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Displaying Prefiltered Results from the Menu in Elementor

Displaying Prefiltered Results from the Menu in Elementor

Read how to add filters and categories (including WooCommerce categories) to the site menu to redirect users to a page with prefiltered results after clicking on a category.

This tutorial details how to add categories (including WooCommerce categories) and checkbox filter(s) to the menu for better site usability. Selecting any category redirects users to an archive page with prefiltered results.

Building a Listing Item for Categories

Create taxonomies

Navigate to JetEngine > Taxonomies of the WordPress dashboard. Click the “Add New” button to create a taxonomy for the CPT you need (here, the Continents taxonomy for the Tour CPT). 

adding taxonomy settings

If necessary, add meta fields to the taxonomy you build (here, the Picture meta field).

Press the “Add Taxonomy” button.

Read more about How to Create Custom Taxonomy in this tutorial.

Add the taxonomy to CPTs

Navigate to the CPT tab you used to build the taxonomy (here, Tour). Select the taxonomy (here, Continents).

adding the taxonomy to cpts

Add the Category items.

adding categories items

Add the CPTs to the appropriate categories.

adding categories to cpts

Create a Listing item for the categories from a custom taxonomy

Navigate to JetEngine > Listings. Press the “Add New” button and create the listing item (here, Continents list) for the categories from the custom taxonomy with the following settings: 

  • select the Terms option from the Listing Source drop-down menu;
  • select the CPT used for the taxonomy (here, Tours) from the From post type drop-down menu.

Open the listing and add dynamic fields to it.

Read more about How to Create a Listing for the Custom Taxonomy from this tutorial.

Make the listing item clickable

Navigate to the Settings of the Listing item (press the gear sign in the left bottom corner), unroll the Listing Settings tab, and move the Make listing item clickable toggle.

 making items clickable settings

Image Source: A Gateway to Countries and Nations of the World

Building a Listing Item for CPTs

Create the listing item for the CPTs (here, the Listing Tours item is built on the Tour CPTs).

listing item created

The tutorial details How to Create a Listing Template for Post Types.

Set up a Filter for the Categories

Creating a new checkbox filter for categories

Unroll to the SmartFilters tab of the WordPress dashboard. Click the “Add New” button to create the check-box filter for categories.

Add a name to the Filter (here, filter_for_continents) and tick the Checkbox List filter icon.

Settings of the filter

Create the filter with the following settings:

  • select the Taxonomies option from the Data Source drop-down menu;
  • select the appropriate taxonomy (here, Continents) from the Taxonomy drop-down menu.
checkbox filter settings

Read How to Build Checkboxes Filter with Posts Data Source in this tutorial.

Press the “Update” button to save the filter.

Design an Archive Template for the CPT

Create the Archive template

Navigate to the Crocoblock > Theme Templates tab. Press the “Add New” button to create an archive template (here, Continent_archive). 

Select the Archive option from the Template Type drop-down menu.

archive template creation

Press the “Create Template” button to save the template.

Read this tutorial: How to Create Archive and Single Templates for Custom Post Type.

Adding the filter to the archive template

To make the archive template more user-friendly, divide it into some parts using the Inner Section widget.

Find the Checkbox Filter widget and drag-n-drop it to the page.

adding checkbox filter

Select the filter (here, filter_for_continents) from the Select Filter drop-down menu. Choose the JetEngine option from the This filter for drop-down menu and the AJAX option from the Apply type drop-down menu.

Read more about Filtering Posts by Taxonomy Guide in this tutorial.

Adding the listing grid widget for CPTs to the archive template

Find the Listing Grid widget and drag-n-drop it to the page. Select the created listing (here,  Listing Tours) from the Listing drop-down menu.

adding the listing grid widget to archive templates

Move the Use as Archive template toggle. Apply stylish options to the listing grid as necessary.

This tutorial overviews  All Listing Grid Widget Options

Update the template.

Adding the Mega Menu settings

Navigate to the Appearance > Menus tab of the WordPress dashboard. Users can create a new menu or add the filter and the built listing item for categories to a previously developed menu.

Here the Menu_for_prefiltered_results was built based on the Continent page.

Read How to Create Menu in WordPress Dashboard in this tutorial.

menu settings

Press the Settings tab to unroll it. Move the Use Mega Content toggle. Press the “Edit Mega content” button.

mega menu settings

Adding the filter and the built listing item

The opened pop-up window allows adding widgets to the MegaMenu. Divide the window into sections using the Inner Section widget, and add the built checkbox filter (here, filter_for_continents) and the built listing item for categories (here, Continents list).

Read How to Create a Mega Menu in Elementor in this tutorial.

Apply the redirection to the archive template

Add the Apply Button widget to provide the redirection to the page with pre-filtered results after clicking on the category.

Move the Apply Redirect toggle and add the redirect path to the previously built archive template in the Redirect Path field (here, Continent_archive).

applying the redirection to archive templates

The tutorial explains How to Set Up a Redirect Path to Filter Results Page.

Adding the built listing item for categories

Drag and drop the Listing Grid widget to the mega menu. Add the created listing item for categories to the mega menu.

adding the built listing item for categories

Image Source: A Gateway to Countries and Nations of the World

Close the pop-up window and save the menu.

Adding the menu to the header

Navigate to the Crocoblock > Theme Templates tab. Open the existing header template or create a new one.

Read How to Create a Custom WordPress Header with JetThemeCore.

Here the current template (Header) was used.

Add the Mega Menu widget to the page. Select the previously built menu (here, Menu_for_prefiltered_results) from the Select Menu for Desktop drop-down menu.

adding the menu to the header

Image Source: A Gateway to Countries and Nations of the World

Apply the Header to the Archive Template and Specify the Visibility Conditions

Applying the header to the archive template

Navigate to the Crocoblock > ThemeBuilder tab. 

Navigate to the archive template (here, Continent_archive), press the “+Add Header” button, and choose the header from the library.

applying the header to the archive template

Read  How to Create Archive and Single Templates for Custom Post Type in this tutorial.

Applying visibility conditions

Navigate to the Crocoblock > Theme Parts tab. Find the built archive template (here, Continent_archive), and press the “Edit Condition” tab. Select the Include, Entire, and Entire Site settings from the appropriate drop-down menus.

applying visibility conditions

Press the “Save Conditions”button  to save changes.

Displaying Prefiltered Results from the Menu

Open any page of the site. Unroll the mega menu and select the appropriate option.

mega menu with filters and listing grids

Image Source: A Gateway to Countries and Nations of the World

The page will redirect to the filtered results.

displaying prefiltered results from the menu

That’s all about displaying prefiltered results from the menu in Elementor.

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