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AI Website Structure Builder for WordPress

AI Website Structure Builder Overview

This tutorial explains the AI Website Structure Builder settings from the JetEngine plugin and how to start the creation of the WordPress website with it.

The AI Website Structure Builder is a JetEngine tool that creates a data model for a WordPress website based on the input prompts.

Things to know

The AI Website Structure Builder focuses solely on creating the site’s structure and does not handle style customization or content creation. For example, it can generate necessary Custom Post Types, but you will need to add the posts manually.

General Settings

The AI Website Structure Builder is available in the WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Website Builder tab.

AI Website Structure Builder page

The page contains two tabs:

  • New Model — a start tab that allows one to set the site model by writing prompts into the fields;
  • Previously Created Models — a tab that contains a list of the created models that can be edited or deleted.

The New Model tab has such fields:

  • What website do you want to build — a field where one should describe what kind of site they want to create in one to two sentences. It can be a topic (job board, medical center, photography, etc.) or general information (“I want to connect tourist groups with activities providers”).
  • What functionality do you need — a field where one should describe the site’s features in two to three sentences (e.g., what entities are required and what capabilities site visitors should have).

The AI Website Structure Builder can generate such entities:

Prompt and Model Example

An example of prompt writing and model structuring is the creation of a website for a personal brand (e.g., a photographer).

Prompt writing

In the first field, such a prompt is entered as an example:

“I want to build a personal branding website for a wedding photographer.”

In the second field, the following is typed:

“Photoshoots” CPT with custom taxonomy, meta fields, listing, and filters. “Clients” CCT with relation with CPT.”

prompts for the photographer website in the AI Website Structure Builder

After that, the “Preview Website Model” button can be clicked, which generates model data, but nothing will be created on the site yet.

Things to know

One can use 60 AI requests per month.

Model preview

Such website entities generated with AI can be previewed:

preview website model generated with AI
  • Custom Post Types — a section that shows entities related to CPTs (“Photoshoots” and “Clients” in this case):
    • Supported Core Features — default functionality available for  CPTs and CCTs. It can be “title,” “editor,” and “thumbnail”;
    • Taxonomies — generated custom taxonomies available only for CPTs. In this case, the “Photoshoot Type” taxonomy is generated for the “Photoshots” post type;
    • Meta Fields — generated custom fields for CPTs and CCTs. In this case, it’s the “Event Date” with the “DateField type and “Location” with the “TextField type for “Photoshoots” and the “Contact Information” with the “TextareaField type for “Clients”;
    • Related Entities shows if there are generated relations between posts, users, CCT items, or taxonomies;
    • Create as CCT a checkbox that is shown if prompts mention CCT creation or it’s supposed that the post type doesn’t need a separate page on the front end. 
Things to know

Be aware that AI generates only CPTs for the preview. To create CCTs, ensure that the needed post type contains the Create as CCT checkbox and tick this option.

  • Relations — a section that shows generated relations between posts, users, CCT items, or taxonomies. In this case, it’s “Clients > Photoshoots.” It also displays the Parent and Child Entities and the Relation Type (“one-to-one,” “one-to-many,” or “many-to-many”).
  • Filters — a section that shows generated filters supported by the JetSmartFilters plugin and its general settings (Filter Type, Filter Query By, and Query Var). In this case, it’s the “Select” filter by taxonomy, “Date Range” by the “Date” meta field, and “Select” by the “Location” meta field.

Entity names and slugs can be changed by clicking the “pencil” icon. Also, entities can be deleted by pressing the “trash” icon.

If the model isn’t satisfactory, the prompts can be altered, and the “Regenerate Website Model” button can be pressed.

If the generated AI model is acceptable, the “I understand that by clicking “Create Website Model” all described entities will be physically created on my website” checkbox should be ticked. It enables the “Create Website Model” button. 

create or regenerate website model

Model structure

After hitting the “Create Website Model” button, entities are added to the website, and one will be redirected to the page with the model structure information.

website model structure generated with AI

Here, the model name can be changed. To save it, one should hit the “Update” button.

changing the website model structure name

The model page can contain such sections:

  • Post Types — contains such controls:
    • Edit — button that redirects to the CPT editing page, where the settings can be modified and meta fields added;
custom post type with custom meta fields generated with AI
Things to know

The “Location” Field type can be changed from “Text” to “Map.” This Field type is available if the Maps Listings default module from the JetEngine dashboard is activated.

  • Add posts — redirects to the WordPress Dashboard’s CPT tab where new posts can be added;
add new post in the custom post type
  • Query — navigates to the custom query editing page created for the post type. In the General Settings section, it has the Name and “Posts Query” Query Type set. In the Posts Query section, in the General Type the correspondent Post Type is selected. All settings can be customized according to the needs;
basic custom query generated for the custom post type
basic listing template for the custom post type
  • Filters — contains the list of the generated filters. Clicking the “Edit” button guides you to the filter editing page, allowing one to observe and change its settings.
wordpress filter generated with ai
  • Taxonomies — includes such controls:
    • Edit — a button that transfers to the custom taxonomy editing page, where the settings can be modified and meta fields added;
custom taxonomy generated with AI
  • Add/Edit terms — navigates to the page where terms for the custom taxonomy can be created or edited. This page already contains several terms generated with AI.
add or edit terms for the custom taxonomy
  • Custom Content Types — contains controls that are similar to the Post Types;
  • Relations — contains such controls:
    • Edit — redirects to the Relation editing page, where the settings can be altered;
wordpress relation generated with AI
  • Parent Items — sends to the page where the parent items can be adjusted (in this case, items from the “Clients” CCT);
  • Children Items — forwards to the page where the children items can be adjusted (in this case, posts from the “Photoshoots” CPT.

Clicking the Previously Created Models tab shows the list of the generated models. Hovering over the model name shows the “Trash” button that deletes the model if pressed.


If the model is deleted, all added entities will still remain on the website.

previously created models

That’s all. Now you know the AI Website Structure Builder settings from the JetEngine plugin and how to start the creation of the WordPress website with it.

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