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JetSmartFilters Overview

JetSmartFilters Overview

JetSmartFilters is a dynamic filters plugin for Elementor, Gutenberg, and Bricks. Its features help you create complex filtering tools using 12 filter types, customize results output and permalink structures, and adjust filtering logic.

Active Filters

Active Filters is a JetSmartFilters widget/block/element for Bricks, Elementor, and WordPress Block editor. It can be located in the supported builder’s sidebar. Active Filters create a separate row above the Listing Grid on the archive page and indicate which filters are currently active. The widget/block allows you to remove all active filters at once. The available settings include the filter source, apply type, label, query ID for additional providers, and several styling options.

Active Tags

Active Tags is a widget, block, and element for page builders supported by JetSmartFilters. It can be found in builders’ sidebars. Active Tags allow you to display and remove the already applied filters individually without clearing all active filters. The element helps you manage filtered results by different criteria, not just tags. The settings include the filter source, apply type, label, clear item option and its label, and query ID for use cases with multiple providers.

Alphabet Filter

Alphabet Filter is a generic name for the filter type and JetSmartFilters widget/block/element for the supported page builders. The filter type allows you to filter posts and products by title in alphabetical order. You can create one in the WordPress Dashboard and then apply the filter to the needed widget/block. The available settings include filter behavior, options (letters), source, apply type, label, apply button, query ID for additional providers, and styling options.

Check Range Filter

Check Range Filter is a filter type and widget/block for Elementor, Gutenberg, and Bricks builders. It allows setting several range diapasons to help website users and visitors to filter products and posts falling into the particular range. The filter can be created through WordPress Dashboard. To set it up, specify the minimum and maximum values, provide a prefix/suffix, separators if necessary, and a query variable. Further customizations can be done in the chosen builder.

Checkboxes Filter

Checkboxes Filter is a JetSmartFilters widget and block. It helps to output a filter type called Checkboxes list, which you can create from the WordPress Dashboard. Checkboxes Filter helps to filter the posts conveniently by ticking multiple options on the list. The filter can be assigned to taxonomies, posts, and meta fields’ values. Among the customization settings, there is the filter source, apply type, filter label, apply button, query ID, style settings, and more.

Date Period Filter

Date Period Filter is a dedicated widget/block/element for page builders, accessible from the side toolbars. Its functionality lets you filter posts and products by a certain date period using meta date or post date. The widget/block outputs the Date Period filter type, which you create in the WordPress Dashboard. Period Type options include custom range, day, week, month, and year, which means filtering by a fixed date period or setting custom dates.

Date Range Filter

Date Range Filter is a JetSmartFilters block, element, and widget for the supported page builder – Gutenberg, Bricks, and Element. Its function is to filter posts, products, and events by date. Date Range uses the meta date and post date as a source and allows choosing the “from” and “to” dates. Filtering happens between these two dates. Customization settings include placeholder texts, filter provider and label, apply type and apply button, query ID for additional providers, and more.


Pagination is a widget/block for compatible page builders, accessible from their side panels. The feature helps you organize the way filtered results are presented on the page and add a small navigation panel to switch between the pages without trouble. Pagination implies three apply types – AJAX, Page reload, and Mixed – and can be shown as a load more button, previous/next buttons, and items (page numbers). You can customize navigation arrows, auto-scrolling, and other control settings.

Radio Filter

Radio Filter is a JetSmartFilters filter type, which provides a single-option choice from the filtration list. It means users can pick one option from those available at the same time. Radio Filter is accessible from the Elementor, Bricks, and WordPress block editor’s side panels. You can use the widget/block to output a previously created filter type. The settings cover the filter provider, apply type, label, apply button, query ID, some stylization options, and more.

Range Filter

Range Filter is both a filter type and a widget, block, and element for JetSmartFilters compatible page builders, accessible from the sidebar. It helps to add a certain numeric range where users can move the slider to get the desired value. The items are filtered to fit the range from the smallest value to the one a user has set. Range Filter can apply to product attributes, categories, custom field values, CPT, and WordPress posts.

Rating Filter

Rating Filter is a filter type added by JetSmartFilters and a dedicated widget/block allowing to display it via a page builder. Rating Filter sorts the products and CPT posts by their rating. It is represented by a star scale, and the stars count corresponding to the maximum rating value can be set manually. You can set relations between values. The filter customizations include the source, apply type, filter label, apply button label, rating icon, query ID, and more.

Search Filter

Search Filter is a widget, block, and element for Elementor, Gutenberg, and Bricks, which can be used to output the search filter type. The filter shows the matching results once the users type the needed search query into the bar. Search Filter conducts searches by a custom field and using the default WordPress routine. You can customize the widget/block by applying content settings such as source, apply type, search button, icon, etc., and styles.

Select Filter

Select Filter is a drop-down list where users can pick one option at a time. You can create the filter in the WordPress Dashboard and display it through the similarly-named widget/block. Select Filter sorts the products by taxonomy terms, posts, custom fields, and manually input values. It is a single-choice filter, so filtered results will change whenever a user picks another option. Among the available settings are the filter source, apply type, filter label, and stylization options.

Sorting Filter

Sorting Filter is a JetSmartFilters widget, block, and element for the supported page editors. The filter applies to posts, products, WooCommerce archives, shortcodes, and JetEngine listings. It allows the users to sort data by different parameters such as title, date, author, post slug, meta key, ascending/descending order, comments, product attributes, and random. Further customizations include the filter source, apply type, label block, placeholder, query ID, etc., and stylization options.

Visual Filter

Visual Filter is a block/widget for WordPress block editor and Elementor. The filter type can be created in the WordPress Dashboard and applied to posts and products. Visual Filter uses taxonomy terms, posts, and manually entered options as a data source. It can be of two types: Color and Image. The first outputs color values chosen in the color picker or by code, and the second depicts images as options. The filter is fully customizable, too.

User Geolocation

User Geolocation is a JetSmartFilters feature, which shows website visitors who chose to share their geolocation what is nearby them. The feature can output posts, users, terms, and CCT items. You can set it up using Query Builder and the User Geolocation widget/block from JetSmartFilters. You can set the preferred distance in the builder, output the items on the map using a custom query, and customize markers, pop-ups, and filter general settings.

Apply Button

Apply Button is a JetSmartFilters widget/block to add a dedicated button for applying filters. It is accessible from the Elementor, Bricks, and WordPress block editors’ side panels. You can set the Apply Button’s logic to show the filtered results on the same page or a different one using the redirect path option. The customization settings include the button title, apply type, redirect path and URL, query ID, and stylization options.

Remove Filters

Remove Filters is a widget/block for page builders supported by JetSmartFilters, which can be found in the side toolbar. Use this element to add a “Remove Filters” button to the page. Once clicked, it deactivates all the already applied filters, so there is no need to disable each filter manually. You can customize Remove Filters, too. The available settings include the filter source, button text, apply type, query ID for additional providers, and style options.


Indexer is a JetSmartFilters feature that indexes the created filters and saves the filtering data in the database for further retrieval. Thanks to it, it is possible to show search results relevant to the applied filter and hide/disable non-relevant ones. You can set automatic re-indexing, show the results counter, choose to output empty items, change counters, and more. The Indexer is available for five filter types, namely, checkboxes, select, visual, check range, and radio.

AJAX Filtration

AJAX Filtration is a request type configured in the JetSmartFilters settings. The option sets global WordPress variables and URL variables in the same way they are configured on the page from which the request was sent. For that matter, the filters will be applied immediately without reloading the page. AJAX request type has three options: default, referrer, and self. Choose the one that suits you but remember that the default type does not support dynamic arguments.

Hierarchy Select

Hierarchy Select is a principle allowing you to combine several similar filters into one hierarchy. Every next filter will become available after the previous one is applied. The hierarchy shows a relative path and organizes the category filter and its subcategories. You can create a hierarchical filter from the WordPress dashboard and apply it in the preferred page editor. Hierarchical filters can be set only for the Select filter type. The filter customizations cover content and style settings.

Faceted Search System

JetSmartFilters makes it possible to develop a faceted search system. It means users can apply multiple filters at the same time and filter the products and posts by different criteria. Using the redirect path feature, you can output the relevant filtered results on the pre-defined page. All filters in the faceted search system are AJAX-based, which means they reload instantly and deliver a better user experience.

Multiple Widgets/Blocks Filtration

JetSmartFilters allows you to filter posts and products by multiple widgets and blocks. You can combine filters from the main and additional providers and apply one filter to them, which makes it possible to filter by widgets and blocks from JetEngine, JetWooBuilder, Elementor Pro, etc., at the same time. You can apply the Indexer options to these elements and see the providers’ data. To output filtration by multiple widgets/blocks, use the Listing Grid and Map Listing combo.

URL Aliases

URL Aliases is a JetSmartFilters functionality, which lets you customize the URL structure making them less confusing and unreadable. The feature applies to the filter’s permalink when the “Page reload” or “Mixed” apply type is selected. A URL Alias helps to replace some part(s) of the filtered URLs, which contain certain JetSmartFilters keys. You can create several aliases, preview them, and edit them until you like the result. The feature is intended to improve SEO rankings.

Filters Permalink Structure is a URL structure type; it can be set in the JetSmartFilters settings. This option rewrites the post type and taxonomy URLs as the permalinks. Compared to the plain URL structure, Permalink is a more beneficial option in terms of search engine optimization. Because it contains the post or page’s title, post category, and tag name, these words can be keywords by which the page will be ranked in the search engine results.

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