Dynamic Bookstore Template for Elementor

FREE for All-Inclusive subscribers
  • Custom Shop pages & catalogs
  • Adjusted AJAX filters
  • Inbuilt Mega Menu
  • WooCommerce integration
Only Books – dynamic bookstore template by Crocoblock

What's in the Window

bookstore website template components

Book Single Pages

Find inside pre-made dynamic bookstore single pages that’ll present any book at its best.

Allow users to leave book reviews & comments
Show related and already viewed books through a custom query
Output available book types for the same book
Implement Rating & Wishlist functionality
Display limited-time offers and promotions
Use meta boxes to showcase book details
Allow users to leave book reviews & comments
single book page template

Book Catalogs

Build a WordPress bookstore catalog where all books will be shown as clickable cards.

Place layout switcher change the Shop page view
Create a Recently Viewed section using data stores
Customize the shop List and Grid archives
Add pagination to the book catalog page
Attach the “TOP” and discount badges to some books
Sort the books by popularity, price, and latest
Suggest promo offers through Listing injections
Let users bookmark the books they like
book catalog – archive page template

Explore Additional Bookstore
Template Pages

Author page

Create a separate author page, where it’s possible to place a photo, biography, and books they wrote.

custom author page template

Promo page

Add special promo pages telling all about promotion conditions and showing a countdown timer till the end.

custom promo page template

Custom shop pages

Find inside custom Checkout, My Account, Cart, and Thank You pages. These templates are WooCommerce-integrated and totally work-ready.

custom shopping cart and checkout page templates

Advanced Filters

Only Books has pre-set AJAX smart filters and tools to create a new multi-level structure.

Edit the active filters and delete all tags
Add a Range filter for book price
Sort the books by latest, popular, and price
Apply the Rating filter to see the top books
Search according to the category and book attributes
Filter by product types: paper, audio, and e-books
ajax smart filters on the search results page

Build & Manage
Website Structure

Use JetThemeCore to build custom bookshop theme templates and site pages. Manage them all through one dashboard.

Assign custom header, body, and footer templates
Build archive, single, search results, and CPT pages
Enable/disable certain page elements
Add badges to blog post thumbnails
Apply different visibility conditions to theme parts
theme parts and templates on the bookstore website

Bookstore Website Template Dynamic Features

bookmark functionality created with jetengine data stores

Data Store

Data Store | JetEngine
relations between books CPT and categories


custom fields pulled from the user meta box

Meta Boxes

Meta Boxes | JetEngine
book type taxonomy


Taxonomy | JetEngine
pre-filled award winners’ values from the glossary


Glossary | JetEngine
query builder for blog articles

Query Builder

Query Builder | JetEngine

Get Only Books template

and launch your website in a few clicks

Why Crocoblock & Dynamic Templates

single book page and book catalog on the bookstore website

Extra plugins, skins, and pages that might come into play someday. That is not about Only Books. This template embraces just the functionality you need to excel at development.

We know that “Less is more” regarding faster loading speed and data optimization. That’s why you won’t be removing the excess components. Just unpack Crocoblock and proceed to develop a dynamic bookstore website.
Crocoblock’s dynamic templates are incredibly versatile. You can change dynamic data and page structures, edit user profiles, alter listing grids, and add components you find missing. Get creative and feel free to add something new.
Our bookstore template is fueled by JetPlugins functionality only. That being said, you get a set of 20 Elementor add-ons, which have one interface, are created by one team, and make the right fit together.
Forget about buying one plugin at a time. Crocoblock offers you a complex bookstore solution containing niche-relevant functionality at a sensible price. Reduce the surplus expenditures—get plugins for CPTs, menus, filters, visual effects add-ons, and more in one place.
Sometimes, contacting different plugin providers for a fix-up can be too troublesome. Here, at Crocoblock, we’ve got you covered nonstop, always ready to procure and share the right solution. Find us online anytime—we are connected to every popular messenger.

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