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JetSearch Review: Powerful WordPress Search Plugin
Katia Gavrilenko
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JetSearch Review: Powerful WordPress Search Plugin

Does your WordPress website’s built-in search feature leave something to be desired? If you’re looking to elevate the user experience by providing a more robust and intuitive search option, then JetSearch might be the perfect solution. This plugin integrates seamlessly with Elementor and the Gutenberg Block Editor, allowing you to craft a user-friendly search bar directly on your pages.

This review delves into JetSearch’s key features and functionalities, exploring how it can transform your website’s search capabilities. So, let’s not waste any time and get straight to the review.

Table of Contents

Overview of JetSearch

JetSearch is a WordPress plugin by Crocoblock that is designed for advanced search functionality. Compatible with popular page builders like Elementor, Gutenberg, and Bricks, it offers AJAX-powered live search capabilities, allowing users to see results instantly without refreshing the page. JetSearch supports all post types, including posts, pages, WooCommerce products, and a wide range of other entities, such as various custom fields, post IDs, user’s meta fields, and terms, with a custom template you can create to display the results. It features fuzzy search, which utilizes an experimental AI plugin, meaning you can connect your paid OpenAI API to improve search results, and provides customizable search result layouts. 

Additionally, there’s a “Save user searches as suggestions” option, which saves all user search requests made with JetSearch widgets/blocks.

jetsearch suggestions

The plugin is highly customizable, enabling website owners to tailor the search experience to match their site’s design and user needs. Users can configure the search settings, such as excluding specific categories or tags, adjusting the number of visible results, and defining search queries‘ relevance. It also offers styling options to ensure that the search results blend seamlessly with the overall website aesthetics.

JetSearch is available in two main pricing plans: 

  • Custom subscription at $23/year, offering basic access;
  • All-Inclusive subscription is $199/year and includes all Crocoblock plugins for comprehensive site development and management. 

These plans cater to different needs, providing flexibility and value for users seeking enhanced search capabilities on their WordPress sites.

Importance of a Powerful Search Plugin for WordPress

A robust search functionality is often overlooked but plays an important role in enhancing user experience on a WordPress website. WordPress’s default search capabilities can be limited, usually failing to provide the desired results efficiently. This is where a powerful search plugin comes into play.

By incorporating a specialized search plugin, website owners can significantly improve their site’s search functionality. These plugins offer advanced features that go beyond the basic search, such as indexing various content types, including custom post types or WooCommerce products. This ensures that users can easily find the information they seek, regardless of its format. Moreover, these plugins often provide customization options, allowing website owners to tailor the search results to their specific needs and target audience.

A well-implemented search plugin can dramatically enhance user satisfaction by providing accurate and relevant search results. This, in turn, can lead to increased engagement, lower bounce rates, and higher conversion rates. Users who can quickly find what they’re looking for are more likely to explore the website further and potentially become customers or loyal followers. Investing in a powerful search plugin is, therefore, a strategic decision that can yield significant benefits for any WordPress website.

JetSearch Main Features

JetSearch is a powerful WordPress search plugin designed to enhance user experience and search efficiency. It offers a range of features to elevate your website’s search functionality.

JetSearch’s AJAX search feature provides a dynamic and user-friendly search experience. As users type their query into the search bar, relevant results are displayed instantly without requiring a full page reload, significantly improving search speed and user satisfaction.

Customizable search form

You have complete control over the appearance of your search form. You can easily customize its design, layout, and placement to seamlessly integrate with your website’s aesthetic, ensuring a consistent and professional look.

Advanced search filters

JetSearch provides advanced filtering capabilities to help users refine their search results. Users can filter results based on categories, tags, or custom fields, which allows them to find the exact information they need.

Search suggestions

JetSearch enhances the search experience by providing intelligent search suggestions. As users type, the plugin offers relevant suggestions based on popular search terms and user behavior. This helps users find what they’re looking for faster and reduces typos.

Search in custom fields, including users’ meta fields

If you use JetEngine’s Profile Builder module or add custom fields to user’s profiles in some other way, it’s essential to search inside these fields. After the 3.5.0 release, you can perform this kind of search. 

And, surely, you can select any other custom fields to be included in the search results. 

Integration with popular page builders

JetSearch seamlessly integrates with popular page builders like Elementor and Bricks, allowing you to easily create and customize search forms within your website’s design. This flexibility simplifies the process of adding search functionality to your pages.

By combining these features, JetSearch empowers you to create a highly effective and user-centric search experience for your WordPress website.

Advantages of Using JetSearch

Let’s explore why this plugin is the secret weapon to a better search experience.

  • Enhanced user experience: providing fast, accurate, and relevant search results increases user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Improved SEO: relevant search results can positively impact your website’s search engine rankings by quickly providing users with the information they seek.
  • Increased conversions: for eCommerce websites, JetSearch can help users find products faster, leading to increased sales and conversions.
  • Time savings: the plugin’s advanced features and customization options save time for website owners in managing and optimizing search functionality.
  • Flexibility and customization: JetSearch offers a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor the search experience to match your website’s unique needs and branding.
  • Boosted website performance: the AJAX search feature enhances website performance and reduces server load by loading search results without refreshing the entire page.

As you may have noticed, JetSearch offers numerous advantages. Let’s take a look at how the plugin appears in the settings. 

Here is what it looks like in the Elementor editor; however, keep in mind that it also integrates seamlessly with Bricks and the Block Editor.


Does JetSearch offer a free trial?

No, it doesn’t. Instead, there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with the plugin.

What types of content can JetSearch search? 

JetSearch can search through posts, pages, custom post types, WooCommerce products, custom fields, and taxonomies.

Do I need any coding knowledge to use JetSearch?

No, JetSearch is designed to be user-friendly and doesn’t require coding knowledge for basic setup and configuration. However, advanced customization might require some technical skills.

Sum Up

JetSearch has emerged as a standout solution for enhancing the search capabilities of WordPress websites. With its powerful and intuitive features, this plugin offers a significant upgrade from the default WordPress search functionality. Whether you’re managing a content-heavy blog, an eCommerce site, or a portfolio, JetSearch’s ability to provide real-time, accurate search results ensures that your visitors find exactly what they need quickly and efficiently. The plugin’s customization options, including advanced filtering and AJAX-based search, make it a versatile tool that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of any website.

Beyond its technical prowess, JetSearch is also designed with the end-user experience in mind. Its sleek, user-friendly interface integrates seamlessly with all WordPress themes, providing a consistent and engaging experience for visitors. The importance of efficient search functionality cannot be overstated – it’s often the first point of interaction between users and your content. With JetSearch, you’re not just adding a search feature; you’re enhancing the overall usability of your site, ultimately leading to higher user satisfaction and engagement.

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The fastest AJAX search plugin for WordPress
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