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How to Apply JetSmartFilters to Your Booking Website

How to Apply JetSmartFilters to Your Booking Website

Learn how to apply filters from the JetSmartFilters plugin to your Booking website.

Create filters with the help of the JetSmartFilters plugin to filter the content on your website. It’s a really great feature for your booking website that will help customers to choose, for example, the needed room in a hotel, date for booking, select the number of people, etc.

Creating a New Filter

Let’s create filters with the JetSmartFilters plugin. Navigate to the JetSmartFilters block in the WP Dashboard and create a new one. For this particular case, we need a Date Range filter.
Check the following tutorial.

Things to know

In the Query Variable field, you need to input the checkin_checkout key.

Date range filter

Editing the Archive Page

Go ahead and edit the Archive page we’ve created before and open it with Elementor. Locate a Date Range Filter widget and drop it to the page. Select the appropriate parameter in the widget’s Select Filter setting.

Date range in Elementor

Using the Filter on the Frontend

Now let’s check the frontend. Considering that one residence has been booked by one customer, let’s try to use our filter.
For example, let’s imagine, you’re the other customer and once you applied the filtration, you’ll see that the residence, which was booked was excluded from the listing.

Using the filter on the frontend

Making a New Booking

Now, let’s go to the Single Room page once again and try the new booking. In the corresponding field, there are some non-available dates for selecting. Those are the dates, which have already been booked by other clients.

Making a new booking

That’s all! Now you can implement our JetBooking plugin functionality and offer your clients to book a mansion for the summer vacation, for example.

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