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How to Use Filters with WooCommerce Shortcodes

How to Use Filters with WooCommerce Shortcodes

This tutorial explains how to apply filters created with the JetSmartFilters plugin to WooCommerce Shortcodes to filter WooCommerce products.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version) or Block editor (Gutenberg)

  • WooCommerce plugin installed and activated

  • JetSmartFilters plugin installed and activated

Enable Filters for WooCommerce Shortcodes

Start with activating the filters for the needed provider — the WooCommerce Shortcode.

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Crocoblock > JetPlugins Settings > JetSmartFilters. Open the General Settings tab and turn on the WooCommerce Shortcode toggle.

Now the filters can work with the WooCommerce Shortcodes.

woocommerce shortcode toggle activated

Create Filters in JetSmartFilters

Filter by products price

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Smart Filters > Add New. Pick the “Check Range Filter” Filter Type for a filter by product price.

check range filter type

Add as many options as required in the Options List section. In the described case, the “1-100,” “101-200,” and “201-300” options are used.

check range options list

Fill in the other settings according to your preference. For example, we added a dollar sign as a Values suffix.

In the Query Variable, a “_price” field name was entered.

check range filter query variable field

The filter is completed and can be saved.

Filter by product tags

Now, we build another filter using the product tags as a source.

We selected a “Radio” Filter Type.

radio filter type

We selected “Taxonomies” as a Data Source and “Product tags” as the Taxonomy. You can also configure all other options as per your requirements.

product tags filter

Remember that the Query Variable field does not need to be filled in if the Data Source is a taxonomy. Therefore, we keep the Use Custom Query Variable switcher disabled.

use custom query variable toggle

At this point, the filter can be saved.

Filter by product attributes

We can move on to creating another filter by product attributes. Add a new filter and pick the “Checkboxes list” Filter Type.

WooCommerce creates the product attributes as a taxonomy, so we select “Taxonomies” as a Data Source. And the Taxonomy is a “Product Color.” You can choose any product attribute according to your needs.

checkboxes product color filter

Apply other settings according to your needs. Remember that the “Taxonomy” source does not need a Query Variable selected, so we keep the switcher disabled.

use custom query variable toggle

This filter can also be saved now.

Filter by product ratings

Lastly, let us create another filter that uses product ratings as a source.

Therefore, we select a “Rating” Filter Type. You can edit the Stars count and select the needed Inequality operator

To add a Query Variable, click on the “Dynamic Tag” icon on the right side of the field.

equals inequality operator

Choose the “_wc_average_rating” field. After selecting the rating field, the filter can be saved.

average rating dynamic tag

Add Woocommerce Shortcode to Page

At this point, create a new page or edit an existing one to add the WooCommerce Shortcode.

In this example, we want to show the most recent products for which the following shortcode can be used:

[products limit=”4″ columns=”4″ orderby=”id” order=”DESC” visibility=”visible”]

Various shortcodes can be created to display the products according to any need.

See the complete list of Woocommerce Product Shortcodes in the WooCommerce Documentation
Add a Shortcode block to the page and insert the needed WooCommerce Shortcode there.

block with woocommerce shortcode

If we check the page on the front end, the newest products can be seen now.

newest products section on the front end

Set Up Filters for Woocommerce Shortcode

Move on to adding the filters.

Firstly, add a column where the filters will be displayed.

additional column for filters

We add the Check Range Filter block in this new column by clicking the plus icon.

check range filter block in the block editor

In the filter settings, we pick the “Products Price” filter and select the “Woocommerce Shortcode” option as a filter provider in the This Filter For field.

check range filter settings

Next, we can add a block of a Radio filter to output the filter by product tags.

We select the “Product Tags” filter and the “Woocommerce Shortcode” as a provider (This Filter For field).

radio filter block in the block editor

The next block to be added is Checkboxes. We pick the filter by “Product Attributes” and select the “WooCommerce Shortcode” in the This Filter For field.

checkboxes filter block in the block editor

Do not forget that in the Additional Settings tab of the Checkboxes or Radio filter blocks, you can manage the layout of the filter. 

For this filter, the Search Enabled and Dropdown Enabled features were activated.

checkboxes additional settings tab

Lastly, we can add the Rating block to the page.

We pick the filter by product rating and select the “Woocommecre Shortcode” as a provider in the This Filter For field.

rating filter block in the block editor

Now the page can be saved and checked on the front end.

Select some filter options, and the relevant product is now displayed.

filters selected on the front end

That’s all about filtering the WooCommerce products output using the WooCommerce Shortcode with the JetSmartFilters plugin.

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