This tutorial provides a detailed description of creating and customizing the Options Pages with the JetEngine plugin.
Meta Boxes
From this tutorial, you will find out how to create meta boxes with meta fields and apply them to the posts, terms, or users using the JetEngine plugin
Map Listing
This tutorial includes information on creating Maps Listing with the JetEngine plugin.
Hamburger Panel Widget
Read how to use the JetBlock Hamburger Panel widget to manage icons, toggles, and display templates.
Navigation Menu Widget
Read how to use the JetBlock Navigation Menu widget to manage the menu display on different devices.
Dynamic Tags
This guide is about what a dynamic tag is, how to display dynamic content with its help, and which features the Dynamic Settings section can offer.
JetThemeCore Dashboard
This tutorial describes available settings in the revamped JetThemeCore plugin dashboard.
Search Widget
This tutorial overviews the main features and settings of the Search widget created by the JetBlocks plugin for Elementor and Gutenberg.
Custom Content Type (CCT)
This tutorial will give you an explanation about what a Custom Content Type is and what you could use it for. Besides that, you will learn to create a CCT step by step with the help of JetEngine’s functionalities.