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Outputting a URL in the Media Field

Outputting a URL in the Media Field

Output a link to a particular media file uploaded via the custom Media field, using the Attachment Link Callback addon (excellent for PDF and ZIP files).

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version) or Block editor (Gutenberg)

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated

  • Free Attachment Link Callback add-on installed and activated

    you can download an add-on from the DevTools page.

Download and Activate the Plugin

Upload it to the Plugins > Add New directory and activate the plugin once done.

Things to know

If you want the attachments to be opened in a new tab, please make sure to modify this file a bit. In the line 60, return sprintf, add a target="_blank" attribute like so:

return sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a>', $url, $name );

Edit the Necessary Listing

Open the Listing you need in Elementor and add the Dynamic Field widget to it. Then configure the widget as shown below:

dynamic field callback settings in elementor

In the Source drop-down, choose “Meta Data”. Then select the custom Media field you’ve created with JetEngine (it’s called Media in our case, but yours can be named otherwise) in the Meta Field drop-down. Enable the Filter field output toggle. In the Callback tab, make sure to select the “Get attachment file link by ID” option. 

Thus, the link to your media file will be displayed.

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