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How to Update Posts via Front End Form

How to Update Posts via Front End Form

Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to update information inside Posts right from the front end.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • JetFormBuilder plugin or JetEngine plugin installed and activated

    with the Forms (Legacy) module enabled and the Profile Builder module configured

When it comes to updating the information in the posts, the JetFormBuilder front-end submission functionality could be a perfect match to implement it. It works both with the default WordPress posts and the Custom Post Types

JetFormBuilder is a plugin that allows creating forms in Block Editor (Gutenberg) and displaying them in any page builder, including Elementor. JetFormBuilder is a better alternative to the Forms module of JetEngine, which is legacy now. 

We will describe the process of creating a form for post editing in both tools step by step.

Create the Sub-page in Profile Builder

We will create a form for editing a post from the “Events ” post type. The form will be placed on an Account sub-page of the Profile Builder. It is not obligatory to place the form on the Account page; it can be placed on any static page. 

Firstly, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Profile Builder > Account Page and create a new Subpage. The Subpage will contain the form for posts editing. 

Give a Title and a Slug to the Subpage. Enable the Hide from menu switcher to hide the page from the Profile Menu. The page will still be accessible by the URL. 

creating new subpage for posts editing form in profile builder of jetengine

We will place the form on the page later.

Build the Listing

Add the listing template

To access the form, the user will need to click the “Edit Post” button in the listing of posts. Then, the user will be redirected to the Subpage of Profile Builder that we created in the previous step. On that page, the user will fill out the form to edit the post. 

If you have not done it previously, create a Listing Template for the custom post type, the posts of which will be edited. 

Inside the Listing Template, add the Dynamic Link widget. To pass the URL parameters dynamically, we use the Dynamic Link widget. 

configure dynamic link widget to redirect to the front end form

As the Source of the link, select the “Profile Page” option and specify the Subpage; pick the one created earlier. By clicking on this widget, the user will be redirected to the subpage of your choice. On that page, the form will be located.

Next, name the link by providing a Label. We will name the link “Edit Event.” 

Enable the Add Query Arguments toggle and place this string in the Query Arguments field:


Here, “_post_id” if the name of the URL parameter, and %current_id% macro is the value of the URL parameter; it fetches the ID of the current post dynamically.

In the result, when the user clicks the link, it will look this way:

passing post id in url parameters

The form will be able to fetch the ID of the edited post from the URL parameter value. 

Once you finish editing, save the changes.

Place the listing on the page

The listing of posts can be placed on any page of your choice. We will put it on a subpage of the Profile Builder

We have a subpage called “My Events” that will display the list of events published by the current user.

creating a subpage to display published events in profile builder of jetengine

For this subpage, we created a “My Events” Page template in WordPress Dashboard > Elementor > Saved Templates

Inside the template, we place the Listing Grid widget and select the Listing Template created previously. To display posts authored by current user, use the Query Builder tool.

placing listing of events on the profile builder template

As a result, after clicking the “Edit Event” button in the listing on the “My Events” page of Profile Builder, the user will land on the “Edit Event” subpage to edit the chosen event.

testing the listing of events in profile builder of jetengine

Now, it is time to configure the form itself.

Create the Form in JetFormBuilder

After installing JetFormBuilder, proceed to WordPress Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Forms > Add New to enter the form editor.

Form Fields Setup

Hidden field

Primarily, add a Hidden Field block to the editing area. As the Field Value, select “URL Query Variable.” In the Query Variable Key field, enter “_post_id.”

configuring hidden field by url query variable in post edit form in jetformbuilder

The Hidden Field will retrieve the ID of the edited post from the URL parameters.

passing post id in url parameters

In our case, “_post_id” is the name of the parameter, and “8013” is the parameter’s value. “8013” is the ID of the needed post. The Hidden Field will retrieve “8013” and use it as the ID of the post that should be edited.

If you plan to place the form on the Single Post page, replace the “URL Query Variable” Field Value with the “Current Post ID” option.

configuring hidden field by current post id in jetformbuilder

In this case, the Hidden Field will retrieve the ID of the post dynamically from the current page.

Text, WYSIWYG, and Textarea fields

To edit the Text, Textarea, and WYSIWYG meta fields, use the same field types in JetFormBuilder.

We will use the Text field to edit the title of the post and the WYSIWYG field to edit the event description, which is stored in a meta field of type WYSIWYG.

Complete the Field Label and Form Field Name. Other field settings are optional.

fields for editing post title and post description

Checkbox, Radio, and Select fields

To edit multi-optional meta fields like Checkbox, Radio, and Select, use the corresponding field types in JetFormBuilder forms.

For example, our “Events” post type has a “Checkbox” Meta Field named “activities”.

enabling save as array toggle in the settings of the checkbox meta field

Make sure to enable the Save as array toggle in the “Checkbox” Meta Field settings. If you didn’t do it previously, enable it and update all the posts to resave the value of this meta field correctly in the database. To update the posts, edit each post, uncheck and check the needed option in the “Checkbox” Meta Field and hit “Update.”

To update this meta field, we select the Checkbox Field block in the settings of the form and configure it in this way.

The Fill Options From is set to “Generate Dynamically,” the Generator Function is “Get values list from JetEngine field options,” and in the Field Name, we insert the name/ID of the “Checkbox” Meta Field. This way, the Checkbox Field will generate options from the “Checkbox” Meta Field options. 

Give a name to the field and a label. The rest of the settings are optional. 

configuring checkbox field in jetformbuilder to update checkbox meta field

Next, we add the Select Field block that will list categories of the related taxonomy.

To make the Select Field list taxonomy terms, choose “Terms” in the Fill Options From drop-down and select the needed taxonomy below. 

configuring select field in jetformbuilder to update taxonomy

It is possible to use Radio, Checkbox, or Select Fields to update the taxonomy.

Date, Time, and Datetime fields

To update the “Date,” “Time,” and “Datetime” Meta Fields, use the Date, Time, and Datetime Fields in JetFormBuilder accordingly.

In our “Events” post type, we have two “Date” Meta Fields for the start date of the event and the end date of the event.

Therefore, we add two Date Fields in the settings of the form.

The most important step is to enable the Is Timestamp toggle in the settings of the Date Field.

configuring date fields in jetformbuilder form to update date meta fields

Also, the “Date” Meta Field should be saved as a timestamp (enable the Save as timestamp toggle in the meta field settings).

configuring date meta fields in jetengine

If you did not enable the Save as timestamp toggle before creating posts, enable it and resave the posts to make the value of the “Time” Meta Field update in the database. To resave the posts, enter each post, re-select the value of the “Time” Meta Field, and click “Update.”

Mind that if you work with the Datetime Field, the Is Timestamp toggle should also be enabled. In the Time Field, there is no such setting.

It is also possible to make the available dates in the Date Field start from a certain date, although this setting is optional. To make the available dates in the Date Field start from the current date dynamically, add this string to the Starting from Date field:


Mind copying the brackets too.

To make the Time Field start from the current time, use this macro:


To make the Datetime Field start from the current date and time, use this macro:


Media field

To update the post thumbnail, we will use the Media Field.

In the settings of the Media Field, select the needed User Access. Pick any option except the “Any user (incl. Guest)” because guests cannot edit posts or upload files to Media Library. 

Then, enable the Insert attachment toggle. When this option is enabled, the uploaded media file will also be saved to the Media Library. Note that this option works only for logged-in users.

Next, select the Field Value. Since post thumbnails are stored in the format of ID, we choose the “Attachment ID” value. To update a “Media” Meta Field, make sure the Value format of the “Media” Meta Field matches the selected Field Value in the Media Field in the form. 

configuring media form field to update post thumbnail

For example, to update a “Gallery” Meta Field where the Value format is set to “Media URL,” we would select the “Attachment URL” option in the settings of the Media Field in the form.

configuring the value format of the gallery meta field in jetengine
Things to know

The Media Field of JetFormBuilder can be used to update both the “Media” and the “Gallery” Meta Fields.

Next, select the Maximum Allowed Files to Upload. To let users update the “Gallery” Meta Field, set the number of allowed files to more than one. 

Then, set the Maximum Size in MB, defining the maximum size of each single file uploaded to the current Media Field

Finally, select the Allowed MIME Types to let users upload files of only certain formats.

Repeater field

To update the “Repeater” Meta Field, we will use the Repeater Field block. Inside the Repeater Field, we will place the same field types as the fields inside the “Repeater” Meta Field

For example, our “Repeater” Meta Field named “event-addresses” has only one field — the “Text” field named “event-address.”

repeater meta field with a list of addressed inside events post type

Therefore, we place a Text Field block inside the Repeater Field block in the form.

Then, we copy the name of the “Repeater” Meta Field (“event-addresses”) and paste it as the Form Field Name of the Repeater Field block; also, we copy the name of the “Text” field of the “Repeater” Meta Field (“event-address”) and give the same name to the Text Field block in the form.

populating repeater field in jetformbuilder with repeater meta field

Insert/Update post action

After adjusting the form fields, navigate to the JetForm tab on the right menu and scroll down to the Post Submit Actions section. Unfold the section and press the “New Action” button to add a new action. Select the “Insert/Update Post” action from the list. After that, click the pencil-shaped button to edit it.

editing insert update post action in jetformbuilder form

In the Edit Action popup, start by selecting the Post Type, “Events” in our case. Then, select the needed status of the created posts.

After that, move to the Fields Map section and map the form fields on the left with the needed post properties on the right side. Start by mapping the post_id field with the “Post ID (will update the post)” property.

Things to know

If you don’t map the post_id field as described above, a new post will be created after submitting the form instead of updating the existing one.

configuring insert update post action to edit the event post

Then, map the rest of the form fields with the post properties that should be populated. If you map the field with a “Post Meta” property, insert the Name/ID of the meta field into the input field under the “Post Meta” property.

mapping form fields with meta fields in insert update post action

Don’t forget to click the “Update” button to save the changes once ready.

Preset settings

In the same JetForm tab, scroll down to Preset Settings and enable them. 

Preset Settings let the fields in the form pre-populate with the existing values in the post. Assuming the post already has all the needed information — post title, thumbnail, meta fields, etc. 

When Preset Settings are configured, form fields are completed with the data from the post so that the user doesn’t have to fill in all the post fields from scratch but can edit only the necessary information. 

Select “Post” as the Source and “URL Query Variable” in the Get Post ID From drop-down. Specify the Query Variable Name: “_post_id”. 

configuring preset settings in the form for editing events in jetformbuilder

Remember that the ID of the post will be located in the URL parameters, which is why we populate it from the URL Query Variable.

Things to know

If the form is to be located on the single post page, replace the “URL Query Variable” option in the Get Post ID From drop-down with the “Current Post” option. Then, the data will be pre-set from the current post data.

Next, map all the form fields in the same way as when you previously configured the “Insert/Update Post” action.

General messages settings

Now, move to the General Messages Settings section and edit the messages appearing once the form is submitted.

adjusting general messages in jetformbuilder form

Once you are done, publish the form.

Form adjustment in Elementor

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard and proceed to Elementor > Templates > Saved Templates

Create a new template. We will later assign it to the “Edit Event” Subpage in Profile Builder.

creating elementor page template to display jetformbuilder form

Place the JetForm widget inside. This widget will display the form. 

Choose the created form and proceed to edit the rest of the settings. To modify the fields’ appearance, navigate to the Style tab and adjust the appearance of form fields.

adjusting the jetform widget in elementor editor to display a jetformbuilder form

Look through our related video tutorial for additional guidance.

Once done, save the changes, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Profile Builder > Account Page, and assign the created template to the subpage.

assigning elementor template to profile builder subpage in jetengine

Create the Form in JetEngine Forms (Legacy)

Enable Forms (Legacy) module

Proceed to WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Forms to create a new form.

JetEngine form fields setup


Initially, add a Hidden field. Select “URL Query Variable” as the Field Value. In the Query variable key field, enter “_post_id”.

configuring hidden field by url query variable in post edit form in jetengine

The Hidden field will retrieve the ID of the edited post from the URL parameters.

passing post id in url parameters

In our case, “_post_id” is the name of the parameter, and “8013” is the parameter’s value. “8013” is the ID of the needed post. The Hidden field will retrieve “8013” and use it as the ID of the post that should be edited.

If you plan to place the form on the Single Post page, replace the “URL Query Variable” Field Value with the “Current Post ID” option.

configuring hidden field by current post id in jetengine

In this case, the Hidden field will retrieve the ID of the post dynamically from the current page.

Text, WYSIWYG, and Textarea

To edit the “Text,” “Textarea,” and “WYSIWYG” Meta Fields, use the same field types in the JetEngine form.

We will use the “Text” field to edit the title of the post and the “WYSIWYG” field to edit the event description, which is stored in a meta field of “WYSIWYG” type.

jetengine form fields for editing post title and post description

Give a name and a label to the fields. Other field settings are optional.

Things to know

The Name field should contain a value with only lowercase letters in Latin, no spaces. If you want to split words, this can be done by using the “-” and “_” characters. Wrong formatted field names can result in form errors.

formatting form field name

Checkbox, Radio, and Select

To edit multi-optional meta fields like “Checkbox,” “Radio,” and “Select,” use the corresponding field types in JetEngine forms.

For example, our “Events” post type has a “Checkbox” Meta Field named “activities”.

enabling save as array toggle in the settings of the checkbox meta field

Make sure to enable the Save as array toggle in the “Checkbox” Meta Field settings. If you didn’t do it previously, enable it and update all the posts to resave the value of this meta field correctly in the database. To update the posts, edit each post, uncheck and check the needed option in the “Checkbox” Meta Field, and hit “Update.”

To update this meta field, we select to add a “Checkboxes” field.

The Fill Options From is set to “Generate Dynamically,” the Generator Function is “Get values list from JetEngine field options,” and in the Field Name, we insert the name/ID of the “Checkbox” Meta Field. This way, the field will generate options from the “Checkbox” Meta Field options. 

Give a name to the field and a label. The rest of the settings are optional. 

configuring checkbox field in jetengine to update checkbox meta field

Next, we add a Select field that will list categories of the related taxonomy.

To make the Select field list taxonomy terms, choose “Terms” in the Fill Options From drop-down and select the needed Taxonomy below. 

configuring select field in jetengine to update taxonomy

It is possible to use Radio, Checkbox, or Select fields to update the taxonomy.

Date, Time, and Datetime

To update the “Date,” “Time,” and “Datetime” Meta Fields, use the Date, Time, and Datetime fields in JetEngine forms accordingly. 

In our “Events” post type, we have two “Date” Meta Fields for the start date of the event and the end date of the event.

Therefore, we add two Date fields in the settings of the form.

The most important step is to enable the Is Timestamp toggle in the settings of the Date field.

configuring date fields in jetengine form to update date meta fields

Also, the “Date” Meta Field should be saved as a timestamp.

configuring date meta fields in jetengine

If you did not enable the Save as timestamp toggle before creating posts, enable it and resave the posts to make the value of the “Date” Meta Field update in the database. To resave the posts, enter each post, re-select the value of the “Date” Meta Field, and click “Update.”

Mind that if you work with the Datetime field, the Is Timestamp toggle should also be enabled. In the Time field, there is no such setting.


To update the post thumbnail, we will use the Media field.

In the settings of the Media field, select the needed User access. Select any option except the “Any user (incl. Guest)” because guests cannot edit posts or upload files to the Media Library. 

Then, enable the Insert attachment toggle. When this option is enabled, the uploaded media file will also be saved to the Media Library. Note that this option works only for logged-in users.

Next, select the Field value. Since post thumbnails are stored in the ID format, we choose the “Attachment ID” value.

configuring media form field in jetengine forms to update post thumbnail

To update a “Media” Meta Field, make sure the Value format of the “Media” Meta Field matches the selected Field Value in the Media field in the form.

For example, to update a “Gallery” Meta Field where the Value format is set to “Media URL,” we would select the “Attachment URL” option in the settings of the Media field in the form.

configuring the value format of the gallery meta field in jetengine
Things to know

The Media Field of JetFormBuilder can be used to update both the “Media” and the “Gallery” Meta Fields.

Next, select the Maximum Allowed Files to Upload. To allow users to update the “Gallery” Meta Field, set the number of allowed files to more than one. 

Then, set the Maximum Size in MB, defining the maximum size of each single file uploaded to the current Media field

Finally, select the Allowed MIME Types to let users upload files of only certain formats.


To update the “Repeater” Meta Field, we will use the Repeatable Fields Group Start and Repeatable Fields Group End fields. Between them, we will place the same field types as the fields inside the “Repeater” Meta Field

For example, our “Repeater” Meta Field named “event-addresses” has only one field — the Text field named “event-address.”

repeater meta field with a list of addressed inside events post type

Therefore, we place a Text field between the Repeatable Fields Group Start and Repeatable Fields Group End fields in the form.

populating repeater field in jetengine forms with repeater meta field

Then, we copy the name of the “Repeater” Meta Field (“event-addresses”) and paste it as the Repeatable Fields Group Start name; also, we copy the name of the Text field of the Repeater meta field (“event-address”) and give the same name to the Text field in the form.

Insert/Update post-submit action

After you finish the form fields setup, scroll down to the Post-submit Actions / Notifications Settings section. Click “Add Notification” to add new post-submit action. Select the “Insert/Update Post” action type. 

Start by selecting the Post Type; we have picked “Events.” Then, select the needed status of the created posts.

After that, move to the Fields Map section and map the form fields on the left with the needed post properties on the right side. Start by mapping the post_id field with the “Post ID (will update the post)” property.

Things to know

If you don’t map the post_id field as described above, a new post will be created after submitting the form instead of updating the existing one.

configuring insert update post action to edit the event post in jetengine forms

Then, map the rest of the form fields with the post properties that should be populated. If you map the field with a “Post Meta” property, insert the Name/ID of the meta field into the input field under the “Post Meta” property.

mapping jetengine form fields with meta fields in insert update post action

Don’t forget to click the “Apply Changes” button to save the changes once you are done.

Notifications settings

Now, move to the Messages Settings section and edit the messages appearing once the form is submitted.

adjusting messages in jetengine form

Pre-set form settings

Scroll up to the Pre-set form field values checkbox and enable it. Preset settings let the fields in the form pre-populate with the existing values in the post. Assuming the post already has all the needed information — post title, thumbnail, meta fields, etc. 

When Preset settings are configured, form fields are populated with the data from the post so that the user doesn’t have to fill in all the post fields from scratch but can edit only the necessary information.

Select “Post” as the Source and “URL Query Variable” in the Get post ID from drop-down.

Specify the Query variable name: “_post_id.” Remember the post ID will be located in the URL parameters, which is why we populate it from the URL Query Variable.

configuring preset settings in the jetengine form for editing events
Things to know

If the form is to be located on the single post page, replace the “URL Query Variable” option in the Get Post ID From drop-down with the “Current Post” option. Then, the data will be pre-set from the current post data.

Next, map all the form fields in the same way as when you previously configured the “Insert/Update Post” action.

Form adjustment

Navigate to the WordPress Dashboard and proceed to Elementor > Templates > Saved Templates

Create a new template. We will later assign it to the “Edit Event” Subpage in Profile Builder.

creating elementor page template to display jetformbuilder form

Place the Form widget inside. This widget will display the form. 

Choose the created form and proceed to edit the rest of the settings. To modify the fields’ appearance, navigate to the Style tab and adjust the appearance of form fields.

adjusting the form widget in elementor editor to display a jetengine form

Once done, save the changes, navigate to WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Profile Builder > Account Page, and assign the created template to the subpage.

assigning elementor template to profile builder subpage in jetengine

Check in Action

It is time to check the form in action. Find the page where the Listing Grid displaying the posts is placed and click the “Edit Post” button to edit one of the posts.

Thanks to the Preset Settings, the form fields are now populated with the data saved inside the post. Adjust the fields and submit the form to check it in action.

testing edit post form of jetformbuilder and jetengine in action

That’s it; now you know how to update posts via front-end form in Elementor with the help of the JetFormBuilder and JetEngine plugins for your WordPress website.

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