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JetGridBuilder Overview

JetGridBuilder Overview

JetGridBuilder is a grid builder plugin for Elementor and WordPress block editor. It can pull data from custom post types, posts, pages, products, and taxonomy terms and present it as resizable grid cards.

Posts Grid Builder

Posts Grid Builder is a widget/block for Elementor and Gutenberg editors, which helps to build a flexible grid of posts. The element dynamically fetches data from posts, WooCommerce products, and CPTs. Its functionality allows you to resize the post tiles and place them wherever you want on the backing grid. You can calibrate the gutter between grid cells, set the desired number of columns, align the post tiles vertically, style the grid items, and more.

Terms Grid Builder

Terms Grid Builder is a Gutenberg block and Elementor widget, allowing you to output data from taxonomy terms in the form of tiles. Using its options, you can manually change the size, position, and appearance of every taxonomy tile in the grid. It is possible to change the order of elements, add term titles and descriptions to the tiles, and set thumbnails. Terms Grid Builder makes it possible to style the items in the grid.

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