Hello, Crocoblock community!
Happy New Year! As we step into January, it’s time to reflect on all the amazing updates, tutorials, and resources we shared in December with the latest edition of “Croco Educates.”
In this digest, you’ll find highlights from the final month of 2024, including plugin improvements, must-watch walkthrough videos, and exclusive resources to help you unlock new possibilities with Crocoblock.
Let’s kick off 2025 by building on the momentum we created together. Dive into December’s digest and start the year inspired and ready to create. Enjoy!
Plugin Releases
JetSmartFilters 3.6.0
New and important in the latest JetSmartFilters version to improve the SEO functionality of your sites:
- Canonical URLs
Canonical URLs will now dynamically match the real URL of the page, but only for parameter combinations included in the sitemap.
- Custom SEO Titles & Descriptions
Add SEO Titles & Descriptions for filtered pages using dynamic macros with flexible parameters like delimiters, prefixes, and suffixes.
Here is how to check if the title and description of the page change dynamically when you apply filters.
Also added:
- compatibility with product variations for the filter (Indexer);
- custom sorting in JetSmartFilters;
- support for using slugs instead of IDs for terms;
- fetching options directly from the database via custom fields.
These updates improve indexing, customize metadata, and give you more control over your filtered content’s SEO.
Find out more about how to use new SEO features in our video:
JetFormBuilder now has a Form Templates Library:
- pre-designed templates, ready to import;
- fully customizable in minutes;
- compatible with Elementor and Bricks.
Plugin Updates
JetBlocks 1.3.16
- Added “Close Cart Dropdown on Click Outside” option and Escape key handling for the WooCommerce Shopping Cart widget.
- The “Open Cart Dropdown on Product Add” option for the WooCommerce Shopping Cart widget is added.
- fixed Shopping Cart behavior for hover trigger type on mobile devices;
- prevented immediate redirect on the first tap for Navigation Menu items with submenus on tablets in landscape mode.
JetAppointment 2.1.3
- Added the “Allow to set capacity for recurring appointments” option.
- Allowed to send the same Zoom link for the same slot when the capacity option is enabled.
- Added order by time for appointments in the Calendar view option.
- Allowed for changing “Appointment time already taken” and “Appointment details” with custom labels.
- prevent triggering workflow events for canceled appointments;
- added the possibility to send Email Workflow Duplicate Notifications in some cases.
JetAppointment 2.1.4
- Allowed multiple bookings from the admin dashboard.
- Updated the user’s local date and time after updating the appointment from the admin dashboard.
- Synchronized translation files.
- fixed next year’s appointments in the Timepicker mode on mobile devices;
- resolved Elementor Global styles issue on the cancellation page with a custom template.
JetEngine 3.6.1
- Added jet-engine/relations/types/mix/items/users and jet-engine/relations/types/mix/item-title/users filters to modify the format of related user lists.
- Updated the warning on the CCT Item Edit page to appear only when there are unsaved changes.
- Allowed changing Listing Grid HTML tags by hooking into the Listing Grid settings.
- resolved a Code Signature error for code blocks inside Listing Grid items in Bricks;
- fixed Query Loop + Query Builder + Load More + Dynamic Styles problem in Bricks;
- prevented PHP warnings in certain cases in Bricks;
- improved Geo Query compatibility for Custom Meta Storage;
- fixed PHP 8.1+ deprecated notice in specific cases;
- resolved JSF signature verification issue with Lazy Load in Listing Grid;
- added preload coordinates for field groups in posts created by JetFormBuilder for Map Listings;
- prevented Load More execution when query is set to “-1” in items per page in Listing Grid;
- fixed infinite loop issue causing 100% CPU usage;
- improved handling of Elementor dynamic CSS in Components;
- fixed a bug with Components and dynamic styles in the Elementor Builder;
- added compatibility with Meta Value from Custom Meta Storage and Admin Filters in Custom Meta Storage.
Plugin Fixes
Compatibility with Elementor 3.26
First and foremost, we added compatibility with Elementor 3.26 for the following plugins:
- JetPopup;
- JetProductGallery;
- JetMenu;
- JetReviews;
- JetElements;
- JetBlog;
- JetWooBuilder.
JetPopup 2.0.9
- Migration from deprecated schemes to new globals.
JetProductGallery 2.1.20
- Fixed thumbnail slider issue when nesting the Gallery Slider widget inside Elementor tabs.
- Resolved Gallery Slider not working with Swiper + Elementor Slideshow.
JetElements 2.7.2
- Added the enqueue for parallax stylesheets.
- Fixed a bug with the JetElements 2.7.0 update and Elementor Section Parallax.
- Fixed an issue with Advanced Carousel navigation.
- Resolved a bug with Arrows Navigation and Fluid Columns Width.
- Fixed a bug with the Video Player and full-width containers.
- Migrated from deprecated schemes to the new globals.
- Updated Instagram API.
- Removed Waypoints JS.
JetBlog 2.4.2
- Fixed incorrect display conditions for some controls in the Smart Posts List widget.
JetBooking 3.6.2
- Combined the functionality of one-day booking and weekly bookings in the Calendar widget.
- Reset dates in admin booking pop-ups if the selected apartment has the config enabled.
- Adjusted mode type after switching the view in the bookings admin list.
- Initialized the Date Range field with default values.
- Set the default value in the date range field with the one-day booking option.
JetWooBuilder 2.1.16
- Fixed bugs in JetWooBuilder 2.1.14.
- Addressed issues with JetWooBuilder WooCommerce template versions.
- Resolved Yoast SEO plugin-related errors.
JetFormBuilder 3.4.5
- Added custom options for Checkboxes.
- fixed Bricks Builder Checkbox and Radio Field styling in the JetForm widget;
- resolved issue with recalculation of Calculated Field when using a Conditional Block;
- fixed response action error with default fields;
- resolved issue where the JetForm widget disables the “Enable Form Progress” toggle;
- fixed issue with saving map meta fields when using the search autocomplete option in the Map Field;
- resolved WYSIWYG not being clickable in the Conditional Block with the “Remove hidden elements from page HTML” option turned on;
- addressed CC/BCC address issue in default emails for the ‘Send Email’ form action;
- fixed styling issue for Google reCAPTCHA Score Threshold option description;
- resolved issue with the input mask;
- fixed JavaScript issues.
- Ensured compatibility with JetEngine Query Gateway.
- Prevented system notices from appearing.
- Ensured compatibility with JetSmartFilters 3.6.0.
Helpful Documentation
How to Build Product Comparison Tables for Different Use Cases
Creating a product comparison table is an effective way to improve the shopping experience in your WooCommerce store. Learn how to make it easily.
Showing WooCommerce Product Attributes
Learn how to show the WooCommerce product attributes on the Single Product, Archive Product, and Shop templates using the JetWooBuilder plugin widgets.
How to Insert and Edit Custom Content Type Items via Form
Find out how to create and edit JetEngine Custom Content Type items via a WordPress front-end form.
How to Insert and Edit CCT Items via Form in the Front-End User Dashboard
Discover how to build the JetFormBuilder forms for inserting and editing the CCT items.
Changing Listing Items and Their HTML Tag Wrappers
Learn how to add HTML tag wrappers to the whole listing and its compounds using a specific code snippet to provide better HTML semantics, SEO, and code flexibility.
Showing User Display Name in the Relations List
Show the user display name instead of the user login information, such as username and email address, in the relation list on your WordPress website.
How to Set Up SEO Rules
From this tutorial, learn how to set up SEO Rules for pages containing filters from the JetSmartFilters plugin for WordPress.
How to Set Up SEO Title and Description for Filtered URLs
Discover how to set the SEO title and description for filtered URLs right in the JetSmartFilters plugin settings on your WordPress website.
How to Set Up a Redirect Path to Filter Results Page
Learn how to use the redirect path to filter the content on one page and view the already-filtered results on the other.
How to Create a Single Page Template for Custom Content Type
Discover how to create a Single page template for the Custom Content Type items using the JetEngine and JetThemeCore plugins for WordPress.
Displaying Icon from the Repeater Field Using the Dynamic Data Addon
Learn how to use the widgets, such as Tabs, Classic Accordion, Slider, etc., of the JetElements or JetTabs plugins to set a custom icon right from the Iconpicker field of the Repeater meta field.
JetFormBuilder Tutorials
How to Configure Payment Gateways
Learn how to use the PayPal and Stripe functionality with the JetFormBuilder plugin for WordPress.
How to Build an Appointment Form
Discover how to build an appointment form using JetFormBuilder, JetAppointment, and JetEngine plugins.
Cool Blog Articles
WordPress Responsive Tables Basics: Mobile-Friendly Tables for Your Website
Explore what responsive tables for WordPress are, why they’re important for your website, and how you can easily create and customize them in WordPress.
Best Ways to Create Filterable WooCommerce Product Tables in WordPress
Discover two methods to create a powerful filterable product table in WordPress tailored to your store’s unique needs.
Updating Website Content From Front End Using JetFormBuilder and JetEngine
Learn how to easily update any dynamic listing that is already on your page using a front-end form, even without reloading the page.
BlogVault: WordPress Backup Solution Overview
Explore the BlogVault solution for your WordPress backup needs.
Sites of The Fall: WordPress Websites Made With Crocoblock
We’ve collected the best examples of Crocoblock-powered websites for your inspiration. Check them out!
How to Build a Real Estate Website with Elementor and Crocoblock
Discover step-by-step how to transform your website into the ultimate real estate platform using Elementor and Crocoblock plugins.
WooCommerce Product Search: What Is It and How to Implement It?
Explore WooCommerce product search and delve into every aspect of efficiently implementing it, including ways to improve it and plugins to help build an effective search system.
New Video Tutorials
How to Create Custom Content Types (CCTs) in WordPress | JetEngine & JetPopup
Find out the key differences between CPTs and CCTs, learn how to enable and configure CCTs in JetEngine, and follow a step-by-step guide to creating a podcast table.
How to Display Custom Posts on WordPress via Listing Grid in Bricks Builder | JetEngine
Learn how to create dynamic and visually appealing listings for posts, products, or any custom content.
How to Add Variation Swatches for WooCommerce | JetWooBuilder
This video will guide you through using the JetWooBuilder and WooCommerce plugins to customize shop and product pages, making variation selection easier.
How to Build a Dynamic Popup for JetEngine Listings in WordPress | JetPopup
This tutorial will guide you through creating a pop-up, adding dynamic widgets (such as images, titles, and metadata), and configuring settings like AJAX loading and display conditions.
How to Use New SEO Features for WordPress Posts | JetSmartFilters
This video explains how to configure dynamic text generation for custom SEO titles and descriptions based on selected filters and how to simplify URLs by using slugs instead of IDs for taxonomies. This will improve your site’s user experience and search engine visibility.
How to Create a Dynamic Glossary Page in WordPress | JetEngine
Learn how to categorize words by their starting letter and automatically organize them as new terms are added. Discover how to build a dynamic query that fetches words starting with specific letters without the need for manual categorization.
Community Solutions
A big thank you to our incredible community for sharing valuable tutorials and custom solutions! Your contributions make it easier for everyone to maximize the potential of Crocoblock plugins. If we’ve overlooked anything, don’t hesitate to let us know. Let’s keep learning from and supporting one another!
From Facebook Community
Code snippet for JetFormBuilder
This custom snippet will help you to:
- register a REST API endpoint;
- connect it with ChatGPT and trigger a webhook call;
- insert a value into a form field based on ChatGPT’s response.
Web system for fee/bill collection for schools, tuition centers, and others
This post outlines the custom website solution for collecting fees and bills, designed for schools, tuition centers, and other institutions.
Discover how to implement a tailored fee collection system and streamline payment processes for your institution.
JetEngine Listing Grid title
Discover how to easily add a title or label directly from Elementor’s controls. With full styling options, including alignment, typography, colors, and spacing, the label seamlessly integrates with the existing widget, offering a dynamic and customizable experience.
JetFormBuilder form validation with disabled submit button
Learn how to check if all required fields in a JetFormBuilder form are filled. If any fields are missing, the submit button is disabled, preventing form submission.
Using three new JetFormBuilder triggers with FluentCRM
Discover how to use JetFormBuilder Post Insert, JetFormBuilder Form Submission, and JetFormBuilder Update User actions with FluentCRM.
Custom icons for JetFormBuilder Submit Button
Find out how to easily customize each form’s submit button by adding a simple class in the block settings.
JetFormBuilder to Monday.com Free Integration
Check out this simple solution for pushing data from a WordPress website to Monday.com CRM.
Community Video Tutorials
JetEngine 3.6.1: Add Semantic Lists (UL or OL) to your Listing Grid
This video demonstrates how to implement this feature in Bricks Builder, the Block Editor, and Elementor.
Let’s Build A Tourist Website
Discover how to create a tourist website with dynamic data.
Potenciando la Personalización: Creación de Perfiles Dinámicos con JetFormBuilder y Profile Builder
Learn how to create custom profiles and dynamic forms using the powerful JetFormBuilder and Profile Builder tools and how to structure and manage user profiles in WordPress.
Seamless Sync: Fluent CRM, JetEngine, & WordPress Users Integration | No API required
Find out how to effortlessly sync data between Fluent CRM, JetEngine meta fields, and WordPress Users without using any API.
How to Delete Posts with a Popup Confirmation Using JetEngine, JetFormBuilder, and JetPopup
Learn how to add a secure and user-friendly post deletion feature to your WordPress site using JetEngine, JetPopup, JetFormBuilder, and the Formless Actions Endpoint add-on.
How to Setup Dynamic File Downloads for Your Site Users | WordPress | JetEngine | Elementor | Bricks
Explore how to create dynamic file download links in WordPress, enabling you to control the file name users see when downloading. Whether it’s for media files, documents, or any downloadable content, this tutorial makes it easy to implement.
Exciting Events
Virtual WordPress Developer Night
The Inland Empire Dev Meetup will be held on January 14th. It is intended for intermediate to advanced developers and will discuss WordPress-relevant code-level topics.
🔗 Details
Other upcoming events
January has many exciting events planned for developers worldwide. Find something that interests you!
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Crocoblock’s Festive Recap
Meet Crocoblock’s festive recap from our team. In this video, we share our insights and achievements from the past year and wish you exciting discoveries in 2025. Enjoy!
What Do You Think?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this post! What topics or features would you like us to dive into next? Your feedback helps us shape our content to be more relevant and useful to you.
Thank you for being a part of the Crocoblock community! 🌟