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How to Create Custom Listing Layouts Using Twig and Extramural Components

How to Create Custom Listing Layouts Using Twig and Extramural Components

From this tutorial, you will learn how to build a Listing template within the Timber/Twig view using the extramural components. We provide an example of HTML and CSS code integration with the JetEngine plugin to use them on the WordPress website.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Timber plugin installed and activated

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated

Within the Timber/Twig view, you can create a Listing template using HTML and CSS and additional tools, such as presets, dynamic data buttons, filters, and conditional tags. 

To avoid building a listing from the ground up, you can enhance it with superb layouts using extramural components. For example, you can find such components in this article.


Be careful when copying and pasting extramural components, as they could provide the wrong result. Pay close attention to each part of the copied code and make necessary edits. Further, we will present examples highlighting elements that might require corrections.

Creating a Listing Template Within the Timber/Twig View

First, we proceeded to the JetEngine > JetEngine > Performance tab, enabled the Timber/Twig Views toggle, picked and installed the Timber plugin, and clicked the “Save tweaks config” button. After that, the Timber/Twig view was available for listings.

high performant timber/twig view

Then, we headed to the JetEngine > Listings tab and hit the “Add New” button.

add new listing item button

As the Listing source, posts, users, terms, relations, Options Pages data, Query Builder data, Repeater fields, Custom Content Type items, and REST API endpoint items can be chosen.

We picked the “Posts” Listing source and set a Custom Post Type in the following field, but a listing can be created for the default WordPress posts as well.

creating a listing template with the Timber/Twig view

Choosing the Desired Layout for the Listing Template

We selected a layout with the hover effect from the article with a selection of components.

Blog Post Card Layout CSS3

Since the listing template defines the layout of one item, we removed all unnecessary elements, like the info banner, wrapper component, and numbering, from the HTML area and copied only the first card layout:

<div class="card-grid-space">
    <a class="card" href="" style="--bg-img: url(">
        <h1>HTML Syntax</h1>
        <p>The syntax of a language is how it works. How to actually write it. Learn HTML syntax…</p>
        <div class="date">6 Oct 2017</div>
        <div class="tags">
          <div class="tag">HTML</div>

In the CSS sheet, we removed the ‘.info’ and ‘.cards-wrapper’ rules since they had been applied to the deleted elements in the HTML sheet. Also, we eliminated the ‘body,’ ‘a,’ ‘@media,’ and ‘@import’ rules for providing style isolation, avoiding style conflicts, and reducing unnecessary overheads that might slow down the website.

Then, we replaced the ‘Heebo’ and ‘Open Sans’ font families with ‘Roboto.’


Pay attention to the font families in the copied CSS code. We recommend using font families that are integrated with your WordPress theme.

roboto font family

Pasting HTML and CSS into the Corresponding Areas

We pasted the codes into the HTML and CSS sheet accordingly.

We hit the “Reload preview” button and obtained a result that contained static data that needed to be replaced with JetEngine dynamic data.

listing template layout with static data

In the HTML area, we replaced spaces with tabs to eliminate errors.

extramural components in the HTML and CSS areas

In the CSS sheet, we entered the ‘selector’ statement before each CSS selector to apply CSS styles only to the current listing so they wouldn’t impact the whole website.


Pay attention to the hierarchy; some lines contain two selectors to which you need to apply the ‘selector’ statement, for example:

selector .card:before, selector .card:after {
selector statement before each CSS selector

Also, we changed the ‘width: 15em;’ style to ‘width: 100%;’ for the ‘.card’ rule that defines the card-like container’s style. We did this to avoid problems while resizing. Also, the ‘width: 15em;’ style might be simply removed.

width property for the card-like container

Replacing Static Data with Dynamic

Firstly, we needed to display the post thumbnail, so we edited a code:

<a class="card" href="{{ jet_engine_url(args={}) }}" style="--bg-img: url({{ jet_engine_url(args={source:'_thumbnail_url'}) }})">
HTML code for displaying the picture

We deleted the URL from the ‘href’ attribute, hit the “Dynamic data” button, and selected the “Dynamic URL” option.

dynamic URL dynamic data

We picked the “Permalink” option as the Source and pushed the “Insert” button. In that way, we inserted the tag:

{{ jet_engine_url(args={}) }}
permalink dynamic URL source

Then, we inserted the ‘{{ jet_engine_url(args={source:’_thumbnail_url’}) }}’ tag into the ‘style=”–bg-img: url()”’ CSS variable instead of the URL. 

We achieved that by hitting the “Dynamic data” button, selecting the “Dynamic URL” option again, picking the “Thumbnail URL” as the Source, and pushing the “Insert” button.

thumbnail URL dynamic URL source

Eventually, we got such a code to display the post thumbnail:

<a class="card" href="{{ jet_engine_url(args={}) }}" style="--bg-img: url({{ jet_engine_url(args={source:'_thumbnail_url'}) }})">
code to display the post thumbnail dynamically

Next, we edited the code for the post title:

<h1>HTML Syntax</h1>

Since the <h1> element would disturb the semantic hierarchy on the page, we replaced it with the <div> element.

Also, we added the ‘class’ attribute with the ‘title’ value.

Then, we deleted the ‘HTML Syntax’ text, hit the “Dynamic data” button, picked the “Post” option, selected the “Post Title” data, and pushed the “Insert” button.

post title data to show

We obtained such a placeholder:

<div class="title">{{ post.title }}</div>

Also, we found the ‘selector .card h1 {‘ line in the CSS sheet and replaced ‘h1’ with the ‘.title’ class:

selector .card .title {
placeholder to insert the post title

Then, we replaced the static text in this code:

<p>The syntax of a language is how it works. How to actually write it. Learn HTML syntax…</p>
HTML code for displaying the text

For that, we hit the “Dynamic data” button, picked the “Post” option, and selected the “Post Content” data. 

post content data to show

Then, we pressed the “Add the filter to result” button, picked the “Trim text by words” option, typed the “20” Number of words, set “…” in the More string field, and clicked the “Insert” button.

trim text by words

We received this element:

<p>{{ post.content|excerpt('20','...') }}</p>
placeholder to insert the post content

Then, we edited the code for the post date:

<div class="date">6 Oct 2017</div>
HTML code for displaying the post date

We hit the “Dynamic data” button, picked the “Post” option, and selected the “Post Date” data. 

post date data to show

Then, we pressed the “Add the filter to result” button, picked the “JetEngine Callback” option, selected the “Format date” callback, and pressed the “Insert” button.

The description of all JetEngine callbacks can be found here.

format date callback

We obtained such an element:

<div class="date">{{ post.post_date|jet_engine_callback(args={cb:'jet_engine_date'}) }}</div>
placeholder to insert the post date

Then, we replaced the static text in this code with the term name of the custom taxonomy assigned to the CPT:

<div class="tag">HTML</div>

We hit the “Dynamic data” button, picked the “Post” option, and selected the “Post Terms” data. Then, we pressed the “Add the filter to result” button, picked the “JetEngine Callback” option, selected the “Get term name” callback, pressed the “Insert” button, and received this:

<div class="tag">{{ post.terms|jet_engine_callback(args={cb:'jet_get_term_name'}) }}</div>
placeholder to insert the post terms

When we hit the “Reload preview” button, we saw the entire result except for the picture because the JetEngine dynamic data can be checked only on the page with the Listing Grid or on the front end.

listing template layout with dynamic data

Eventually, we get such a code in the HTML area:

And such a code in the CSS area:

Observe Results in the Listing Grid

To display the listing template in the listing grid, a page should be created in the WordPress block, Elementor, or Bricks editors.

We went to the WordPress Dashboard > Pages > Add New tab, placed the Listing Grid block, and selected the recently created Listing from the drop-down menu.

In the Listing Grid, we observed the static layout with the post data, such as thumbnail, title, content, date, and term.

listing template created with Timber/Twig view

We hit the “Publish/Update” button and opened the page on the front end to check the hover effect.

listing template with the hover effect created with Timber/Twig view on the front end

That’s all. Now you know how to build a listing template with the JetEngine plugin within the Timber/Twig view using the extramural components.

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