This guide will provide information about creating a Query for the Listing Grid with Query Builder from the JetEngine plugin.
How to Create Visual Filter Based on SQL Query with Open AI
Learn how to use AI to create a custom query in JetEngine’s Query Builder and create a JetSmartFilters filter based on it.
Query Builder Current WP Query Type Overview
The Current WP Query is a feature available with the JetEngine plugin that allows users to display the desired amount of posts in the grid for the needed page type.
How to Create Filters with Query Builder Source
From this guide, you will discover how to build filters based on the JetEngine Query Builder and JetSmartFilters plugin.
How to Create Dynamic Sale Notifications for WooCommerce SQL Query with Open AI
Learn how to show visitors the last sale on the website and when the order was completed.
How to Display WooCommerce Product Categories with Products in Stock Using Open AI Query
Learn how to generate SQL Query in JetEngine's Query Builder using the AI Query feature to showcase WooCommerce product categories with products in stock.
How to Generate SQL Query with Open AI: Displaying Users’ Birthdays
Discover how to generate the SQL query using the power of Open AI to display users with birthdays this month on the current day and after.
How to Display Array Elements from REST API Endpoint Using Sub Query Addon
The Sub Query addon allows retrieving array elements from a parent object property. Use it to fetch array elements in objects passed in a REST API endpoint and display them conveniently as a nested listing. Connect to a REST API Endpoint If you haven’t connected to a REST API yet,...
Macros for Query Builder
Macros are the core of a dynamic website. JetEngine provides macros for its different modules - Forms, Relations, Dynamic Visibility, etc. You can learn more about each of them in the Macros Guide. In this tutorial, we will take a look at the macros used in Query Builder and cover...