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What is a Thank You Page: Best Practices, Essentials, and Examples
Tetiana Pryhorovska
Content writer
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What is a Thank You Page: Best Practices, Essentials, and Examples

Nothing is worth more and costs less than politeness. Even if customers have made a purchase, they will appreciate your courtesy and are more likely to come back in the future. As an e-shop owner, you should not ignore the thank you page. 

Although this page is the last page of the sales funnel, some e-shops add it to the site. Not paying enough attention to this page is a bad practice, as thank you pages can increase website conversions. Unfortunately, even the famous Awwwards does not have thank you page nominees. But this page deserves attention and needs to be elaborated as the home page.

Didn’t you think that the standard phrase “Thank you for your order” is as annoying as “Your opinion is very important to us” and causes the opposite reaction?

But the thank you page should be another hook to the ready-made client. In this article, I’d like to explain how to make a perfect thank you page and present best practices and life hacks.

What Is a Thank You Page?

Thank You pages are a sales tool for building trusting, transparent, and profitable business-client relationships. They show how the clients are essential to you. Customer retention and long-term cooperation start from the thank you page. Clients like a humanized interaction more than lifeless automatic notifications. 

The thank you page is the page your client sees after making conversion actions, which can be:

  • registration;
  • application;
  • ordering a service/item/callback from you;
  • subscription to the news.

Here is one of the thank you page examples.

wordpress wp mayor thank you page
Source: WP Mayor

The thank you page gives gratitude to clients for trusting a business. This page is necessary for all business areas (sales, online services, delivery services, manufacturing, etc.). It may have different forms: thank you for the confirmation, update, subscribing, signing, thank you page after form submission, etc. This page encourages clients to make new purchases. 

In general, there are the following purposes of the thank you page:

  • confirm the actions (i.e., thank you, your application has been accepted; our manager will contact you as soon as possible; thank you for visiting the site, etc.);
  • contribute to SEO, increase loyalty, and strengthen your brand awareness;
  • create additional advertising (social networks, surveys, related offers, etc.).

When Do You Need to Have a Thank You Page?

There are many reasons to add the thank you page to your site. But the main points are:

  • to give a thank you note to buyers;
  • to confirm some actions;
  • to evoke a smile and say something useful;
  • to talk about the further steps after completing the application;
  • to show relevant and valuable content.

As I mentioned before, the thank you page is a sales tool. It can contribute to conversions in the following ways:

  • stipulate sales proposing product or goods; therefore, clients can order something else;
  • increase the time clients spend on the site, which is good for SEO;
  • can provide a link to instructions for using the purchased product or thematic non-advertising videos;
  • can propose subscriptions for news, updates, or some survey questions;
  • increase the confidence in the company and client loyalty;
  • post links to the company’s pages on social networks;
  • can check the input data.

Thank You Page Essentials

The thank you page can include many different elements, but the must-have structure is as follows:

  • a text to express gratitude to the client for performing a specific action: thank you for signing up, registering for an event, ordering a service or a good, subscribing to news, downloading a file, thank you for your update, or purchasing on the site;
  • elements to strengthen the brand (photos, links to special content, links to news, etc.);
  • call to action (i.e., get more information, join our community, visit the webinar);
  • social network links;
  • social proof (i.e., testimonials).

The main elements of the thank you page should motivate the clients to revisit the site. But you can add other details to make your thank you page more user-friendly. For example, you can spruce it up with:

  • a promo code, bonuses, discounts on subsequent purchases;
  • a countdown to some registered events;
  • videos and photos of management and staff.

Every website needs its special thank you page. Sometimes, a bright photo and some texts are enough to emphasize the site’s style. The thank you page should be simple, effective, and informative because, primarily, its mission is to say “thank you” to the client.

Thank You Page Best Examples 

Look at these best examples of the thank you page. They vary a lot and can include not only standard elements.

Kindlepreneur uses a stylish thank you page with a video containing a personal thanks from a recognizable person representing the company.

video thank you page

James Clear’s page has the necessary elements: a thank you, a value offer, and a link to other offers. They are not very noticeable, so it was worth making a big bright button for visitors to find out what the offer is. I’d suggest adding a discount code for subscribers here.  

free download thank you page

Raidboxes presents a short thank you message after subscription. I think links to great content and a button for subscribing to social networks will improve this page.

newsletter thank you page

Look at this funny image from SmashingMagazine!

smashingmagazing thank you for subscribing

How to Create a Thank You Page in WordPress?

You can create the thank you page as a usual WordPress page. Although there are a lot of decent WordPress plugins to make the thank you page, I’d like to describe how to use the top-rated Elementor WooCommerce plugin to create it. 

To create thank you page in WordPress, you need JetWooBuilder, WooBuilder, and Elementor free. Additionally, you can use JetThemeCore to create a page with header and footer.

JetWooBuilder has 60+ widgets to add to the thank you page and all other pages (single product page, shop page, custom cart page, check out, success, and account page). Concerning the thank you page, it proposes three widgets: Custom Address Order, Order Details, and Order.

Sum Up

A well-designed thank you page is a crucial part of any site. It is an excellent tool for reaching out to customers interested in your company. In this article, I presented the essential tips on how to make this page effective, and the main of them are as follows:

  • the thank you page should maintain a consistent site design;
  • a call to action should refer to the business’ goals;
  • use it to collect data in order to fine-tune your business and content strategy;
  • design elements of the thank you page should contribute to conversions, i.e., present links to social networks, offer bonuses, have FAQs, etc.

This page should not be empty or boring because it is a fully-fledged tool for conversions. You can place a lot of information here like order confirmation and details, call to action, photos, videos, bonus offers, links to social networks, and additional services. 

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