JetCompare&Wishlist. Must-have for online stores

$15 $9
$15 per
This plugin is working with Elementor editor
woocommerce wishlist plugin and compare products feature

You'll love JetCompare&Wishlist for Elementor

Compare products by any data

Set the parameters by which you want to compare the products

Display well-organized wishlists

Style up the structure and looks of products wishlist according to your goal

Add Compare and Wishlist buttons

With Compare and Wishlist buttons the visitors will easily add a product into a list

Show the Compare and Wishlist count

Let the customers know the number of times a product was added into a list

The widgets to add Compare and Wishlist functionality

Submit security bugs through Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program.

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30 days money-back guarantee

Custom subscription
Subscription price for 1 website only. For more choose the Unlimited websites in the cart.
$15 per

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