$69 - $299$99 - $249$20 - $75
Filter types
rating filter widget
visual filter widget
search filter widget
radio filter widget
date range widget
check range widget
range filter widget
select filter widget
checkboxes filter widget
sorting filter widget
alphabet filter widget
proximity widget
autocomplete widget
Apply Type
After you type in the search request, it reloads the page and shows you the results list.
Gets the search results right away after the filtration applied without reloading the page.
This is the combination of AJAX and Page reload types. It doesn’t reload the page but the filtering parameters are automatically added to the URL, so you can copy and send someone the link to this page.
Filtering options
Display the already chosen filters, deactivating each tag, or all at once by clicking Remove filters button.
yes, a reset button only
Improves the navigation through the products grid or posts by dividing the result of filtering or search into pages.
Combines several filters in a hierarchy to show relative path. Organizes category filter and its subcategories.
Adds dynamic counter to the filter’s options, hides or disables them if there are no results matched.
yes, via shortcode
Allows users to apply multiple filters and add the redirect path to the already filtered results page.
yes, with indexer enabled
Filter several widgets of different providers like Map Listing and Listing Grid placed to the same page.
yes, through coding
Obtain the needed filter URL structure in the adress bar by picking Plain or Permalink options.
Use several meta field keys to filter the posts according to several meta fields' data. Use several meta field keys to filter the posts according to several meta fields' data.
yes, through coding
An option that loads content continuously as the user scrolls down the page. This option excludes the need for pagination.
yes, through coding
Updated 19/07/2021

JetSmartFilters stands out from the crowd among other filter plugins due to its unique compatibility with various page builders and third-party plugins, as well as broad functionality at an affordable price.

For $24, you get 15 filtering widgets, providing nine built-in AJAX filters and eight filtering options that you can apply to custom post types, blog posts, or whatever you need. For your convenience, JetSmartFilters is compatible with both ElementorPRO and Gutenberg. Integrated WooCommerce ensures smooth payment options. Of course, it is compatible with JetEngine but supports third-party providers like ACF or Pods too.

All these are enough for building sites of any complexity, from WooCommerce shop to Car Rental.

FacetWP is the closest representative in terms of functionality and provides compatibility with even more third-party plugins but its price starts at $99.

Toolset is definitely an excellent plugin, but its filtering functionality is rather limited compared to other products in the table. For example, it offers less filter types and filtering options. At the same time, its price starts at $69.

Search & Filter Pro is only slightly inferior in functions to the Crocoblock, but it has a big advantage – the price. Its cost starts from $20 and most likely the budget of any project can afford such a purchase. However, please note – this plugin will require some coding skills from you.

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