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How to Create a Booking Form

How to Create a Booking Form

This tutorial explains how to build booking forms and manage their settings using the JetFormBuilder and JetEngine plugins.

Before you start, check the tutorial requirements:

  • Elementor (Free version) and Block editor (Gutenberg)

  • WooCommerce plugin (Free version) installed and activated

  • JetEngine plugin installed and activated with CPT for Orders created. If you have not done this yet, please follow this tutorial

  • JetFormBuilder plugin installed and activated

  • JetBooking plugin installed and activated

JetFormBuilder Booking Form

Creating a Booking Form

Navigate to WP Dashboard > JetFormBuilder > Add New to create a new form.

jetformbuilder settings

The form will be open in the Gutenberg editor. Add the form’s title (here, Booking Form).

The form contains a hidden field block by default with the following settings: Name (post_id by default), Render in HTML toggle, and the Field (the Current Post Id option by default) value drop-down menu. If necessary, apply other settings.

selecting field hidden field

The Form Creation Tutorial details how to build JetFormBuilder forms.

Adding Text Fields

Add the Text field block or customize the default one. 

text field settings

Navigate to the Settings block of the Text field and specify the necessary settings, partially:

  • General > Form Field Name, if you want to use this field for collecting data (here, _name);
  • Field > Field Type from the drop-down menu if you want to collect unique data as a text email, URL, tel, and password;
  • Field > Min (Max) Lengths, if you’re going to limit the input text (the field ranges from 1 to 49 symbols);
  • Field > Set Input Mask toggle to setup specific input format for the current field;
  • Advanced > Field Visibility from the drop-down menu as for all, only for logged or not-logged users.

note text=’Switch the Is required toggle for every necessary field.’

Adding Check-in/Check-out fields

Find the JetForm Check-in/Check-out field block and drag-n-drop it where needed.

adding check-in and check-out fields

Navigate to the Check-In/Check-Out field settings and specify the field settings, i.e., the layout or position, Labels, Placeholders, and more:

check-in and check-out field settings
  • General > Form Field Name, if you want to use this field for collecting data or calculations (here, _dates);
  • Field Settings > Layout  drop-down menu to select the Single field or Separate check in and check out dates layouts;
  • Field Settings > Date Format, Field Settings > Date Field Separator, and Field Settings > First Day of the Week drop-down menus;
  • Advanced > Field Visibility from the drop-down menu as for all, only for logged, or not-logged users.

note text=’Users should complete the Date Format, Date Field Separator, and First Day of the Week settings of the CheckIn/CheckOut field; otherwise, the form will not be submitted..’

Adding Checkbox fields

Drag-n-drop the Checkbox field.

adding checkbox fields

Press the “Manage Items” button and add the necessary checkbox fields.

checkbox settings

The Manual Input setting from the Fill Options from drop-down menu is set by default.

If you want to use this field for collecting data or calculations, navigate to the Checkbox field settings and specify the settings, i.e., General > Form Field Name (here, _additional_services).

Adding Number Fields

Find the Number Field block and drag and drop it into the form. Specify its name and the Min/Max Values and Step settings.

adding number fields

The JetFormBuilder: Fields and Buttons Full Guide details the JetFormBuilder field settings.

Add other fields or pre-made JetFormBuilder patterns to make the form user-friendly.

adding jetformbuilder patterns

Adding CPT Meta Fields

Use the Checkbox field to display the meta fields from the CPT on the form you build. Select the Meta field option from the Fill Options From drop-down menu and type the necessary meta field name (here, amenities).

adding metafields to jetformbuilder forms

Adding Calculated Fields

Find the Calculated field block and drag-n-drop it where needed.

Add the formulation to calculate. For example, the Calculated field below multiplies the input data and CPT meta field data (here, from the Rooms CPT); and has the following compounds:

adding calculated fields
  • %FIELD::_dates%*%META::price% 一 the CPT meta field price is multiplied by the number of booking days (the form field _dates);
  • %FIELD::_additional_services%*%FIELD::_guest%*%FIELD::_dates% 一 the form fields _additional_services_guest, and _dates are multiplied.

The tutorial explains How to Combine Hidden and Repeater Fields with the Calculated Field.

Things to know

The JetFormBuilder plugin has embedded booking macros for flexible pricing management, including seasonal prices, rates, and outlet prices. Partially, the %ADVANCED_PRICE::_check_in_out% macro returns the advance rate times the number of days booked and works with the Check-in/Check-out fields. The %META::_apartment_price% and %META::price% return prices associated with the CPT.

Read more about the JetPlugins in the Macros Guide.

Adding Submit Buttons

The Action button is added to the form by default. To customize the button text (here, Submit) and Button Action Type, navigate to the Settings block, type the necessary text, and select another action (instead of the Submit Form action) from the drop-down menu.

action button settings

Post-Submit actions

Navigate to the JetForm settings, unroll the Post Submit Actions tab, and select the Appointment Booking option from the drop-down menu.

post-submit action settings

Booking integration with WooCommerce 

The JetBooking plugin allows integration of the submitted data with the WooCommerce plugin data. If the Bookings > Settings > General > WooCommerce integration toggle is enabled, the Appointment Booking pop-up displays the Disable WooCommerce Integration switcher. 

disable woocommerce integration

If disabled, this switcher sets up WooCommerce order details and connects WooCommerce checkout fields to appropriate form fields.

The tutorial details How to enable WooCommerce integration for Bookings.

Add another post-submit action if necessary by pressing the “+Add New Action” button.

The tutorial How to Use Post-Submit Actions overviews the main features of post-submit actions.

Adding the booking form data to CPTs

If you need to collect the submitted data or add them to the specified CPT, select the Insert/Update Post option from the Post Submit Actions tab drop-down menu. Pressing the pencil icon opens the pop-up window allowing users to select the Post Type (here, Orders CPT) to add the submitted information from the form, Post Status, and drop-down menus to specify meta-fields to save the appropriate data. 

adding the booking form data to cpts

Press the “Update” button to save changes.

Preset Settings

To add the preset user’s data to the form, navigate to the Preset Settings tab, turn on the Enable toggle, and select the data source from the Source drop-down menu.

form preset settings

Type the texts in the General Message Settings fields, i.e., Submission Failed or Form Successfully Submitted fields. 

general message settings

Press the “Publish” button to save changes.

Adding the Form to a Single Page

The built form is available for adding to single pages in the Elementor and Gutenberg editors. 

The tutorial explains How to Create a WordPress Single Post Page Template.

Create a single page for CPT and navigate to the single settings to set the CPT (here, Rooms) as a source for this single page through the PostType drop-down menu.

single page settings

Drag-n-drop the JetForm widget to the place you need.

jetform widget for elementor

The tutorial explains How to Insert the Form into the Page.

Select the previously built form from the drop-down menu and customize its appearance.

jetform widget for elementor

The built form on the front end looks as follows:

front-end view of forms

That’s all about creating JetFormBuilder booking forms.

JetEngine Booking Form (Legacy) 

It’s time to proceed with creating a booking form. Navigate to the JetEngine > Forms and add a new one. The tutorial dedicated to booking form functionality can be found here.

Things to know

Furtherly, it is obligatory to add a booking form to the Single page!

JetEngine forms block

Fields settings overview

As for our particular case, we’ve created a form called Form for Room. Let’s overview it closer. For our tutorial, we created such fields as Number of People, which could be selected by the visitor, First Name and Last Name, e-mail.

Form for Room
Things to know

With the JetBooking plugin a brand-new field type, called Check-in/ check-out dates is available! It allows selecting the period a visitor wants to book from the booking form front-end.

Fields settings

The Hidden field in the booking form

The booking form creates a hidden field called post_id by default. Please, don’t delete it, while we need it further.

Hidden field

Notifications settings overview

Let’s move to set up your booking form’s Notifications Settings block. Add a new one and choose the Insert Post type, which means that the information from the submitted form will be added to the CPT we’ll specify.
Do you remember that we created the second CPT called “Orders”? It should be selected in Post Type’s settings.
Below, you can see the Fields Map, which stands for pulling the meta fields, created with the CPT we want the information to be added to. As for Orders CPT, we haven’t created any meta fields, that’s why we’ve got only post_id.
Save the changes and proceed with the adding of a new notification.

Insert post notification type

Setting the booking notification type

In the newly added notification, you need to choose a Booking type. Then, in the Apartment ID field, you need to select your post_ID. It’s information from the hidden field, we added in Step 3.
Next, there’s a field called “Check-in/Check-out date”. Here you need to select the corresponding field from the Fields settings.
And finally, in the DB columns map block you see names of the columns created before.

Notifications settings
Things to know

Please note, that “inserted_post_id” should be set in the field, in which ID of the corresponding order will be stored in your booking table.

Adjusting the send email notification type

Alright, the last part of the booking form we need to set up is the Send Email notification. It allows sending an email to your clients after they have successfully booked the housing. Please feel free to follow this tutorial where you can learn more about the notification settings.

Send email notification type

We’ve built a booking form and now we need to display it on the website!
Follow the next tutorial to find out how to do it.

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