu.
woocommerce products query settings

Press the “Add Query” button to save changes.

Building a Listing for WooCommerce Products

Settings of the Listing Item

Navigate to the JetEngine > Listing tab and press the “Add New” button to create a new listing item with the following settings:

  • select the Query Builder option from the Listing Source drop-down menu;
  • choose the previously built query (here, Products) from the Query drop-down menu;
  • type the Listing item name (here, Products_listing_items);
  • select the Elementor option from the Listing view drop-down menu. 
listing item settings

Press the “Create Listing Item” button.

Adding dynamic tags to the listing image

Press the “Add New Section” button and select one section as a structure of the listing item.

layout settings for the listing item

Add the Image widget to the listing item, then navigate to the Choose Image field of the Image widget settings. Press the “Dynamic Tags” button at the bottom left corner of the field.

Choose the WooCommerce Product Image option from the drop-down menu.

adding dynamic tags to image widgets

Navigate to the Link drop-down menu of the Image widget settings. Select the Custom URL option from this drop-down menu.

adding custom url to the image widgets

If enabled, this option turns on the field to select the link: press the “Dynamic tag” button and select the WooCommerce Product Field tag from the drop-down menu.

adding product links to the image widge

Select the Product URL option from the Settings drop-down menu.

woocommerce product settings of the image widget

Press the “Update” button to save changes.

Adding the product title field

Add the Heading widget to the listing item. Click the “Dynamic Tag” button. Select the WooCommerce Product Field tag from the drop-down menu.

adding dynamic tags to the title widget

Select the Title option from the Settings drop-down menu.

adding woocommerce tag to the title widget

Navigate to the “Link” field, press the “Dynamic Tag” button, and select the WooCommerce Product Field tag from the drop-down menu. Choose the Product URL option from the Settings drop-down menu.

adding product url to the title widget

Press the “Update” button to save changes.

Applying the Rating widget

Add the Star Rating widget to the listing item. Press the “Dynamic Tag” button and select the Product URL option from the drop-down menu.

adding woocommerce tag to the star rating widget

Select the Average Rating option from the drop-down menu in the Settings window.

adding woocommerce product settings to the rating widget

Press the “Update” button to save changes.

Adding price

Add the Text Editor widget to the listing item. Press the “Dynamic Tag” button and set the WooCommerce Product Field tag.

adding the dynamic tag to the text editor widget

Set the Price HTML String option in the Settings window.

adding woo product settings to editor widget settings

Press the “Update” button.

Adding the Button widget

Here add to the cart functionality is implemented through the standard Elementor button. It allows displaying the correct text and URL depending on the product type.

Add the Button widget to the listing item.  If needed, align the widget position.

Press the “Dynamic Tag” button and set the WooCommerce Product Field tag.

adding dynamic tag to the button widget

Set the Add to Cart Text option in the Settings window.

adding woo product to the button settings

Navigate to the Link field, press the “Dynamic Tag” button, select the WooCommerce Product Field tag, and choose the Add to Cart Text URL option in the Settings field.

adding woocommerce product url to the button widget

Press the “Update” button.

Adding the Listing Item to a Page

Open a page where you want to place the listing item. Drag and drop the “Listing Grid” widget. Specify the listing item (here, Products_listing_item) as a source and set the listing grid settings.

Read the tutorial to Get to Know All Listing Grid Widget Options.

The frontend view of the page with the listing grid looks as follows.

frontend view of listing grid widget

Styling the Sale Price

To apply the same style to the discount price text (regular, not italic as it is now), add a code for the price widget custom class with custom CSS and edit the styles you want.

Listing Item Settings

Open the built listing Item (here, Products_listing_items). Navigate to the Text Editor widget settings, click the Advanced setting tab, and unroll the Layout settings.

Type  “listing-price” into the CSS class field:

css classes settings of the text editor widget

Press the “Update” button.

Navigate to the WordPress dashboard > Appearance > Customize tab.

customize tab

Unroll the Additional CSS tab.

additional css tab 

Paste the code into the Additional CSS field:

adding custom css code to additional css tab field

Press the “Publish” button to save the changes.

Customized price style

Open the page with the listing grid (here, Listing_grid_with_products). Update the page.  Now the prices have the same style.

frontend view of listing grid widget with custom css styles

That’s all about building WooCommerce product listings with dynamic tags and customizing their appearance using a custom class with custom CSS.

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