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How to Set Query Variable in Filters by Related Items

How to Set Query Variable in Filters by Related Items

This tutorial will show you one of the ways of using the Query Variable option for filter creation using the JetSmartFilters plugin.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version), Block editor (Gutenberg) or Bricks

  • JetSmartFilters plugin installed and activated

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated with a relation built

The Query Variable is a feature of the filter creation window that allows you to set the filter more precisely. This tutorial will reveal how to use the JetSmartFilters Query Variable and the post relations that can be created using the JetEngine plugin. 

So, let’s look through the Query Variable customization process while creating a “Checkboxes list” filter.

Create a Relation

Let’s assume you have created the relation between the “Services” and “Doctors” Custom Post Types.

relation built

To assign children to parents, open the list of the parent posts (in our case, “Services”).

Go to one of the posts and find the Children … section. Press the “Connect …” button to attach a related post.

connect children section

In the pop-up, press the SELECT … field to activate the search bar with all the available child posts. Select one and press the “Connect …” button to save the item.

connect child pop-up

As soon as you attach the needed items, click the “Update” button at the top of the page and repeat the procedure for the rest of the parent posts.

Create a Listing for Child Posts

Let’s create a Listing template for child posts by moving to the WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Listings tab and clicking the “Add New” button. 

In the Setup Listing Item pop-up, complete the pre-customization fields: pick the needed Listing source, complete the following field (in our case, From post type), set the Listing item name, and pick the preferred Listing view.

Then, press the “Create Listing Item” button.

setup listing item pop-up

In the selected builder, add desired widgets/blocks/elements to display the dynamic content.

For instance, a Dynamic Image widget to pull out a thumbnail, a Dynamic Field widget to pull out a title, etc. 

Once done, click the “Update” button.

listing item in elementor

Create a Filter

Go to WordPress Dashboard > Smart Filters > Add New to build a filter.

Complete the Filter Name field and choose the desired option as the Filter Type.

Things to know

The Query Variable feature is not available for the “Alphabet,” “User Geolocation,” and “Location & Distance” Filter Types.

checkboxes list filter type

For instance, we select a “Checkbox list” Filter type and set its Data Source to “Posts.” 

The Post Type dropdown contains the list of available post types. We choose the parent post type from the relation, in our case, “Services.”

Things to know

Pick the same option if you want the filter to include the parent options that will filter the child items. If, in contrast, you have created a listing template for parent post type and want the filter to include the children options that will filter the parent items, pick the child post type in the Post Type field.

query variable field

Click the “Dynamic tags” button next to the Query Variable field to open the list of the options that can be pulled dynamically to this field.

query variable field options

Among the options, pick the “JetEngine: filters children items list by parent IDs” option and define the Relation you are working with.

Things to know

If you build a filter with children options that should be filtering the parent items, select the “JetEngine: filters parents items list by children IDs” option correspondingly.

Then, complete Filter Labels if desired and press the “Update” button to save the filter.

related children items macro

You can also activate the Use Default Filter Value toggle, if desired, to set the Default Filter Value.

For instance, we want two options to be preselected in the filter by default. To do so, we put the ID of the corresponding posts in the following format: “3113,3114” (the IDs should be separated by a comma).

use default value option

Add Filter to Page

Open the page where you want your filter and Listing to appear. 

Find the needed filter block/widget/element, and drag and drop it to the page. In the Select filter field, choose the filter you have just created.

Navigate to the This filter for dropdown and select the “JetEngine” option.

checkboxes filter widget in elementor

After you customize the filter, drag and drop the Listing Grid block/widget/element on the page. 

In the Listing dropdown, select the previously built listing item. In our case, it’s the listing with the children items.

Things to know

The filter can be used with different providers included in the This filter for field of the filter.

listing grid in elementor

Complete the page customization as desired and click the “Publish/Update” button.

Open this page on the front end to check the result. Now, you can observe that the default values set during the filter creation process are selected.

preset results

You can reselect the desired option(s) in the filter to see if it works.

checked filter result

That’s it; now you know how to set the Query Variable field while the JetSmartFilters filter by related items creation on your WordPress website.

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