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12 Best Ways to Promote WordPress Web Agency (2024)
Anastasiia Usichenko
WordPress Copywriter
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12 Best Ways to Promote WordPress Web Agency (2024)

Customers are the lifeblood and raison d’etre of any business. They pay staff salaries, provide work, and help businesses to grow.

But for someone to find out about your business, you need to use different ways to promote it. If you create a website and wait for someone to find it, years may pass, and you will never make a dime. Fortunately, there are many workable methods now, and you can choose to try one or several at once. 

In this article, you’ll find proven ways to promote your WordPress web agency that will help you increase its visibility and find new potential clients.

Make yourself comfortable and keep reading. 

Table of Contents

What Do You Need to Check Before Promoting?

Before you start promoting a web agency, you must consider a few things:

  • The website works correctly, and it’s clear to users how to order. Check the copywriting so that potential customers understand what you do and can quickly find all the information they need. Also, check whether all buttons and forms actually work for anyone to contact you/order from you without sweat. 
  • Optimize the website for SEO promotion. Check for loading speed, idle pages, proper keywords, etc. If you don’t know what to pay attention to, contact a specialist. 
  • Add use cases and testimonials. If you’ve been in the industry for a while, you probably have cases and satisfied clients. Collect their testimonials and post them so new clients can refer to them. Think about adding a portfolio, too. 
  • Know your target audience. A proper marketing strategy for a web development company and promotion is built on understanding your target audience. Who are your customers? Who could benefit from your services? Who is interested in what you do over time? Research what is vital to these people, what interests them, and what they want to gain from cooperation. 
  • Check the privacy policy and offer contract. Make sure all terms and conditions are valid and written correctly. 
  • Connect analytics. No matter what method and promotion strategy you choose, you need to understand what results they bring and what you should adjust.
  • Plan your budget. Think about the money you can spend on promotion and the desired results – it will help you and the digital marketing team choose the right promotion method. 

Do these points check out? Great, you are ready to promote your web agency.

7 Free Methods to Promote WordPress Web Agency

💡 Remember that the choice of promotion methods depends on your strategy. Regular social networking will suit some people while emailing partners will be relevant to others. So, think about what you can use and get started.

Social media

Everyone loves to scroll on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook after a busy day at work. But social media has long ceased to be a place for people to share photos of their favorite kitties or the best breakfast recipe. It’s a powerful tool for business promotion that absolutely everyone can use. 

You can have a profile on Instagram and Facebook, share helpful tips or case studies, and advertise your services. You can share your knowledge on YouTube by recording short tutorials. 

It is precisely the promotion method used by web designer and marketer Tristan Parker.

The great thing about this method is that if you post useful and interesting content regularly, social media will show it to potentially interested users and promote you for free.

Here is another impressive example: Web Squadron. The channel posts interesting tutorials on a variety of topics:

SEO promotion

If you love writing and preparing long, detailed guides and reviews like the one you are reading now, then you will love this method. SEO promotion is one way to get free traffic and attract customers through search engines. 

For example, you prepared an article on how to make a convenient form in WordPress, and it turned out to be so helpful and informative that users liked it very much. As a result, such an article landed first in search engines, and now you get to drive more organic traffic to the site, which will be interested in your services. 

If you regularly publish materials and share applicable instructions, this marketing strategy for a web development company will suit you well. 

It is the method Jeffrey Dalrymple from Lytbox uses, for example. His YouTube channel contains a link to a site where you can find tons of engaging and valuable content.

Email marketing

Email marketing is another exciting and free method of promotion. It allows you to get new clients and remind old ones about yourself and your outstanding services. 

You can place a subscription form on your blog/website and send a newsletter, as NewPulse Labs did, or create some helpful material and offer it to interested subscribers via your website or social networks. The person leaves you their email address, and you send them the content.

In the following emails, you can introduce subscribers to your services, cases, or testimonials and tell them what problems you solve. 

After a while, you can start offering discounts to attract more new customers. Email marketing is one of the most effective but underestimated promotional tools.

Made with Croco gallery

If you use Crocoblock plugins in your work, there are a few other free ways to promote yourself. The first one is submitting a project to our Made with Croco gallery

Our users actively use this section to find ideas and see what tools different WordPress web agencies use. You can post your website there, and when users get to it, offer them your services in building websites with JetPlugins.

Writing use cases for blog

You may have seen similar content on the Crocoblock blog. We often describe specific use cases, how to implement certain site details, and what plugins and tools are used for each task.

Such content shows your professionalism as a web agency and gives users the impression that you will do the job at a high level. You can write such cases for your blog or offer them as guest posts to someone with a relevant blog.


If you like to socialize, this method is perfect for you. If you are not very sociable, you should still try it because live communication builds the most robust trust.

Attend workshops, conferences, and lectures where potential customers may be. Tell about your business and actively inquire about people’s questions in website development. Leave your contacts or business cards, and feel free to share your opinions. The more active you are at events, the more potential customers you can get.

Also, an excellent way to promote your WordPress web agency is to become a speaker at a niche event. You can find out about the next conference to be held in your city and volunteer to give a speech.

You can also become a guest speaker at an online conference, webinar, or podcast. Find an option that is interesting to you.

Local SEO

This method is best used with other methods because your web agency can help people anywhere there is Internet. The idea behind this method is to list your business on Google Maps and Google My Business listing. Your agency will then be shown to all those looking for website-building services in your area. Use keywords or individual pages created for specific cities or regions to cover local demand. You can even write discounted emails just for New Yorkers, for example. 

But if you use only this method of promotion, you are narrowing down your options a lot.

Top 5 Paid Methods to Promote Web Agency

Free methods are great, but they don’t give you as fast results as you might like. So, if you need clients urgently, you can tap into paid methods, too.

Social media advertising

The easiest and fastest way to get potential clients is to set up targeted advertising on social media. You can advertise your services directly, telling potential clientele where to order them. 

Among advertising options, there are Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. The right audience and understanding of their problems and tasks will help you get a lot of clients for a small budget. Believe it or not, this method is very effective.

Search engine advertising

This type of promotion helps you always be at the top of the search results and get potential customers when they urgently need to solve some task. 

But for this method to work effectively, you need to know what words people use when they want to solve a particular problem. The correct keywords will help you target the right audience and reduce budget expenditures.

Contextual advertising

It is a less effective way of attracting customers than those described earlier, but it still works. Contextual advertising appears on specific sites where the website owner allows it and is shown to users according to the information they were looking for earlier. If your potential client was looking for a studio to create a website and then, for example, went to some site and chose shoes, you can remind them through contextual advertising that they still need a site, and you can help. 

Sometimes, such advertising can be annoying, and you can not control what specific websites will show your ads.

Retargeting and remarketing

There is a large number of people who once visited your website or browsed your list of services but have yet to become customers. And some customers once used your services but then forgot about you.

To remind such people about your business, you can use retargeting and remarketing tools. Offer a discount on an order or email them something like this: “Psst, your website is still a plan on paper,” and watch those orders flowing.

Affiliate or referral program

There is no better advertising than what others do for you. Use affiliates if you don’t yet have that many enthusiastic customers willing to talk about your web agency 24/7. 

Let them promote your services for a commission. It is a convenient, proven, and effective method you can use.


How do I promote my web design agency?

You can use paid and free methods at the same time. For example, you can share helpful tips on your blog or YouTube channel and use targeted advertising on social networks or search engines. But to find the right option, consider your strategy and set a budget.

How do web design agencies get clients?

They use different promotion methods, such as social media advertising, networking, SEO promotion, etc. They also actively showcase their portfolios and answer questions from potential clients.

How do I get subscribers on WordPress websites or blogs?

The key is to curate quality content. You can create a helpful checklist/tutorial and share it for free, attracting more and more people to become subscribers.

Last Few Words

If you start promoting a WordPress web agency, try free methods first. They will help you test your sales techniques and promotional messages. 

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to experiment and keep promoting your agency even when it seems like there are already a lot of clients. Promotion should be constant. As I said in the beginning, customers and their orders are the lifeblood of your business. The more you have it, the more profit will be in the cash register.