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JetBlocks Overview

JetBlocks Overview

JetBlocks is a header & footer plugin for Elementor. Its functionality helps to add content to custom header and footer templates, including a navigation menu, authorization elements, search, site logo, breadcrumbs, hamburger panel, and more.

Search Widget

Search Widget is a JetBlocks widget for Elementor editor, allowing you to add a custom search bar to posts, pages, templates, and custom post types. Traditionally, the search form is placed in the header but can be present on the shop page template, too. Search Widget’s settings help to customize the placeholder text and the search button, apply a custom icon, choose an animation effect for the dropdown and even fit the search bar into a pop-up.

Navigation Menu is a widget for Elementor page builder. Its features help to customize the dropdown menu and make it adaptable to different screens. The widget is suitable for posts, pages, and archive templates. However, the most traditional placement for a nav menu is the website header. Navigation Menu Widget outputs a menu built previously in the WordPress Dashboard. The settings embrace the menu source, position (vertical or horizontal), icons, alignment, descriptions, colors, buttons, and more.

Hamburger Panel Widget

Hamburger Panel is a JetBlocks widget for Elementor, which helps to organize and place additional content into a panel, opening on a button click. The widget is added to different page templates. Using Hamburger Panel, it is possible to apply a custom icon for active and closed states, customize the label text, set placement options for different devices, and more. You can choose from three animation effects and style every element separately – from the panel itself to the toggle.

Site Logo Widget

Site Logo Widget has the functionality to add and style text and images as the website logo. It is accessible from the Elementor sidebar. Site Logo Widget is suitable for header and footer templates placed onto archive and post pages. Using it, you can take a custom image (including retina) and text and customize them until the site logo is ready. The widget settings cover the logotype, text source, linked logo options, image and text display, and styling options.

JetBlocks Extensions

JetBlocks has two more Extensions, Sticky Section and Column Order. The first Extension provides a possibility to make the entire header sticky so it remains visible when scrolling down the page. Sticky Section settings cover header visibility on tablet, mobile, and desktop, z-index, and max-width. The second Extension, Column Order, allows you to change the column order for sections with three or more columns. Other settings include vertical and horizontal alignment, column width, and widget spacing.

Website Authorization Widgets

JetBlocks has four Elementor widgets most suitable for adding authorization options to the website. They are Registration Form, Reset Password Form, Login Form, and Auth Links. Registration Form helps to add a sign-up form to the given website section. Login Form allows you to embed a sign-in form in the header. Auth Links widget adds a login, logout, register, and my account links to the header. Reset Password Form outputs a corresponding form on a custom page.

Breadcrumbs are a navigation element typically placed in the website header. The Breadcrumbs Widget accessible from the Elementor side panel helps to output the path leading to the webpage a user is currently viewing. You can choose to show the page title and prefix for the path, choose a separator type and pick the icon for it, adjust the alignment, and choose between the full and minified path type. Breadcrumbs can be styled in the corresponding editor section.

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