JetPlugins Full Feature List

Dynamic Content
Profile Builder / Membership
Form Builder
Rest API
Advanced Filters
Website Search
Mega Menu
Theme Builder
Booking functionality
Appointment functionality
Popup Builder
Reviews & Comments
Design Content
Custom Woo Pages
  • Integrations
  • PRO Addons
  • Dynamic Templates
  • Customer Account Pages
  • Thank You Page
  • Checkout Page
  • Product Gallery
  • Shopping Cart
  • Compare & Wishlist
  • Product Page
  • Catalog Page
  • Design Templates
  • Display and Organize Content
  • Visual Effects
  • Interactive Widgets
  • Content Widgets
  • Data Visualization
  • Embed
  • Post Grids & Layouts
  • Manage Reviews
  • Customer Product / Provider Review
  • Manage Appointments
  • Manage Bookings
  • Custom Header/Footer
  • Website Menu
  • Booking Filters
  • Product Filters
  • Dynamic Website Structure
  • Listings
  • Account
  • Content Visibility
  • Dynamic Widgets
  • Front-End Forms

Dynamic Content

Geosearch based on user geolocation
Displays posts, terms, users, CCT items within a location radius of a user who shared geolocation on a website.
  • JetEngine
  • JetSmartFilters
Google, Openstreet, Photon, Bing, Leaflet, Mapbox maps
Select the needed front-end or geocoding provider to display map listings.
  • JetEngine
Relationship Builder
Create complex relations between CPT, CCT, users, taxonomies. Add meta fields to fill the relations info.
  • JetEngine
Charts Builder
Arranges the dynamic data into the charts of different types: bar, area, pie, line, bubble, geo, histogram etc.
  • JetEngine
Tables Builder
Allows creating dynamic data tables with posts, products, users, terms, comments and SQL data.
  • JetEngine
Extended Query Loop
Adds dynamic to a loop by enabling the JetEngine dynamic fields set up into the basic Query Loop block.
  • JetEngine
Query Builder
Set complex queries on the backend and apply them to posts, users, terms, comments, SQL tables, REST API.
  • JetEngine
SEO for Custom Post Type
Enable the RankMath and Yoast SEO integration for the custom meta field types: Text, Textarea, and WYSIWYG.
  • JetEngine
Ability to create a set of Meta data and use it as a source for options in any CPT, form and filter.
  • JetEngine
Custom Post Types
Custom content type by analogy with post and page. Manage the website’s content and make it structured.
  • JetEngine
Custom Content Types
Create the database tables storing CCT metadata. Query and export data faster to save server resources.
  • JetEngine
Custom Fields
Expand the custom post types with the 18 meta field types. Add them to the CPTs to display attributes.
  • JetEngine
Repeater Custom Field
Multiply content for the post, product, single page to add one more guest, team member, social icons.
  • JetEngine
Custom Meta Boxes
Group the custom meta fields to add extra information to posts, taxonomies, CPTs, WP user.
  • JetEngine
Custom Taxonomies & Terms
Сategorize the Posts Types, products and pages according to any clasification characteristics
  • JetEngine
Options Page
Create and manage any global website data in one place like company address, or phone number.
  • JetEngine
Posts Relations (legacy)
Interrelate different custom post types by choosing the relevant type of relations.
  • JetEngine
Data Stores
A personal data repository for every end-user. Store any post collections such as wishlists, favorites, likes.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Field Widget
Present the data from meta fields, either the plain text, gallery, or QR code, to the Listing item, single page.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Image Widget
Display featured image of the current post, meta field from CPT, MetaBox, Options, Taxonomy, User profile.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Repeater Widget
Pull out the JetEngine or ACF built repeating blocks, for the custom post types or taxonomies.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Link Widget
Add links to redirect the user from listing item to a single post, options and profile page.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Terms Widget
Show the taxonomy the posts belong to, or terms list in the listing. Link it to navigate to the terms archive pages.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Meta Widget
Display the default meta information, such as the publishing date, author, and information about comments.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Listing Grid
Set dynamic listings, show them via grid, masonry, slider, carousel layouts and add alternative listing items.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Listing Map
Display the dynamic content on map, change the style and filter the map’s content.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Listing Calendar
Showcase the dynamic event calendar using listings with all the meta fields needed for timetables.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Content Visibility
Set content visibility for the elements on a page, based on meta fields’ values, user data, and other rules.
  • JetEngine
Conditional Logic for Custom Fields
Configure the visibility of certain meta fields, according to the dynamic rules you set.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Function
Set the dynamic calculations to your listings to showcase the avarage or min/max, summed, count field values.
  • JetEngine
Dynamic Tag
Display the post count, average reviews rating, or price per day/night from the meta fields to the widgets.
  • JetEngine
Show the child-related posts or exclude category term in the listing grid, map listings, advanced calendar.
  • JetEngine
ACF, Elementor Pro, WPML – 3rd Party Plugin Integration
ACF, Elementor Pro, WPML
  • JetEngine
Shortcodes Generator
Generate shortcode to output JetEngine-related data anywhere in content
  • JetEngine
Skins Manager
Import and export the previously created CPTs, meta fields, terms, user info from one website to another.
  • JetEngine

Profile Builder / Membership

Dynamic Multi-Vendor Marketplace Templates
Real Estate Marketplace, Car Dealer Marketplace, Vacation Rental Marketplace
Custom Templates for Profile Pages
Set up the pages that your Account will contain: account, users, and single user pages.
  • JetEngine
  • JetThemeCore
Account Pages
Registered users get an account page from where they can access all his/her posts, payments, comments etc.
  • JetEngine
Account Profile Menu Widget
Adds menu items: User Posts, Add New Post, User Settings, or custom ones to navigate the Account page.
  • JetEngine
Profile Page
Build a custom Single User page with all the contact info, own listings and favorite posts.
  • JetEngine
Profile page (End-User Editable)
Allows front-end editing of the added content on a profile page directly.
  • JetEngine
Restrict Admin Area Access
Make default WordPress admin area accessible only for selected user roles.
  • JetEngine
Post Publishing Rules by Roles
Sets maximum allowed posts count to insert by user roles and adds ‘posts limit reached’ custom message.
  • JetEngine
Permalinks Structure
Built custom permalinks of user’s public pages: by username, nickname, or user ID to get the dynamic URL.
  • JetEngine
Sample Profile Pages
Import presets: user profile with editable content and editable user settings page for user profile.
  • JetEngine

Form Builder

PayPal recurring payments
Provides the PayPal recurring payments option. Allows creating payment forms for the subscriptions.
  • JetFormBuilder
Form Records
Allows viewing all form entries and checking the submission status from the WordPress dashboard directly.
  • JetFormBuilder
Hierarchical Select field
Showcases the terms from the hierarchical taxonomy as the items in a select form field.
  • JetFormBuilder
Form Patterns
Add ready-structured forms to a site: Contact, Register, Profile, Subscribe, Application, Booking forms.
  • JetFormBuilder
Global Form Macros
Allows adding the form values into another form fields labels, description, etc.
  • JetFormBuilder
WooCommerce Cart & Checkout Action
Enables Add to Cart option for one product and direct checkout for WooCommerce.
  • JetFormBuilder
Advanced Color Picker
Adds Color Picker built-in form field avanced options as color opacity, HEX and RGB color code.
  • JetFormBuilder
User Login
Adds User Login form to a site with login, pass, remember me checkbox fields. Supports secure cookies.
  • JetFormBuilder
Generate number range
Generates the numbers range in the form field dynamically. Supports Checkbox, Select & Radio Field.
  • JetFormBuilder
Inline fields editing
Allows editing fields’ labels and descriptions for all field types, submit button, form break in a page editor.
  • JetFormBuilder
WooCommerce Cart & Checkout Action
Enables Add to Cart option for one product and direct checkout for WooCommerce.
  • JetFormBuilder
Advanced Color Picker
Adds Color Picker built-in form field avanced options as color opacity, HEX and RGB color code.
  • JetFormBuilder
User Login
Adds User Login form to a site with login, pass, remember me checkbox fields. Supports secure cookies.
  • JetFormBuilder
Generate number range
Generates the numbers range in the form field dynamically. Supports Checkbox, Select & Radio Field.
  • JetFormBuilder
Required Fields
Adds Required Mark to any form field to make it obligatory for user to be filled in.
  • JetFormBuilder
Masked input (Placeholder text)
Creates first level of data validation and guides the user through the data format shown as the masked input.
  • JetFormBuilder
File uploads
Allows users to submit media, images, documents, audio, and video files through the form.
  • JetFormBuilder
reCAPTCHA v3 form validation
Enables the spam-prevention for your site starting from your form.
  • JetFormBuilder
Multi-Сolumn Form Layouts
Organizes multiple form fields into several columns to make the long-form structured and more compact.
  • JetFormBuilder
AJAX loading for form
Allows to submit the form without a page refresh for better user experience.
  • JetFormBuilder
Custom form styling
Customize your form the way you want: style up every form field or apply the style settings to the whole form.
  • JetFormBuilder
Select Autocomplete field
Lets the auto-loading of the field values via AJAX in the Select field input.
  • JetFormBuilder
Save Progress during Form Completion
Enables storing the form calculations, triggered fields conditions, active steps on multi-step in Local storage.
  • JetFormBuilder
Address Autocomplete field
Supports Geocode, Address, Establishment, Region, Cities and multiple countries restrictions.
  • JetFormBuilder
Limit form submissions by submission quantity
Control the number of the form submissions by indicating the desired responses quantity.
  • JetFormBuilder
Limit form submissions by User Attributtes
Restrain the users’ form submissions by IP address, Cookie value, Session value, and the “logged-in” status.
  • JetFormBuilder
Double booking prevention
Anti-double booking feature. Enables the date check up during the form submission and before rendering.
  • JetFormBuilder
Scheduled form display
Plan when you need to display or hide the form: day, time, or to make it visible within a certain timeframe.
  • JetFormBuilder
Moosend Integration
Helps to manage the subscribers. Prevents email sign up duplication, if the same email is registered already.
  • JetFormBuilder
HubSpot Integration
Adds a new approach to email marketing by organizing the contact through the CRM platform.
  • JetFormBuilder
MailPoet Integration
Improves subscribers’ data management in the WP Dashboard directly.
  • JetFormBuilder
ConverKit Action integration
Lets to perform the email marketing workflow easier by creating mailing lists and custom form fields.
  • JetFormBuilder
MailerLite integration
Enables to group the subscribers and start the email marketing campaigns in an organized way.
  • JetFormBuilder
Stripe. Payment integration
Add Stripe payments to your form to enable product orders, purchasing memberships, book events, tours etc.
  • JetFormBuilder
PayPal. Payment Integration
Allows enabling the PayPal Payment Gateway and customize its settings: notifications queues, messages etc.
  • JetFormBuilder
GetResponse integration
Operates the email marketing processes and automate them to the full.
  • JetFormBuilder
Make integration
Provides the connection between the form on your site and the Make app to automate the data flow.
  • JetFormBuilder
Zapier integration
Transfers data from form to Zapier in order to connect to multiple web applications.
  • JetFormBuilder
ActiveCampaign integration
Links the form with the ActiveCampaign account to perform the marketing automations.
  • JetFormBuilder
MailChimp integration
Sync the created forms to MailChimp marketing platform to autoate your marketing via contact form etc.
  • JetFormBuilder
Webhooks & Hooks
Webhook links a form to 3rd party apps. Form action provides WP action and WP filter to perform a hook.
  • JetFormBuilder
Send Email (post submit action)
Once the form is submitted the user receive custom or admin email, or email from submitted form field.
  • JetFormBuilder
Redirect to Page (post submit action)
Allows redirecting user after the form was submitted to any static page, custom URL or current page.
  • JetFormBuilder
Register & Update User (post submit action)
Get all required fields to build a complete user registration or update form with only one click.
  • JetFormBuilder
Personalized messages (shortcode, macros)
Allows to customize the error notifications, restriction messages by adding shortcodes or/and macros.
  • JetFormBuilder
Success, Validation, Error Messages
Make the submission messages fully custom. For cases when the form is successfully or failed to submit etc.
  • JetFormBuilder
Multi-Step Forms with Step indicator
Allows filling the information in several small steps in the form and helps to organize the form better.
  • JetFormBuilder
Form output via Shortcodes (any page builder)
Use the form’s shortcode to add it via any page builder to the front-end.
  • JetFormBuilder
Form output (Gutenberg & Elementor)
Pulls out the form fields to the front end via Gutenber or Elementor page builders in an organized way.
  • JetFormBuilder
Pre-filled Dynamic Values for Form Fields
Pre-set form field value is an option to add the autofill according to the settings you apply on the backend.
  • JetFormBuilder
Calculated Content
Counts CPT or form meta field values with the help of the different math formulas based on macros.
  • JetFormBuilder
Conditional Logic
Apply one or multiple rules for every form field: show or hide the field, or fill it with pre-set data.
  • JetFormBuilder
Conditional Fields Visibility
Specify the visibility for every field in the form for different users: all, only logged in, or not-logged in.
  • JetFormBuilder
Repeater Form Field
Allows to add the groups of fields to the front-end form and count the value for every row.
  • JetFormBuilder
Form Fields
Set and customize forms with the help of various field types that can work with any kinds of requests.
  • JetFormBuilder

Rest API

Rest API Endpoint Management for CCT
Activates/Deactivates JSON REST API endpoints for CCT. Allows to add, edit, delete CCT items with the REST API.
  • JetEngine
REST API Listings
Allows pulling out the data from third-party sources to the Listing Grid widget with the help of the JSON API.
  • JetEngine
REST API Notifications/ Actions for Forms
Configure authorization parameters: custom body of API request in JSON format, dynamic part of URL request.
  • JetEngine

Advanced Filters

Multiple field keys filtration
Use several meta field keys to filter the posts according to several meta fields’ data.
  • JetSmartFilters
Alphabet filter
Filters the posts title via alphabet look filter with the checkbox or radio type behaviour.
  • JetSmartFilters
Permalinks Structure for filters
Obtain the needed filter URL structure in the adress bar by picking Plain or Permalink options.
  • JetSmartFilters
Date Period Filter
Filters the posts or products by post or meta date using periods like day, week, month, year, custom range.
  • JetSmartFilters
WooCommerce, ACF. 3rd Party Integrations
Filters ACF, Pods, CPT UI meta fields within the Listing Grid, and WooCommerce products.
  • JetSmartFilters
Filer & display multiple providers
Filter several widgets of different providers like Map Listing and Listing Grid placed to the same page.
  • JetSmartFilters
AJAX Loading for filters
Gets the search results right away after the filtration applied without reloading the page.
  • JetSmartFilters
Faceted Search System
Allows users to apply multiple filters and add the redirect path to the already filtered results page.
  • JetSmartFilters
Indexer (Auto Count / Dynamic Count)
Adds dynamic counter to the filter’s options, hides or disables them if there are no results matched.
  • JetSmartFilters
Hierarchy Select
Combines several filters in a hierarchy to show relative path. Organizes category filter and its subcategories.
  • JetSmartFilters
Improves the navigation through the products grid or posts by dividing the result of filtering or search into pages.
  • JetSmartFilters
Active Tags, Remove filters, Active Filters
Display the already chosen filters, deactivating each tag, or all at once by clicking Remove filters button.
  • JetSmartFilters
Sorting Filter
Set ascending or descending order of the posts and products based on different values: date, title, rating etc.
  • JetSmartFilters
Checkboxes Filter
Put the check mark in the box from the list of options to get the posts or products filtered out.
  • JetSmartFilters
Select Filter
Filters terms, meta fields, custom fields and posts, allows to pick one option from drop-down list at a time.
  • JetSmartFilters
Range Filter
Use slider to sort posts or products in between the values. Perfect for Woo prices, posts’ custom field values.
  • JetSmartFilters
Check Range
Set the diapason of Min/Max values based on the numeric meta field to filter the posts or products.
  • JetSmartFilters
Date Range
Pick From – To dates in the calendars to get posts or products with matching Date values from meta field.
  • JetSmartFilters
Radio Filter
The single-select filter type allows picking only one option at a time. Has Add all feature to show all variants.
  • JetSmartFilters
Search Filter
Allows searching words or phrases through the content by manually inputting needed words into the field.
  • JetSmartFilters
Visual Filter
Display the filtering options with visual elements: add color from icon-picker or your own image.
  • JetSmartFilters
Rating Filter
Filter the products on a shop page by rating and sort items in the Listing Grid by the CPT’s meta field value.
  • JetSmartFilters

Website Search

AJAX Search Form in Header
Add AJAX Search Form into the header directly in order to view this section on the entire site.
  • JetSearch
  • JetThemeCore
Search Results Page
Create an archive template where the organized and styled up search results would be displayed.
  • JetSearch
  • JetThemeCore
Search Results Preview Styling
Customize the placeholder, button, appearance of the search results, add pagination and notifications.
  • JetSearch
Search Query Parameters
Organize the search results show up by relevance, specify the search by certain post types, terms, field key etc.
  • JetSearch
AJAX Search Form
Searches based on terms, categories, tags, and custom fields via site’s content faster with AJAX.
  • JetSearch

Mega Menu

Export & Import options for mega menu
Pull out the menu style and other settings into a JSON file and then import this file to another site’s menu.
  • JetMenu
Save and Apply previously created style settings
Create and save different menus’ style presets and use them for several menu locations.
  • JetMenu
AJAX loading for mega menu
Get the MegaMenu content loads right away, either there are simple menu sub-items, or Mega submenus.
  • JetMenu
Custom menus for different pages
Assign various menus with unique content and styling to different pages or sections of the site.
  • JetMenu
Mobile menu
Set up a desktop-independent mobile menu with dissimilar menu items content, style for desktop and mobile.
  • JetMenu
Place any content to the submenu: stores, multimedia, contacts, blog, dynamic content, templates.
  • JetMenu
Hamburger menu
Allows displaying the menu on a desktop, tablet, and mobile in a toggle view mode.
  • JetMenu
Vertical menu
Set the menu vertically, so it goes from top to bottom on the side panel of the site.
  • JetMenu
Horizontal menu
Add the horizontal layout of the MegaMenu and align its items from left to right, or center them out.
  • JetMenu

Theme Builder

Templates output based on user roles
Include or exclude user roles for whom certain Gutenberg or Elementor page templates would be displayed.
  • JetThemeCore
Responsive page templates
Specify the device or multiple devices the Gutenberg or Elementor page templates would be visible.
  • JetThemeCore
Templates display based on URL
Output the custom Gutenberg or Elementor template to a specific page or pages based on their URL.
  • JetThemeCore
Error 404 Page
Set custom 404 Page in Gutenber or Elementor to let users know about the broken link or mistyped page addres.
  • JetThemeCore
Fill up the site with the theme parts: About us, Blog, Services, Pricing table, etc. via Gutenber or Elementor.
  • JetThemeCore
Add a layout via Gutenber or Elementor to display all the posts based by month, year, category, CPTs.
  • JetThemeCore
Single Page
Build the single page template via Gutenber or Elementor from scratch with the custom structure.
  • JetThemeCore
Header & Footer
Create custom footers and headers, style them up, and set the target location to display each of them on.
  • JetThemeCore
Basic Navigation Menu
Place simple menu in the header or footer, set vertical or horizontal layout, play with toggle and items’ style.
  • JetBlocks
Hamburger Panel for Content & Multimedia
Define custom template in a Hamburger panel to provide easy access to any site’s part with a click.
  • JetBlocks
Search Bar in menu
Add Search widget to the header and display results from posts or products in a popup or archive template.
  • JetBlocks
Display and customize the full or minified path leading to the website’s pages.
  • JetBlocks
Site Logo menu icon
Present the site logo in an image or text form in the header and make it linked to the homepage.
  • JetBlocks
Login/Register Links
Allows users to log in, log out, register at site with the help of Authorization Links widget in the header.
  • JetBlocks
Login/Register menu icons
Showcase the Login and Registration form widgets in a header and provide the user’s verification with Captcha.
  • JetBlocks
Shopping Cart menu Icon
Add WooCommerce Shopping Cart to the header to show the number of the chosen items and total sum.
  • JetBlocks
Sticky Header
Make a header sticky to show it on the top of your page and speed up the navigation through the website.
  • JetBlocks
  • JetThemeCore

Booking functionality

Seasonal pricing
Charge different prices for booking during the high or low season or any holiday.
  • JetBooking
Weekend pricing
Set up special price for weekends, or any other days on a regular basis.
  • JetBooking
Dynamic Booking Templates
Grand hotel Booking, Mini-hotel Booking, Travel Agency Booking, Car Rental Booking
Units Manager
Numbers of possible bookings for same type of room on the same dates.
  • JetBooking
Sync Calendar
Sync the schedule and automate the processes by integration with iCal, Google Calendar, Make, Zapier.
  • JetBooking
WooCommerce. Payment Integration
Use a pre-configured WooCommerce checkout and handle all payments effortlessly.
  • JetBooking
Calculate booking Per nights / Per days
Calculate the booking period depending on the last booked date: whether it is included or not.
  • JetBooking
Booking Rates Based on the Length of Stay
Set the price variation according to a number of booked days: the longer the stay, the lower the per-night rate.
  • JetBooking
Booking Rates per person
The opportunity to set different booking rates for the same property depending on a number of guests.
  • JetBooking
Weekly bookings / One-day booking
Establish the periods that are meant to be booked. Allows booking a stay on a weekly or daily basis.
  • JetBooking
Quickstart plugin installation
A step-by-step Wizard functionality allows to readily manage the booking settings.
  • JetBooking
Price Calculation
Set the automatic price calculator and add the total price field to the booking form.
  • JetBooking
+1 Traveller
Allows attaching as many people as wanted to a single booking form and provide their personal details.
  • JetBooking
Extra services for booking form
Determine additional services or specials coming optionally, which can raise the service’s initial price.
  • JetBooking
Booking Form & Availability Calendar
Build a booking form to get the details needed for the order. Add a calendar to showcase the available dates.
  • JetBooking

Appointment functionality

Range Schedule Type
Adds Time Picker to the calendar, allowing to set the start/end time of the appointment manually.
  • JetAppointment
Recurring appointments
Allows booking repeating appointments for every day, week, month, and year.
  • JetAppointment
Price per hour/minute
Configure the service price to be calculated per hour or minute.
  • JetAppointment
Price per provider slot
Set up the individual price for every provider. It has a higher priority than the service price.
  • JetAppointment
Minimum time required before booking
Define time before a slot to avoid last-minute bookings, when visitors can submit the appointment.
  • JetAppointment
Multi Booking
Enables booking several appointments at different times and different days.
  • JetAppointment
Dynamic Appointment Templates
Spa Appointment, Medical Appointment, Barbershop Appoinment
Google calendar integration
Automate the processes and add the appointments to a Google calendar.
  • JetAppointment
WooCommerce. Payment Integration
Numerous WooCommerce modules are integrated. Get automate the payment solutions easily.
  • JetAppointment
Quickstart plugin installation
A guided Wizard helps to set up the schedule, add fields to the forms, customize Providers & Services fast.
  • JetAppointment
Availability Calendar
Show up the available, booked dates, days off and appointment capacity in a calendar directly.
  • JetAppointment
Appointment Capacity
Increase or decrease the number of available spots for a specific time slot.
  • JetAppointment
Buffer Time
Arrange the buffer time between appointments: for extra time to get ready for the next service session.
  • JetAppointment
Days off
Define custom availability rules for each calendar date or specific hours and set holidays & days off.
  • JetAppointment
Working hours
Adjust the default schedule with working hours for all the services in one place.
  • JetAppointment
Multiple service providers
Assign multiple providers, their dedicated profiles, and the calendar to display their time slots.
  • JetAppointment
Multiple services
Add different services and configure individual duration, price, and other parameters.
  • JetAppointment

Popup Builder

Interactive popup library
Gamify your content with 50+ Interactive popup templates for Elementor.
  • JetElements
  • JetPopup
Product Quick View
Allows to preview the goods in the products grid and get the details about an item from a popup window.
  • JetPopup
  • JetWooBuilder
Dynamic info output from option page
Create a dynamic popup with the content from the Option pages’ fields and display the special offer on a site.
  • JetPopup
  • JetEngine
Popup templates collection
Over 150 ready-to-go popup templates for Elementor. Suit any purpose, marketing activity, and business.
  • JetPopup
3rd Party Services Integration (Mail Chimp)
Display a multi-field MailChimp form in a popup to provide a subscription option for a user in a handy way.
  • JetPopup
Export/Import popup .json format
Save already created popup and export into a JSON file in order to import it to any website in one click.
  • JetPopup
Popup Action Button
Add an action button to a popup, so the user could make a choice or could be redirected to another page.
  • JetPopup
Animation Effects
Choose the animation effect the popup opens with: zoom, fade, slide and even bounce are available.
  • JetPopup
Conditions / Triggers
Set popup display settings on the entire site, page, post. Pick trigger to open it on a button click and so on.
  • JetPopup
Custom Popup Layout
Create a popup from scratch: build custom structure and use multiple style settings.
  • JetPopup

Reviews & Comments

Rating Metadata (Filter by Avarage Rating)
Filter posts by metadata, get percent value into rating scale, sync rating data between old and new posts.
  • JetReviews
Use reCAPTCHA v3 form verification to protect the site from fraudulent reviewers.
  • JetReviews
Registered leave a review
Allow only registered users to leave products and posts reviews to avoid sharing non-related experiences.
  • JetReviews
Review Pagination
Split the long reviews’ threads with multiple comments using pagination for better navigation.
  • JetReviews
Reviewer info/ Author verification
Assign verification types: Guest, Customer, Manager to make it clear to whom belong reviews/comments.
  • JetReviews
Dynamic Tag (Reviews)
Show reviews with real user data – name, profile picture, rating – and relevant stats on other pages.
  • JetReviews
Reviews & Comments moderation via dashboard
Approve any submitted comment and review on hold, edit, undo approval or delete them if needed.
  • JetReviews
Custom Rating Scales (stars, points, %)
Stick to a rating system you prefer and display user reviews as stars, points, or percent.
  • JetReviews
Overall Review Rating
Focus on the complete picture: total reviews, both reviews’ and posts’ average ratings, all reviews’ ranking.
  • JetReviews
Multiple Rating Parameters
Create a tell-all rating system for every product/service and let users rate them by the pre-defined criteria.
  • JetReviews
Review Responses / Comments
Allow users to evaluate the review, or get in touch with the reviewer by leaving a comment or respond to it.
  • JetReviews
Review Like/Dislike
Bring Likes/Dislikes into play and let the Guests change their Like to Dislike and vice versa anytime they want.
  • JetReviews
Frontend Review Submission by Roles
Decide who you want to leave reviews and comments – Author, Customer, Shop manager, or even Guest.
  • JetReviews
Review Form
Build custom review form with the needed fields: title, description, rating etc. Set labels and style everything up.
  • JetReviews

Design Content

Section Parallax
Apply parallax effects to any element on a page. Create multiple layers and assign a stand-alone effect to each.
  • JetElements
  • JetTricks
Hover an item to get the little window that shows up with any content: text, images, icons, forms.
  • JetElements
  • JetTricks
Design Templates
Install one of the 47 static design templates, fit it to any type of the project by customizing every detail.
Inline SVG
Display the SVG files format like logos, images, buttons, maps, etc. with high performance and no quality loss.
  • JetElements
Download & Link Buttons
Add a button to a page, specify ID of media library element which will be downloaded on button click.
  • JetElements
Allows folding and unfolding the section with the button in order to show more or less content.
  • JetTricks
Read More
Creates the effect of in-series content addition with a click on a button on any page type.
  • JetTricks
Tabs Vertical & Horizontal
Navigate between multiple custom templates on a page by clicking or hovering the tab controls.
  • JetTabs
Shift from one template to another with a click in order to compare two different content blocks.
  • JetTabs
Accordion Blocks
Place any type of content, including the templates, on the page in a compact block-item way.
  • JetTabs
Sticky Column
Allows any content like image, button, text or even video to remain stationary when scrolling the page up and down.
  • JetTricks
Creative Headline
Use versatile typography settings, classic, gradient text colors and decorative elements in the text.
  • JetElements
Satellite Text or Image
Overlay an extra element, either text, image, or icon, before or after the widget’s content.
  • JetTricks
Animated Text
Add animation effects to a heading, paste URL in it, set the needed delay time, split type etc.
  • JetElements
Scrolling Effect / Vertical Scroll
Allows switching from section to section within a page by adding vertical pagination along the sections.
  • JetElements
Section Particles
Generate the custom JSON code to liven up the sections with animated particles effect on the background.
  • JetTricks
Add an image and place the markers on it with extra information that appears on a hover or a click.
  • JetTricks
Image Comparison Slider
Make the Before/After effect, comparing two media files. Set divider, arrorws and slider mode if needed.
  • JetElements
Animated Flip Box
Present content on both sides of an animated flip box, insert links and icons, use different animation styles.
  • JetElements
Subscription Form (Mail Chimp)
Add the MailChimp subscribe form to a website to let the visitors input an e-mail and subscribe to the newsletter.
  • JetElements
Contact Form 7
Create versatile forms to allow visitors to get in touch with you and receive the users’ feedbacks.
  • JetElements
Lottie Files
Choose an external URL or upload a JSON file to add animated elements to the site. Set its effects and behavour.
  • JetElements
Instagram Feed
Display tagged photos or ones from the profile and pick an appropriate layout: masonry, grid or list.
  • JetElements
Weather Widget
Showcase weather conditions: air temperature, precipitation, wind speed, for any location in real-time.
  • JetElements
Video Player (YouTube, Vimeo)
Configure YouTube, Vimeo or custom videos without copying HTML code and editing scripts.
  • JetElements
Audio Player
Upload MP3 audio format files or add the external URL, display the controls, and apply the styles.
  • JetElements
Advanced Map (Google Map)
Create and apply a Google map to the site, add pins to show the required location, and define the zoom settings
  • JetElements
Text Ticker
Display the recent post titles with continuous animation to make it look like a news ticker.
  • JetBlog
Countdown timer
Announce the upcoming events by denoting the start-to-finish timing and adding different countdown formats.
  • JetElements
Price List
Add a fully customizable price list to the site, including items with icons or images and style everything up.
  • JetElements
Pricing Table
Set the pricing plans into the table with features and buttons. Pick the layout: columns, grid, custom table.
  • JetElements
Post the reviews and feedback from the users as a tell-all grid, scrollable slider, or laconic single.
  • JetElements
Move smoothly or set the autoplay for the content blocks with title, description, and linked button.
  • JetElements
Display the images with the needed information and draw the visitors’ attention with the animation effects.
  • JetElements
Logo showcase
Include the block with the brands’, partners’ or clients’ logos to the site and add links to them.
  • JetElements
Describe the company’s services in an arranged way: add title, header, description, icon, and set their order.
  • JetElements
Team Member
Demonstrate every member of the team providing the custom team card structure and style it up easily.
  • JetElements
Responsive Tables
Organize the data by breaking it down into cells, rows, columns. Make it responsive to allow horizontal scroll.
  • JetElements
Horizontal & Vertical Timeline
Add the timelines either vertical or horizontal to display events, projects, roadmap chronologically.
  • JetElements
Progress Bar & Circle Progress
Visualize the progress values using the bar or circle layout with the animation effects.
  • JetElements
Bar & Pie Chart
Showcase the essential data in a form of charts: pie, donut, horizontal, vertical bars corresponding to values.
  • JetElements
Video Playlist
Add a video to your website and display it using the link to Vimeo, Youtube in a custom or default layout.
  • JetBlog
Posts Lists
Get and query the posts in a list layout, mark the featured post if needed, easily customize these text blocks.
  • JetBlog
Posts Tiles
Personalize the look of the posts in a beneficial style with built-in layouts, show post terms, and other data.
  • JetBlog
Portfolio Gallery (Images Grid Layout)
Add versatile images or photos choosing an appropriate layout: masonry, grid, justify or list.
  • JetElements
Image Carousel
Create image carousels to display images as a slider with multiple items and pagination or navigation elements
  • JetElements
Posts Grid
Display the posts in an organized grid layout. Sort them out by categories, IDs, publishing date etc.
  • JetElements
Flexible Posts Grid
Place posts, products, pages, terms and tags in any order and change the size, seeing the result instantly.
  • JetGridBuilder

Custom Woo Pages

Product gallery lightbox
Enables Full-Screen mode, shows up counter, arrows, and Share with the Download image buttons.
  • JetProductGallery
Product modern gallery widget
Outputs product images in a modern gallery layout: tasteful vertical template for your goods.
  • JetProductGallery
Product gallery grid widget
Adds gallery element in the form of a grid to your single product page with product images and video.
  • JetProductGallery
Product gallery anchor navigation widget
Showcase product photos in a gallery layout with simple and solid anchor navigation.
  • JetProductGallery
Product gallery slider widget
Displays product images in a gallery slider. Allows adding pagination dots and arrows navigation.
  • JetProductGallery
Product image zoom
Zoom your product image on Hover and set its magnifying scale without CSS.
  • JetProductGallery
Custom gallery images
Manually upload or add images from your WP Media Library to your product gallery.
  • JetProductGallery
Featured product video
Allows adding Youtube, Vimeo, or self-hosted video via URL to the Product Gallery on a page or in a popup.
  • JetProductGallery
Custom Product Query
Build WooCommerce product queries based on SKU, tags, prices, measurements, stock, tax, rating, etc.
  • JetWooBuilder
  • JetEngine
Dynamic E-Commerce Templates
E-Commerce Shop, E-Commerce Book Store
Log in/Log out
Add the identification steps: fill in the username and password, click log in and log out buttons in the account.
  • JetWooBuilder
Registration Form/Sign up
Allows non-registered users to fill in the form and check via notification the company’s privacy policy page.
  • JetWooBuilder
Customer Account Pages
Create customizable My Account page for any user type. Add dashboard, orders, account details etc.
  • JetWooBuilder
Thank You Page
Add a Thank You page is to enumerate all the order details and confirm the purchase.
  • JetWooBuilder
Checkout Page
Checkout page covers a full order review, shipping and billing details, as well as a coupon form.
  • JetWooBuilder
Back to the Shop Button
Once the order is done, by clicking this button the customer redirects from cart to the shop page.
  • JetWooBuilder
Shopping Cart Page
It can store order details and Cross-Sell templates to let the client Update Cart and/or Continue Shopping.
  • JetWooBuilder
Compare & Wishlist Page
Allows to add the products to the favorites list or to get them to the comparison table.
  • JetCompareWishlist
Product Page Tabs
Showcase the structured products’ information in the tabs: full description, additional info, reviews.
  • JetWooBuilder
Related Products
Publish the products with the same categories and tags in relation to the displayed one on a single page.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Page Share Button
Share the products to the social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Google+.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Meta
Display SKU number, categories, tags of the product on the single product page and apply styling to them.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Images
Add the product featured image to the Single Product, customize its background color, border type etc.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Attributes
Present different sets of one product based on the WooCommerce variable product attributes.
  • JetWooBuilder
Compare & Wishlist Buttons / Counter
Create a page with the comparison table and let buyers rate, compare, and add products to faves.
  • JetCompareWishlist
Add to Cart Button
Allow the customer to buy products, put the Add to Cart button to a Single product page and Archive template.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Price
Add the product price and sale price to the Single and Archive Product templates.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Review, Rating & Comments
Let customers see the rating of the product and showcase the reviews on the product page directly.
  • JetReviews
Product Sale Badge
Set the sale price for products, display on a page and use special macros to show a discount’s percentage.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Tags
Assign tags to the products, display and style them up on the Archive template.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Title, Description
Pull out the default WooCommerce content to display the basic product information: title, description, excerpt.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Notifications
Allows to display the default WooCommerce notifications, messages, errors on the shop page.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Stock Status
Shows up the number of products in stock, out of stock, on back-order. Has changeable status labels’ text.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Thumbnail Navigation & Loop
Represent the product’s thumbnail, create a product loop with various images and add navigation arrows.
  • JetWooBuilder
Shop/Catalog Page Title, Description
Display product title and description on the Archive Product category page, customize and style them up.
  • JetWooBuilder
Shop/Catalog Page Layout Switcher
Change the product view from grid to list in a Products Loop. Pick template for secondary layout, icon etc.
  • JetWooBuilder
Shop/Catalog Page Listing Layout
Showcase WooCommerce products in grid or listing layout. Customize every detail and make them responsive.
  • JetWooBuilder
Shop/Catalog Page Pagination
Allows navigating via products by controls that lets the customer to go to the next or previous page.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Display Order
Add the drop-down filter with available sorting options like popularity, average rating, latest added items, price.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Counter
Indicates the number of products applied to a particular category. Adds symbols after and before the count.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Results Counter
Shows the general products’ quantity or the filtering product results on the shop page.
  • JetWooBuilder
Single Product Page
Build custom structure of a single product template by adding price, meta, picture and other widgets.
  • JetWooBuilder
Shop Page / Catalog Page
Create WooCommerce product shop page, add widgets to this archive template to pull the content out.
  • JetWooBuilder
Product Categories Grid & Tile
Showcase WooCommerce product categories in grid, tile layout or enable the carousel mode on the Shop page.
  • JetWooBuilder