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JetEngine Overview

JetEngine Overview

JetEngine is a dynamic content plugin for the WordPress page builder and Elementor editor. It embraces a set of features allowing web developers to manipulate dynamic data output and build dynamic websites without additional coding.

Dynamic Visibility

Dynamic Visibility is a JetEngine module that helps to configure content visibility logic according to custom conditions. Conditions can be mixed but shouldn’t contradict each other. The feature is accessible through Gutenberg dynamic content and Elementor widget settings. Dynamic Visibility is powered by custom field values, user-specific data, etc., and applies to content sections, widgets, blocks, and columns. Use it to show and hide certain page elements on the front end by setting display restrictions.


Relationship Builder is a JetEngine module covering relations between CPT posts, CCT items, taxonomy terms, and users. It allows you to build three relationship types – one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. Using different macros, it is possible to show the related objects’ data in a front-end listing. Relations can be queried, sorted, and filtered when combined with Query Builder and JetSmartFilters.

Admin Columns

Admin Columns are a supplementary tool for the WordPress admin dashboard to arrange the website content on the backend without coding. Admin Columns are added in the CPT and apply to posts, forms, CPTs, pages, and more. They display additional data about CPT posts, help to navigate the content via the admin panel and sort it, and allow editing meta fields directly on the backend.

Admin Filters Overview

This tutorial overviews the main features and settings of the Admin Filters created by the JetEngine plugin to manage CPTs on the back end.

Meta Boxes

A meta box is a container for meta fields that helps to add supplementary information to posts. Meta fields inside a meta box are neatly organized. Using a custom meta box, it is possible to assign a pre-defined set of custom fields to the desired CPTs, terms, users, and default WordPress posts. Meta boxes speed up the process of custom fields creation, and you can choose which posts they will be used for and which not.

Dynamic Tags

Dynamic Tag is a JetEngine feature allowing you to pull the data from another source dynamically. By default, the tag accesses data of the custom meta fields, terms, user fields, options, and Dynamic Function. Dynamic Tags apply to images, macros, post fields, counters, profile URLs, and actions. Using these tags, you can output the post count, average rating for reviews, booking prices per day/night, etc. The feature is available from Elementor dynamic tags.

Listing Template in Elementor

A listing template is a design prototype for the Listing Grid. You can create listing templates from the WordPress Dashboard. Listing templates showcase dynamic data from custom meta fields via Dynamic Widgets and Dynamic Blocks. To get a listing template, it is enough to create and style one listing item. The chosen data output and design settings will automatically apply to all similar items in the Listing Grid. You can build listing templates for CPTs, taxonomies, users, and repeater fields.

Dynamic Tables Builder

Tables Builder is a dynamic module accessible from the JetEngine Dashboard and a way to organize the content display. The module allows you to query data from posts, CCT, users, terms, WooCommerce products, reviews, comments, and SQL database and create dynamic tables to showcase those data. In the table cells, you can output dynamic data using a default layout or a Listing template created beforehand. Dynamic tables can be sorted and filtered, too.

Custom Taxonomy

The term “taxonomy” refers to content categorization features and is close to a category. Using a taxonomy, you will be able to unite scattered posts relating to one topic under one category. Form a category based on a preferred classification characteristic, be it color, country, etc. Items added to a taxonomy are called taxonomy terms. They represent additional classification attributes and form a certain hierarchy inside the taxonomy.

Options Pages

An options page is a settings page created from the WordPress Dashboard. It includes additional custom fields, values from which can be applied site-wide, changed, and updated in real-time. You can add different field types to such a page and output their values on a certain page, in the header/footer templates, a pop-up, etc. Options pages allow grouping options in the admin panel in order to improve UI/UX workflow.

Profile Builder

Profile Builder is a JetEngine module accessible from the WordPress Dashboard. It covers user profile page creation, including the profile menu, permalink structure, profile forms, and editable page sections. Profile Builder allows you to build a separate space for registered users. There they will be able to provide their personal and contact details, edit and publish posts, add payment details, adjust profile settings, view favorite posts, change their password, and more.

Listing Grid Widget

Listing Grid Widget is a widget created for the visual page editor, Elementor. It can be used to show the previously created listing items using the Elementor interface. Listing Grid Widget helps to output CPT posts, taxonomy terms, users, and data from their custom fields. Elementor tools allow you to build a preferred layout for the listing, such as Grid, Slider, Carousel, and Masonry. Since listing items contain dynamic data, they can change as you alter their content.

AI Website Structure Builder for WordPress

AI Website Structure Builder is a JetEngine tool that creates a data model for a WordPress website based on the input prompts. It generates and creates Custom Post Types, Custom Content Types, custom taxonomies, custom meta fields, relations, and filters. By default, it also generates basic queries and listing items for CPTs and CCTs.

Data Stores

Data Stores is a JetEngine module accessible from the JetEngine Settings page. It allows creating a storage (repository) for user-generated data collections like Favorites, Bookmarks, Wishlists, Recently Viewed, etc. You can choose from four data-storing methods: website cookies, user metadata, server session, and browser cache. Data Stores can improve UX by adding a likes counter to certain posts and giving users a separate place for saving posts they viewed and liked.

Dynamic Charts Builder

Charts Builder is a dynamic module accessible from the JetEngine Dashboard. It is a tool to visualize dynamic content and present it as a chart/graph. Charts Builder contains over ten chart types to choose the most suitable layout for dynamic data. You can add, edit, and delete charts in the module. A preview feature is available, too. Charts Builder supports Elementor and WordPress block editor, so you can output created graphs in the preferred page builder.

Dynamic Widgets & Blocks

Dynamic Widgets and Blocks were created for the Elementor and Gutenberg page builders. They include Dynamic Field, Dynamic Link, Dynamic Image, Dynamic Terms, Dynamic Meta, and Dynamic Repeater. Using these widgets & blocks, it is possible to fetch the data dynamically from CPT/CCT custom fields, edit the widget & blocks appearance and data output in Elementor and Gutenberg, and present the result on the front end. Dynamic Widgets & Blocks are mainly used when building a Listing Template and can be added to the Single page templates.


A glossary feature represents a list where each item has its value and label. Such lists are multi-purpose and can be applied to several posts and pages. A glossary serves as a source of options for custom fields, filters, and front-end forms. You can compose a glossary using the manual input option and importing, which supports CSV and JSON file types.

Dynamic Calendar Listing Widget

Listing Calendar is a JetEngine module that dynamically shows upcoming, current, and past events. The module pulls metadata from CPT custom fields and outputs them on the front end using Dynamic Widgets. With the Dynamic Calendar widget, it is possible to present the events as a front-end Listing Grid, where each item will be clickable. Listing Calendar is optimal for Events catalog pages.

Custom Content Type (CCT)

A custom content type (CCT) is similar to a CPT entity with a different data storage principle. The feature is created from the WordPress Dashboard and provides a centralized approach to storing metadata, which is optimal for big-data websites. All data from each CCT is saved to a separate database table and occupies rows, not columns. It allows saving server resources and optimizing website performance.

Dynamic Function

Dynamic Function is a tag able to pull the data from custom fields, calculate their values dynamically, and showcase the result on the front end. Dynamic Function uses post, user, and term meta and forms a selection based on the meta field name. The feature is accessible through Elementor dynamic tags and Gutenberg dynamic content. Using Dynamic Function, it is possible to output the summed, average, min/max value, count the total, and SQL query results.

Custom Post Type (CPT)

A custom post type (CPT) is a content type created by the user from the WordPress Dashboard. It is meant to differentiate website content and structure it. Custom post types expand the default posts’ functionality by adding more custom field types, grouping them into meta boxes, and calibrating the metadata display. Use it to organize website posts and store data in a convenient way.

Query Builder

Query Builder is a dynamic JetEngine feature allowing you to sort posts, products, and other WordPress elements from the backend. It is a unified system, which makes fetching data from posts, CCT, terms, users, comments, and custom database tables fast and efficient. You can build queries from the JetEngine Dashboard. Using them, you can query data according to the set criteria, preview results and output a Count tag for them, show/hide certain data, and more.

Map Listing

Map Listing is a JetEngine module that dynamically shows posts from a parent CPT on the map. The module accesses the CPT custom fields and showcases their content on the front end through Dynamic Widgets and Blocks. Using the Map Listing widget, it is possible to showcase posts as clickable markers attached to their locations. Map Listing can be made filterable and sortable, which will be optimal for property comparison and vacation rental websites.

Custom Field Types Overview

A custom field is a data-containing entity added primarily to WordPress posts and custom post types. JetEngine provides 18 custom field types, using which it is possible to add additional details to posts, pages, taxonomy items, and products. Some field types can be made SEO-friendly and read by search engines. You can group custom fields into meta boxes and apply them to the necessary posts, pages, CPTs, and CCTs.

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