JetPlugins Full Feature List

Dynamic Content
Profile Builder / Membership
Form Builder
Rest API
Advanced Filters
Website Search
Mega Menu
Theme Builder
Booking functionality
Appointment functionality
Popup Builder
Reviews & Comments
Design Content
Custom Woo Pages
  • Dynamic Website Structure
  • Integrations
  • Content Visibility
  • Product Page
  • Front-End Forms
  • Dynamic Widgets
  • Listings

Dynamic Content

Geosearch based on user geolocation
Displays posts, terms, users, CCT items within a location radius of a user who shared geolocation on a website.
  • JetEngine
  • JetSmartFilters
Google, Openstreet, Photon, Bing, Leaflet, Mapbox maps
Select the needed front-end or geocoding provider to display map listings.
  • JetEngine
Relationship Builder
Create complex relations between CPT, CCT, users, taxonomies. Add meta fields to fill the relations info.
  • JetEngine
Charts Builder
Arranges the dynamic data into the charts of different types: bar, area, pie, line, bubble, geo, histogram etc.
  • JetEngine
Tables Builder
Allows creating dynamic data tables with posts, products, users, terms, comments and SQL data.
  • JetEngine
Extended Query Loop
Adds dynamic to a loop by enabling the JetEngine dynamic fields set up into the basic Query Loop block.
  • JetEngine
Custom Product Query
Build WooCommerce product queries based on SKU, tags, prices, measurements, stock, tax, rating, etc.
  • JetWooBuilder
  • JetEngine
Query Builder
Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.
  • JetEngine
SEO for Custom Post Type
Enable the RankMath and Yoast SEO integration for the custom meta field types: Text, Textarea, and WYSIWYG.
  • JetEngine
Ability to create a set of Meta data and use it as a source for options in any CPT, form and filter.
  • JetEngine
Custom Post Types
Custom content type by analogy with post and page. Manage the website’s content and make it structured.
  • JetEngine
Custom Content Types
Create the database tables storing CCT metadata. Query and export data faster to save server resources.
  • JetEngine
Custom Fields
Expand the custom post types with the 18 meta field types. Add them to the CPTs to display attributes.
  • JetEngine
Repeater Custom Field
Multiply content for the post, product, single page to add one more guest, team member, social icons.
  • JetEngine
Custom Meta Boxes
Group the custom meta fields to add extra information to posts, taxonomies, CPTs, WP user.
  • JetEngine
Custom Taxonomies & Terms
Сategorize the Posts Types, products and pages according to any clasification characteristics
  • JetEngine
Options Page
Create and manage any global website data in one place like company address, or phone number.
  • JetEngine
Posts Relations (legacy)
Interrelate different custom post types by choosing the relevant type of relations.
  • JetEngine
Data Stores
A personal data repository for every end-user. Store any post collections such as wishlists, favorites, likes.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Field Widget
Present the data from meta fields, either the plain text, gallery, or QR code, to the Listing item, single page.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Image Widget
Display featured image of the current post, meta field from CPT, MetaBox, Options, Taxonomy, User profile.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Repeater Widget
Pull out the JetEngine or ACF built repeating blocks, for the custom post types or taxonomies.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Link Widget
Add links to redirect the user from listing item to a single post, options and profile page.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Terms Widget
Show the taxonomy the posts belong to, or terms list in the listing. Link it to navigate to the terms archive pages.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Meta Widget
Display the default meta information, such as the publishing date, author, and information about comments.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Listing Grid
Set dynamic listings, show them via grid, masonry, slider, carousel layouts and add alternative listing items.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Listing Map
Display the dynamic content on map, change the style and filter the map’s content.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Listing Calendar
Showcase the dynamic event calendar using listings with all the meta fields needed for timetables.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Content Visibility
Set content visibility for the elements on a page, based on meta fields’ values, user data, and other rules.
  • JetEngine
Conditional Logic for Custom Fields
Configure the visibility of certain meta fields, according to the dynamic rules you set.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Function
Set the dynamic calculations to your listings to showcase the avarage or min/max, summed, count field values.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Tag
Display the post count, average reviews rating, or price per day/night from the meta fields to the widgets.
  • JetEngine
Show the child-related posts or exclude category term in the listing grid, map listings, advanced calendar.
  • JetEngine
ACF, Elementor Pro, WPML – 3rd Party Plugin Integration
ACF, Elementor Pro, WPML
  • JetEngine
Shortcodes Generator
Generate shortcode to output JetEngine-related data anywhere in content
  • JetEngine
Skins Manager
Import and export the previously created CPTs, meta fields, terms, user info from one website to another.
  • JetEngine
Rest API Endpoint Management for CCT
Activates/Deactivates JSON REST API endpoints for CCT. Allows to add, edit, delete CCT items with the REST API.
  • JetEngine
REST API Listings
Allows pulling out the data from third-party sources to the Listing Grid widget with the help of the JSON API.
  • JetEngine