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WordPress Monster’s Award: Vote for Crocoblock Plugins
Lana Miro
WordPress Digital Marketer
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WordPress Monster’s Award: Vote for Crocoblock Plugins

Crocoblock plugins have been nominated for the first Monster’s Award 2021 in 6 different categories.

Monster’s Award is a huge WordPress competition covering best plugins, best Youtube channel, best blog, best WordPress hosting, best free WordPress theme, etc.

Best Booking & Appointment WordPress Plugin

JetAppointment is the appointment WordPress plugin to help you create a reservation system on your website.

JetAppointment WordPress plugi

JetAppointment WordPress plugin:

  • Works both with Gutenberg & Elementor page builder
  • Perfect for hourly services (barbershop, spa, sports training, medical center, photo services, etc.)
  • Has easy-to-use installation wizard
  • Helps to set working hours, days off, add labels to the calendar

Vote for JetAppointment

Best WooCommerce Plugin

You’ll find plugins with different goals in this category, but if you think JetWooBuilder is the best one, don’t hesitate to give us a vote.

JetWooBuilder plugin

JetWooBuilder plugin can help you:

  • Build a single product page template
  • Create product gallery using 4 layout views
  • Build custom cart page
  • Generate custom checkout page
  • Customizable Thank You page
  • Create My Account Page
  • Create WC Product Query

Vote for JetWooBuilder

Best Dynamic Plugin

Dynamic plugins become handy tools for each developer, blogger, entrepreneur. JetEngine is a WordPress plugin to help you create a dynamic website.

JetEngine Dynamic WordPress plugin

With the JetEngine Dynamic WordPress plugin, you can: 

  • Create listing grid
  • Build dynamic tables and charts
  • Structure content using custom post types, taxonomies, and custom fields
  • Build User Registration & Profile 
  • Control your data using Rest API
  • Generate complex Query lists with Query Builder
  • Create personalized Data stores 

Vote for JetEngine

WordPress Forms Plugin

Even though JetFormBuilder is temporarily unavailable on, you can still download and use this form plugin via the official website.

JetFormBuilder WordPress form plugin

JetFormBuilder will help you to:

  • Create complex and simple Gutenberg forms
  • Style your form using free JetStyleManager
  • Add advanced features to your form: calculated content, dynamic values, conditional logic, etc.
  • Create any form from scratch or using Patterns

Vote for JetFormBuilder

Best WordPress Plugins 

Crocoblock is also nominated in Best Gutenberg & Elementor Plugins categories. 

We have been creating plugins for Elementor since 2018, and it’s a massive reward for us to be nominated as the best Elementor plugins Developer. 

Best WordPress Plugins

As Gutenberg is younger than Elementor, we’ve started to integrate our plugins with Gutenberg too. 

Vote for Crocoblock

Sum Up

So, what do you think about the Monster’s Award, have you already voted?